Constellation Labs Fud Tracker

The announcement about the CEO sheds new light on a difficult topic for the Constellation Team. The CEO and other C level team members have been accused of Day Trading investor funds for massive losses.

The team has spent the last several months dodging this question at all costs. Finally an announcement was made that the former CEO stepped down from his own company and gave back millions of dollars in tokens just to pursue another path in crypto. Why doesnt that make sense?
The CEO chooses the direction of the company, they dont step aside when other team members want to go another direction. This would be the first time in history that has happened. You cannot show another example of this happening in the business world for the same reason you wont find a chef quit his job because he doesnt like how the food tastes.

But even going with the assumption their statement was factual, he left hundreds of millions of tokens on the table at a company he built, for nothing.

Not a chance, something bad happened here, they didnt need 3 months of lawyers and hush orders to tell us he and the team had creative differences.

The new CEO has lied to you all, the fud is all but confirmed, and the question now is how much money do they have left to survive, for how long, and how worried should investors be that we could see SEC intervention or a class action lawsuit?

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That announcement was a slap in the face. How could they have expected anyone to believe he just walked away from everything for nothing? According to dagfags his token stake would have been worth billions. So he knows they are worth nothing or he got kicked out for breaking the law.

Only the shills would be willing to believe this utter nonsense reason why he left. Personally I just hate what this team and community have become, the fud is eating it from the inside out. Only the team can solve this with an announcement but I have a feeling they are guilty, looks pretty obvious. They would have cleared this up if they could.

Insider trading so he was kicked out

You do understand if true (which it probably isnt) the SEC would step in and arrest him, the team would be obligated to report him to the SEC, and if they didnt (which they clearly didnt) they would be covering up a crime and arrested.
Stop lying, stop deflecting the day trading allegations. The team wont answer after 100 investors asked because its true and they will lose everything when it comes out.

Thing is if you read the past weekly updates, Brendan was very concerned about the price of his precious tokens, so he must have panicked when he saw it tanking, divulged confidential information to the investor then the team got concerned. If you followed their TG chat, Al Brown had the habit of saying "Brendan tends to leak stuff" so if you were a $DAG holder in the past, you very well know that. Only plausible reason right now why he was forced to step down is he unknowingly participated in insider trading. But it has been taken care by the team through legal means.

No faggot.
Brendan was the one that announced publicly he specifically refused to give out this inside information to the dumping investor which is why it dumped so hard on day 1.
Why you gotta lie? Oh thats right, because your going to jail for investor fraud. KYS faggot

>When your shills have to make up fake fud to cover for real's over

The Japanese investor is still in, while Brendan's not. Must have known something when he dumped those tokens... Hmmm, not sure what to think of that

Do you not remember the huge dump on day 1?: Oh you probably forgot that didnt you? Why must you lie, do you get paid for that?

I remember it clearly. I'm not lying, Alex Yamashita (the Japanese investor) is still in, while Brendan's out. Check out their website. Why's that? Did Brendan tell him something?

You are a lying fuck, that much is clear. Trying to fake fud your project to cover serious fud shows how bad things are at Constellation.
You faggots realize everything goes away with a single statement from the team that they in fact did or did not day trade investor funds.
Do you ever wonder why they wont answer that question? I dont, I know why.

Bro you are arguing directly with the paid shills at Constellation. Anyone who has followed this project knows about the day trading and why the team won't comment on it. Look at the token it's been crushed to nothing on the rumors alone. Had they come out and refuted the allegations maybe it would have a chance. Too late for that now, they look incompetent no matter what really happened

You checked it did you? Alex Yamashita, yes, Alex Yamashita the Japanese Investor who dumped a huge bag of tokens is still in, while Brendan Playford was fired / forced out of Constellation for good. Why is that? Did Brendan divulge confidential information to him? Does Alex Yamashita know something we all don't? Did Alex Yamashita re-invest through other means because Brendan told him something huge, he can't resist and went back in?

I understand you are a paid shill that must play bagholder bingo while your token flushes itself down the toilet.
Please explain to me why the team knows how bad this rumor is and wont address it? Why wont they say NO we didnt day trade investor funds? Are you this dense brainlet?

The thing is the rumour you're believing is close to the truth - Brendan did insider trading (divulged confidential information). It's a bad as what you're believing but it's completely manageable, and the team did kick him out. Just look at the website, the timeline, the chat logs, the time of Brendan announcement, the Japanese investor still sitting as the advisor for the team, it all forms an irrefutable logic. While what you're believing in the other hand makes 0 sense and can't be proven.

Paid shill from TG group spreading misinformation. Good Lord they look desperate. Can't blame the bag holders though because they lose even if there is a class action suit. Only SAFT round investors will get compensation

I'm a bag holder, but can you refute what I'm telling you?

Oh, can you prove Brendan did day trading? Of course not, 0 proof, bag of hot air.

The big difference here.

Team refuses to answer about the day trading while doing backflips to find ways NOT to answer the question including paying you to come here and spread more misinformation.
The whole conspiracy about the insider trading was made up by you, today, and never posted to the team by 100+ investors.
KYS faggot

Yeah I made that up or should we say, I made a conclusion based on hard facts. Your narrative on the other hand - Day Trading makes 0 sense and can't be proven, and you believe it because "100 investors' asked and team did not answer but instead got banned. Again, your number - 100 was pulled out of thin air, no hard evidence to back it up.

Anyone following this project knows this is a lie. Just because they scrubbed their TG doesn't mean it didn't happen. The CEO trading rumor is discussed in their TG every single fucking day

proof of 100 investors asking and getting banned?

