Portfolio thread

I'm poor af. Roast me.

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you call that poor?


>that feel when $350 in crypto
>but all in LINK

only thing i can roast you for is not having LINK.

thought you had a chance, but after further inspection, you will NOT make it.

Oh this took me a full year of secreting away money. Got kids to pay for.

literal software
obvious scam with misleading marketing, already fading into nothing
Seems ok, low enough MC relative to the idea. I could see it 3xing, definitely doesn't need it's own token though.
A currency built on a currency that is soon not going to have real inflation with staking, dumb

Congrats you are tech illiterate and bought all of the memes. You better hope for another massive retail bubble!

I would have went all in on LINK

What would you fuckers suggest if these are bad picks? Besides fucking LiNk

Which street do you prefer for the morning business, sir?

>the has no idea how a blockchain or any of this works portfolio.

jesus fucking christ user. you realise vechain is literally just a centralised fork of ethereum. its probably the most centralised coin in the entire top 100. 101 anonymous node verify all of the transactions...



Sell qnt lol what are you waiting for
It had a great pump - take profits or pink wojak

I have similar amount, nearly $40k at the peak because I held all the way down and cashed out along the way, big lesson but any advice for others dont stay in shit just for the sake of not selling at a loss, diverse into better projects that will do more x in bull

Not a poorfag here.
Liquidate all that garbage you're holding, go all in on NIM.
Thank me next year.

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They can't get sharding to work. Mainnet will be delayed indefinitely.

Poorfag here

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Good to see other "poor fags" here instead of most portfolio threads where everyone have tens of thousands of fake disposable money. I seriously question most of the portfolios I see here. Good to see some real ones from real people.

this one belongs in the thread for being a future poor fag


Holding these for next few weeks. Selling all for BTC when it makes its move.

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Every fag who posted their blockfolio in here doesn't understand what a community is. Why would you go on something so often and not want to be a part of it?

>yer not gonna make it, non-frens

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