Is someone born with a personality for being in sales or can you work on yourself to get there?
What's the personality type that can make you last the most in sales and who are the most likely people to get in?
Is someone born with a personality for being in sales or can you work on yourself to get there?
What's the personality type that can make you last the most in sales and who are the most likely people to get in?
aren't normies shit at listening? To my understanding at least in sales you have to have patience when listening to a customer
normies love the well socialized (symmetric) tall and psychopathic. Anything else is uncomfortable or unlucky... Bad for business.
How on earth can this be good for business ?
I think it helps to hate your life.
being a salesman is definitely a personality type. however you can definitely learn it.
Call all be learned, read influence by Robert Cialdini and take some trainingcourses or just buy LINK and wait.
No. You have to be able to TELL the customer what they need and them to believe you.
Depends on the customer. There are 6 archetypes. The trick is identifying which one your customer is and changing your sales pitch and personality to fit them. It isn't a one side fits all approach.
Where can one learn about those?
You can't really learn it desu. You can get close but if you aren't born with it you're gonna get left in the dust where ever you work.
On the other hand, you can be autistic as fuck and learn to get along with most people. I did security at a shopping center (huge store with police headquarters next door and a train station built into it as well) and was able to get along with almost everyone. I'm talking cops, rich people, drug addicts, jailbirds, normies, faggots, sluts - everyone.
But I wouldn't be able to pitch words fast enough for sales. You wouldn't be asking on Jow Forums in your 20's if you could, trust me. Just like sales people are fucking useless at everything else.
I have worked as a sales agent and sales manager /head of sales. Meaning, I have recruited fresh 18 yos and had to teach them sales.
I'm myself an introvert and went into sales with the expressed purpose of forcing myself out of my comfort zone.
The main factor in whether you're a good sales person is not your personality, it's HUNGER.
Do you want it bad enough? Or are you gonna lay back and chillax and just dont give a fuck, doing the bare minimum? Or are you going use that phone as a fucking weapon.
You dont need to pitch words fast as some retard is saying, the main thing is intelligibility, can they actually understand and comprehend and absorb what you're saying or are you just a retard spewing out words you have memorized?
There's a phenomenon that I call being a crocodile-salesman. A crocodile has a big ass fucking mouth but very tiny ears. You have no idea what you're talking about and just throwing out words fast is gonna destroy your metrics and not in a good way.
Moved from social work into project sales for a real estate, can confirm most sales agents don’t know their ass from their elbow when it comes to meaningful conversation. The real estate pros are teaching basics like fucking active listening and reflection of feeling because most sales people are that fucking hopeless. The kicker is all you have to do is talk to people like you care and build rapport
T. 1.5 in sales in the last week in an area where that is a good % of market movement (2 months actual real estate experience)
mall cop who can't learn and doesn't understand business
The flip side of this is you need to also have a unstoppable drive the kind that’s more common in low empathy people
"Just like sales people are fucking useless at everything else."
Sales knowledge can be applied to everything, you mongrel.
"Hey, lets go to mcdonalds instead of burgerking, BK sux donkey dick"
I'm now selling the concept of Mcdonalds to my friend.
"Why should we hire you?"
"Well I'm a fat fuck who doesnt do any actual job and I've been a mall cop for 15 years"
Here you failed selling yourself to the company.
"Why should we pick this business plan instead of JoeSchmoes?"
"Because this company needs to update its reachout to our key demographics and JoeSchmoes plan is fucking stupid"
I have now sold to my buss why he should promote me.
Any good resources for a sales newbie sensi - got formal education in social work and actively converting knowledge and skills to sales
Whats usual timeline for people in sales from starting to moving up etc? Assuming its up or out. Essentially average time to becoming somewhat proficient
i'm more or less self taught, so my teachings have just been based on my own experience really.
education dont matter shit and if a recruit came to me with some kind of sales academy on his resume I know that I'm going to have delete everything he thought is important and tell him whats necessary in practice.
whats central to someone in sales is the Need. In the beginning of every conversation, in every mail, every phone call, try to identify what this person Needs. Not wants or thinks is useful, because your customers is on average retards.
When you have identified that need, you want to offer a solution before the person asks for it.
Easy example, you get a phone call "Hey I have a family of five and we need a house" -> Their needs : several bathrooms, atleast four bedrooms etc.
I havent done real estate so I cant continue on that analogy.
I say there's four different personalitiies. You want to match the way you talk and behave and, if in person, your gait and your posture, with your customer. This builds trust and shit.
Very analytical mind, wants to go straight to business, will ask the tough questions.
Handle him by being analytical yourself, no small talk, numbers straight up etc.
Confrontational. Wants to take charge in the conversation. Ask you questions instead of the other way around. Annoying personality.
Handle him by letting him take charge, praise him when possible ("Good question! It works like this;) and no small talk.
Extrovert, friendly bases decisions on emotions more than facts and figures.
Handle him by painting a pretty picture "This yard looks lovely doesnt it, imagine having three kids brighten it up too!" not by saying "this is 3% cheaper than average homes in the area" or whatever.
Also extrovert and more emotionally based. Likes small talk. Difficult to close immediately, wants to think about it alot and get info home and not retun your calls and being an asshole in general.
Handle him by returning to the topic at hand on regular intervals. I teach that one must "keep a red thread", poorly translated. From the minotaur story where the woman lays out a thread to follow back. If the green person deviates from where you want to push the conversation, some small talk isnt inherently bad, just "Haha thats a funny story man. Dont want to take up too much of your time though, I was thinking how are you handling the house hunt so far?" or something.
What I like about sales is that its 100% performance based, I only give a shit about your numbers and nothing else. Depending on your metrics, you ma
What I like about sales is that its 100% performance based, I only give a shit about your numbers and nothing else. Depending on your metrics, you may advance quicker or slower.
At my previous job I came in as an agent and got promoted within four months to team leader and another six months from that head of sales because my numbers were excellent and I could express what was not doing great with our current boss and how I'd improve it.
Within sales, numbers is 100% everything all you should care about and all your bosses care about.
If you're not looking for promotion, just "when am i expected to be good" I would fire people within after 60 days if they havent met performance requirements. This is from start 0% experience to where they should be
Yea, more what I was looking for as a personal benchmark. Thanks
>I myself am an introvert
Kek so is johnny depp
Dual trade (mechanical and electrical) and engineer (associate degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering) and own a company that develops flight and weapon simulators what do you do in your spare time
60 days is just when i'd fire them, there'd be measures in place to make sure the agent is meeting performance requirements after a couple of weeks only.
Best way to benchmark yourself is against others in the company. Already in the beginning, decide for yourself "I'm going to be the top dawg in here." Not "oh i hope i become good!"
instead " I AM GOING TO BECOME TOP DOG". When I walked into my new workplace I asked who is the top seller and then I told him I'm going to knock him down a few pegs. Confidence is everything.
do or do not there is no try and when you have decided to do, then you just do. this mentality will help you.
who gives a flying fuck about johnny depp you fucking mall cop if you dont think introverts have a harder time in sales you're off your rocker
Cringiest post I've read in a month. You sound like you're impersonating Alec Baldwin from GGR.
im ok with that i did what i said i would
I have panic disorder and social anxiety induced autism don't tell me what it's like being an introvert, pole smoker
You see, I sit across from a man. I see his face. I see his eyes.
Now, does it matter if he wants a hundred dollars worth of paper or a hundred million dollars of deep sea fishing equipment?
Don't be a fool.
He wants respect. He wants love. He wants to be younger. He wants to be attractive.
There is no such thing as a product. Don't ever think there is.
There is only sex.
Everything is sex.