Remember what happened to LTC after Charlie Lee stepped back in December?

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This is a buy signal

not holding any ETH or any tokens tied to that broken chain

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post a archive, not clicking that link

same seriously, eth needs to be replaced. vitalik is actually a huge fag, i used to think he was ourguy

he talked a good game until nothing he said ever came true
he throws you off with his autism but in the end he's a total fag

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He doesn't want ethereum to succeed because doing so would cause chainlink to succeed. He is willing to see the whole thing go up in flames then let sergey in on the piece of the pie

I've been saying this for months. Vitalik had a burnout. He's more interested in going back to college and getting a PhD than slaveworking for the Ethereum Foundation.

He sold a lot awhile ago. Not much anyone can offer him to continue working like crazy on Eth so hes going to slowly step back to try to make people not freak but hes done. No reason to stay.

fuck off soiboi

This shit is legit going to the shitter soon. people need to be careful

All their plans for scaling have obviously failed and the platform is useless as is. This is his only move.

>All their plans for scaling have obviously failed and the platform is useless as is. This is his only move.

My understanding is that serenity is basically a new coin. And its the only way to escape the mining cartels that are preventing the core dev team who own ETH to properly upgrade it to something closer to EOS.

Agreed, step back with some dignity and watch it burn from afar.

Or, he is handing it over to intel and Microsoft.

Charlie Chan stepped off because it was on top of an obvious bubble and it was time to take the money and run.
Money $kelleton is basically letting the community take over, because it's ready to.
I can't name a single litecoin dev except Charlie Lee. I can name dozens of ETH developers.

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Charlie Lee is a disgusting excuse for a human and a criminal that should be imprisoned.

>I can name dozens of ETH developers.

A lot of EOS dapps are currently planning to support both ETH and EOS at the same time.

better this rather than politcorrect white collar corporate and gvrmnt scams

Once Vitalik has done his job the hit will go out. Buterin will be toast within a year, a disguised stimulant overdose / suicide.
People will move on, ETH will continue to grow into the vision he projected. Then, as the world is so interconnected to a point of failure the backdoor will open. The hidden time sensitive virus will ravage through the code and the world will jolt to a stop.
Putin, now an old withering man, will capitalise on the chaos and WW3 starts and ends in a flash.

You could be onto something, what Sergey said this morning is that Ethereum would basically be relegated to being Chainlink's database, and (most) tokens built on Eth would be rendered redundant.

>better this rather than politcorrect
did you read that?
they're pro censorship anti-white communist pedophiles
that's as politically correct as you can get in 2018

>Putin, now an old withering man, will capitalise on the chaos and WW3 starts and ends in a flash.

Damn I never thought of it this way. He could just think "Fuck it, I'm about to die soon anyway, might as well end it all." The end of our species due to the human ego. Poetic.

You are brain dead and washed in the head if you think putin has any actual control in this matter. The circle of 5 makes all decisions of such manner.

Good for EOS. I'll buy it when I have to use it.

That's why he waits vitalik is a russian sleeper agent who's sole destiny is to unite the west by one common, shared weakness.

these "people" are beyond redemption

It turns out that in practice its actually very easy for dapps to support multiple coins. This is actually something is going to have a big effect on the landscape.

ETH may never need to scale. If Dapps begin to adopt multicoin functionality then dapps will transend all expectations and the coin you hold over another will be kind of a meme.

I recently started to see this trend and once it hit me it kind of fucked with my stance on a lot of this shit from the ground up. Dapps being an extension of a specific coin was never the best idea. Dapps that support a verity of coins to perform specific functions like social media and gaming is far superior in all respects.

If you really think deeply about the implications of this then a lot of people right now have no real idea what is going on with the technology.

I am about 90% sure that most EOS dapps are going to cross coin functional.

the future is now old man

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lol love this guy

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>the circle of 5

anyone know the requirements of a validating ETH node nowadays?

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Good analysis

He's bailing because even he sees the writing on the wall

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Buterin is a turbo sperg and probably addicted to heroin and child porn

Digits confirm

this is the blackpill of the thread

Dumb fucking monkey niggers. The only thing worthwhile is the the ETH platform. The only adult in the game, macaroni salad for dinner tonight or tomorrow morning and I will gather the troops in. I will be considerably more about your company and I have to go get my car from the shop to pick you up and take you to the moon and back.

They can't scale, CAP theorem wins.

>closer to EOS
dude kill yuorself veronica

the retardation ITT hurts
if only all of you were trolling
this was always the plan, because as the article explains plainly for you brainlets (but oops, you didn't read): no such thing as decentralization if there's a single point of failure in the presence of a figurehead
now the real problem: vitalik is one of the few people with both dedication to a vision and intelligence to have the right one
the more he's out, the more pseudo-socialo-commies will swarm governance, and infiltration will happen. much like bitcoin died in 2015 with blockstream and the bitcoinXT censorship, ethereum will likely die in 2020-2022 from some parity coup arguing polkadot now allows for a "better" web3 respectful of privacy by conforming to regulations and other bullshit
history repeats itself. there will be another bullrun as scaling solutions (not pos/sharding, brainlets) come next year followed by real 3D games using NFT for items and such, so sell that pump and get out for good, until crypto 3.0 comes out

Jesus no wonder Russians get cucked by chad Chechens.