The stock market is so fucking overvalued. Just look at these ratios and tell me otherwise.

The ratio of GDP: Stock Market value -
The Shiller P/E Ratio -

We are at levels unseen since 1929 and the late 90's tech bubble. This market is getting BOG'D with no survivors VERY SOON.

Attached: habbening.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

There are still lots of Co's undervaluated.
Indexes are gonna get rekt, but the market will recover shortly.
There is simply nowhere for money to go.

There are some places money could go...

yeah i agree. Berkshire is lookin pretty nice right about now. But besides shit tier pharma companies I am finding it difficult to find value.

I also can't believe how few people notice the 1929 similarities. It is a debt fueled ponzi

thank you!!!! Finally someone who understands. The fed keeping rates low for so long has shifted a lot of debt to corporations who are fueling artificial growth. Not to mention the government now having to borrow a TRILLION dollars with rates rising and China/The Fed slowing down their buying...these next ~2 years are going to be very interesting i believe.

I know, but it won't be as exciting as the Jow Forums neets think. I only see another bust created by the fed and central banks, while us prols deal with the wreckage. Nobody goes to jail or hangs high who really are the culprits

>he doesnt know high p/e is bullish

Until it really overextends theres no bubble here

Spoken like a true first year trader

Shitty bait, rashim

orange bad man,we would be in better position without his big bad mouth

Whatever doomsday retard

Aight, rashim. Please do needful and pay close attention to baby's first bear market. You learn good things


Attached: (1096x691, 700K)

Honestly not worried.
At this point in time the stock market is the only thing driving foreard this world.


LMAO imagine being this delusional. Don't worry, go back to CNBC and listen to Cramer tell you to hold Bear Stearns some more. Absolutely retarded.

dow is going to double bottom at 41 points
1932 and 2019


the absolute long bog. We were in a 90 year bull trap all along!

get in crypto old fags

How many bitcorns to make it, desu?

we're in a new paradigm

Attached: modlet.jpg (800x800, 113K)

Crypto is unironically for boomers now.

Attached: whoworeitbetter.jpg (547x480, 30K)

Historically the market has always gone up. My dad might get rekt but when there's blood on the streets I'll have my wallet ready.

>the tail wags the dog
no more than a decade from now you will know just how wrong you were

>There are still lots of Co's undervaluated.
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