Future of vechain

future of vechain

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Get with the program.


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Carrot and stick

Im a beliEVEr

Buying a strength x node was the worst decision of my life. Cost me like $50k or some shit.. now its worth like 15k.

i cant believe i didnt sell this fucking chink coin at the top
stupid piece of shit with huge sell walls that only goes down

why so much hate for this coin?

bacuse it's the future


no hate just pissed at these chinks that scammed me with cck and tricked me into holding a useless x node while they dumped all their coins when i could have sold the top and made 6 figures

You will see a glimpse of VET future next year. Won't take off until 2020. Don't believe the shills.
t. strength x holder

Is is VET or VEN?

somebody that knows wtf they talking about please give opinion on Vechain.

should i throw couple k's at it?

VET is the Vechain network token. VEN is the old Erc20 token which has no use anymore.

Do your own research. I don't regret putting 25k into VEN last year. You will have to read up a lot. Start with the information thread on reddit.

i shilled this to a chinese student in school, he was already down $2k in bitcoin in january/february before buying into vechain. i can only imagine how much he lost, especially since he can actually read chink news and get suckered into their scam.

i think he all-in'd on that shit because he brought it up to someone else near me, that was after i realized it was a scam though and i didn't have the heart to tell the lad, cos he seemed so excited about it.

Lol faggot. VEN is a chink scam. Be prepared to lose all your money. A sucker is born every minute.


Companies will use their tech, being sold by DNV GL, but they will never run on the public Vechain blockchain, they will run on a inhouse company POA blockchain.

The public Vechain blockchain is a demo version for company buyers, the companies buy rights from DNV GL

To save somewhat value of Vet, they are now launching a bunch of imbred icos run by a small number of people,. CREAM, Sunny, and foundation gets rich selling their tech.
Small investors getting fucked buying tokens on the "test/show" blockchain.


All these brainlets saying it's a scam, hahaha.

You lads are gonna look retarded in a year or so.

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How about the Vethor Scam ,

nobody speeking of it
everybody forgot they have a dual token economic only avaible at just one perfectly trusted exchange named LBANK ....

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I have like 40,000 VET. What will that look like in 2020? And why does it seem like every time I read about this token, there are more partnerships but it dumps constantly. Why I am I holding this? There is a ton of volume on the coin but I'm starting to think it's fake.

It will look like 40000 vet in 2020. Buy ravencoin instead. It actually goes up. I have no fucking idea why it goes up, but who cares. It goes up and that's all we want from our shit coins.

- Gets tricked by whales

>Start with the information thread on reddit.
jesus christ fucking kys

>Hurr durr buy the top of this Ravencoin shit pump.


Keep buying your chink scam coins instead and see how that works out for you Rakesh.

VeChain is 1% of my stack. And this is coming from a Ravencoin shill? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That coin won't even exist in 6 months. 2 weeks before you are Ravencucked and are posting pink wojaks.

Sure thing Rakesh. I think you are exaggerating your holdings though, see pic related.

But not to worry, your epic stack of 40000 MARVEL VECHINK THOR will make you quite the player on the rancid streets of New Delhi. You might even be able to command your very own curry squad soon if you play your cards right.

Don't know why you got so butthurt about my ravencoin comment to be honest. I actually agree that it won't be around in 6 months. It's just the binance flavour of the month and should be treated as such. But there is money to be made with this coin.

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$2 by 2020

Lmao. That's not my portfolio. I have about 130 ETH, 101k LINK and another 15k in random shit. I bought VeChain when I was smashed one night. Keep trading shitcoins though. I'm sure you'll make it to my level one day. Just make sure to study those shitcoin charts real hard so you aren't stuck on the fryer at McDonald's for much longer.

If you post a source for this I will market sell 4 mil VET and 700,000 VTHO

Are you bragging about those amounts ? Lol you look like an idiot

You wouldn’t have 700k vtho from 4 mil vet already lol nice try larp faggit

Ya I am, traded from 1.3 mil.

I exchanged some VET for VTHO as a bet that the VTHO ratio will increase over the next few months.

you dumb fags have been saying this to us since Feb. you're the ones who look retarded. if you sold like we told you to back then....you'd be up a hell of a lot more than you are now.

> if you sold like we told you to back then....you'd be up a hell of a lot more than you are now.

Like ANY other fucking coin?

>The absolute state of mongoloids on biz

$1 VET 2019

You really think you're going to find any actual information on this board? Jow Forums as a whole is absolute garbage, aside from biz, and I only come to biz to laugh. Everyone else has already migrated to other chans, or started using reddit because its actually useful.

Fucking tryhard, kys

True for every coin on the market.