Shit go look at TG for the last 2 months. I bet the number is even higher. Look at Trader TG too. Over and Over and Over and Over again for months. Either ignored, attacked, or banned and scrubbed. Even the owner of the TG channel got banned.

im well aware some people have been banned, its impossbile to avoid seeing these threads on here every day. can you post proof to back up the claim "100 investors" banned. can you post proof that there was daytrading. that way this can all end

This bitch knows he's lying.

>Claims to follow project
>Thinks nobody asked team 1000 times to clear up day trading fud.
>Doesnt understand why token dumping so hard and can't rebound

You can avoid seeing these threads here every day by getting the team to make an official statement confirming or denying the day trading allegations. Do you ever wonder why they cant answer that question? Does it bother you they cant answer that question? Of course it doesnt, because you work for Constellation Labs. This doesnt both you at all, you actually dont see all the posts in TG. You ignore them or ban those who post. And now you are here, asking for proof. Go look in your own TG faggot

100 then 1000, where do these numbers come from FFS haha

Nothing to see her folks, no day trading investor funds for sure, it was all a hoax for my bagholder bingo card LOL

They really don't want to answer the day trading fud this is getting ridiculous. The fake fud is obvious though they even talk about it in TG that's it's totally fake. These threads are hilarious watching the shills fight fud with fake fud

straight from the poop chute

There's no fake FUD, insider trading is as real as it gets. Alex Yamashita is still with the team after dumping millions of coins. He stayed because Brendan told him some solid confidential info. Brendan got kicked out because of breach of confidentiality. Now the question is and I will give you 10 ETH if you can have someone from the team answer -

What did Brendan tell Alex Yamashita to make him stay as an advisor for the team?
What is this full NDA info that cost Brendan his position as the CEO of Constellation labs?

You want this theory to gain credibility, go find 100 people that agree this is a question that needs answered. Then present it to the team for a response.

It is as credible as it gets. Now go ahead and ask the team, and I will give you 10 ETH

What did Brendan tell Alex Yamashita to make him stay as an advisor for the team?
What is this full NDA info that cost Brendan his position as the CEO of Constellation labs?

If you can't handle the truth you can KYS

There is nothing that shows Brendan told Alex anything to make him stay as an advisor. You just made that up to fit your story. Nobody agrees with you except you which is why nobody is asking the team to clarify this. You tried this last week with the cocaine theory. Your deflection isnt working bitch, back to your constellation cubicle

Wait our self proclaimed most transparent team in crypto said he left to pursue other endeavers. Are you saying the Constellation team are a bunch of liars trying to fool their own investors with lies and misinformation? Is that the point you are trying to get across?

I'm serious, because I'm fully convinced that Brendan was involved in insider trading, post your wallet and I'll give you 10 eth if you can have the team answer

What did Brendan tell Alex Yamashita to make him stay as an advisor for the team?
What is this full NDA info that cost Brendan his position as the CEO of Constellation labs?

So thats it? Your point is that the team lies to the community, has been involved in a cover up for months lying over and over again to protect their CEO from prosecution?

Basically they're down playing it because they don't want Brendan's reputation to be ruined. Ok so for example you found out that your mom was sleeping with your indian neighbour, would you be transparent in telling your family that your mom is guilty?

Protip: you won't because you don't want her reputation to be ruined.

If what you are saying is true you are calling the team liars. They werent downplaying it motherfucker they were straight up lying to their community, covering up a crime, making them also guilty of a crime and at risk of being shut down by the SEC.
And per the day trading allegations you would be the only person following this project that thinks they didnt do it when all the evidence points to that they did.
You can stop lying now, you arent here to solve the mystery of Brendan telling Alex something, because you made that up and nothing points to that happening. You are here to deflect from the day trading and bitch its not working.

No deflection because you know to yourself that what I'm saying is true. Check cmc last July for the huge dump. Check chat logs re: Alex Yamashita. Check blog re: Brendan's concern about price tanking.

Now check the website: Brendan out, Alex Yamashita still in the team. What does that tell you? If you can't draw conclusions, better finish up special school

So your saying Brenden told Alex something months ago, and he dumped because he knew it was going to fail. Then the team lied to everyone about it covering up the insider trading crime. And the advisor stayed on board but just decided not to be an investor? WTF kind of retarded shit are you selling? And why does nobody else agree this is plausible. Post in TG and see what the investors have to say about it

I'm active in the TG from day 1 and I can assure you this business about insider trading doesn't make a lick of sense. Brenden didn't tell Alex anything and there is no insinuation that he did. You can feel free to address this with the community in our TG and we will set you straight with the facts.

who is alex I thought it was the starbase guy?

This is misinformation coming from the shills. Its going nowhere fast. Its similar to the story where a guy saw them whip out a gallon of cocaine and drink it during a press conference. Just shills trying to spead fake fud to make the real fud go away rather than having the team answer the question about day trading investor funds.

I'm Rafael and I'm banned from anything related to Constellation. Who are you and how are you related to Constellation? What can you say about the day trading issue? You must be a paid shill too.

No comment on the day trading, I don't know what happened and I don't care. This business about Brendan and Alex is a fabrication and anyone in TG will easily disprove your theory. We are there waiting for you if you seriously want to test out how real your theory is. Many of us know much more about the inside workings of the team than anyone here and we can have a more constructive conversation.

Raphael wouldn't misspell his own name. Nice try, Rajesh.

Nice try Ranjeet but I'm already convinced, now go ask the team and I'll give you 10 eth

Did Brendan day trade the funds? If so, are there funds left?

I think we should put a bounty on whoever can get Constellation Labs to give an official statement on the day trading allegations. I could setup an escrow account and whoever submits proof of their response gets the ETH.

Please please do this