Request Network

Hello. There will be two unexpected (in a good way) announcements for the project update on November 13. I am sorry, but I cannot go into detail for obvious reasons. And no, there'll be nothing about Coinbase yet. However, this batch of news will explain the several volume spikes this month. If you haven't sold your REQ, you will be very happy to see the market reaction.

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I'll murder you


Weird..bought 100k

I feel like I've read this thread before.

shittiest shit token on the eth ponzi

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Oh boy, we're doing this again?

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lmao dear god shitting on REQ has become one of my favorite past-times, but only because it really is the shittiest.

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>request accepted they couldnt pull off their original vision after a year

does this count as a failed ICO?

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> request pyramid

not even hiding their blatent scam

god I hate those french cucks so fucking much
they have realized NOTHING


built by PAJEEETS


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Are they expanding into shellfish?

I wish I never bought this

everyone with a working brain regrets it.
I don't see it goig above 2k sats ever again

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I'll chip in to fund this project of killing OP

are you calling bitcoin a failed project also? How retarded are you?

You keep posting constant fud everyday, you're negative as shit on a project you bought, you hate money, kys.

I'm literally in tears laughing at how dogshit this project is.

Read about their newest "version 2 protocol". It's absolutely insane, they moved all their stuff off chain and now instead of storing transaction data on the blockchain they store hashes from the IPFS (interplanetary file system) which ISN'T a blockchain and doesn't have token economics or any mechanism in place to make sure it's decentralized, so it could go down at any time AND it's completely against the original vision of the project, which was a decentralized network for payment requests. I'd post this on their gay ass subreddit but I was banned for asking basic questions.

And it's even worse, they have TWO, count them TWO applications that can currently be used, one is a reddit tip bot, the other is a standard donation platform. Those two account for almost all of the network's transaction volume. And guess what they did? They destroyed the ONE advantage these applications had over competitors, which was lower fees for people looking to donate small amounts of money. If you wanted to donate a dollar, you paid a tenth of a penny in fees, it was a good system. Now they raised the MINIMUM FEE ON ANY TRANSACTION TO TEN CENTS.


You have to pay ten cents to store your transaction data on the IPFS if you want to sent your favorite streamer 2 dollars. Who in the fuck is going to do that? The vast majority of people will just send it directly and bypass the Request middleware. It's so, so fucking sad what has become of this project, and the miscreants on that disgusting subreddit ban me from even discussing it. Fuck Request, fuck the French, and FUCK Abstract Tornado for defending this pile of shit so vehemently.

they might as well use a standard database
the IPFS thing seems like an unnecessary step just to justify use of the req token


post this on cc

I’m debating on if I should just trade this for something else at this point...I’ve heard quite a bit of bad things about this project lately.

The golden bull run has arrived.

Oh, and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like REQ or ADA or TRON that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchain with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200. FLO will be one of them.

Please check out this thread.

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They ban you because we've caught you with multiple accounts stating the same shit over and over.
You've stating you love to fud this project.
You've also stated that you're expecting to be able to buy back at the price you sold after you ride Bcash.
You're a fucking moron for selling at 500 sats and everyone told you it was stupid as fuck to sell any project that has bottomed out.

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That's not me you mongoloid


Only creeps hang around long enough to recognize copy pasta threads

please post this on cc.

Only a bigger creep would spend time on posting the same pasta every god damn week

don't you ever work Abstract?