What did Microsoft mean by this?


>At DevCon4 we are pleased to release the Enclave-ready EVM (eEVM)
>Is a C++ implementation of the EVM that can run within a TEE/enclave which has no operating system dependencies and can “run out-of-the-box" in an enclave.
>Is “gas-less”, i.e., it does not compute gas during contract execution.
>Could execute in an enclave on the node or off-chain.
>Released under MIT License.
Sounds like chainlink

Attached: 7F2E41D0-C020-4C65-9F68-04A177CFB6D4.png (375x524, 255K)

Obviously it’s not chainlink but it does sound like some sort of competitor?

Doesn't sound like chainlink. In fact this is not good for chainlink. EVM = Ethereum Virtual Machine. The EVM is how smart contracts work, ethereum nodes execute arbitrary code in the EVM and write the results on chain. The whole point of gas fees in ETH are to pay for the cost of executing code in the EVM. As of now that's only meant that tokens could be deployed on chain.

However, they've introduced TEEs that run directly on the ethereum nodes. Do you understand the implications of this? I'll let your mind ponder on that for a bit.

Checked for nice fud.

If there's no gas, the network is easy to compromise?

Secure enclaves. You just need to pass the data in and out of the contract in a secure way. Hmm...


This is Enigma.

>MIT license
Is chainlink

>smartcontractkit/chainlink is licensed under the MIT License

Linkers is in for a hard day.

What's preventing you from creating a contract that would consume enormous amounts of gas? One of the testnets was killed that way

No gas costs doesn't mean free. No compute is free, everything has a cost associated with running.

I wonder what network will offer a decentralized gas-less network of TEE compute nodes...hmmmmm

You send code to all nodes to compute and verify. The limit to the amount of compute is gas. What prevents me from creating a neural network in solidity and destroy all nodes that would attempt to compute this contract code?

Probably by using similar limits as to what's found in the enigma whitepaper.

" Recall that every function is reduced
to a circuit of addition and multiplication gates, each of which takes one or more rounds. A node
participating in a computation is paid the weighted sum of the number of rounds it contributed to
and the operations it performed (addition, multiplication)."

read as gas-less, not free. there is still a cost to the computations you are trying to destroy the nodes with, but its not gas. The problem with gas is today x gwei means my computation takes y minutes. Tomorrow x gwei = z minutes depending on network load. No consistency. Gas-less means consistency.

TEE would secure the contract and off chain compute from your attack too

This sounds nothing like chainlink you moron.

Lol, you think huh? Hilarious, times like this I wish this board gave assigned ids so we could save stupidity like this to call a specific user out. Smh

You're either an idiot or a mildly savvy fudder, lmao.
A prayer for anyone who falls for this.

you didn't refute him, you're the shiller, then.

Guess I must be, huh?


Wow totally sounds like a replacement for a decentralized oracle network with sgx compatibility just sold 100k thanks friend.

How the fuck is this thread full of fud and not at the top of the catalog? Swing traders are about to have their assholes btfo.

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