last chance to buy before all the normies wake up

moon mission incoming

Attached: 2018-11-03_0428.png (1289x539, 119K)

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>>as if theres still normie money in crypto

Normies wont buy this shit..

Normies wont buy this, but they will surely by whatever bag you're holding. Normies buy tesla because its a household name. What do you think they are going to do when Brave starts catching on? Buy prl?


They might in a week or 2 when it's listed on Coinbase Retail and they know what it does but in reality this is just another silly token.

Brave Browser is the most normie thing there is in crypto

The most normie thing in crypto is bitcoin
BAT will slowly dump as ZRX did

it hasn't even been listed yet retard

this was just the initial wave

BTC has a bad reputation. Most normies have heard of it but they dont know what it is. Most btc holders cant even explain it either. Brave/BAT will be the first crypto for millions of people, and they will probably have a good perception of it, and its under the radar even now. You do the math.

so should I buy or what? 4700 seems too high to me

Real pump is early next week when it goes live on coinbase. Gdax pumps have been weaker than coinbase pumps for etc and zrx.

Look at the ZRX chart at october 11 and onward. Get in on the next BAT pump now and thank me later.

BAT isnt going to do what ZRX is, speaking of which ZRX looks like its going to tank to 70 cents overnight. Be careful

hope you bought that dip

No one is buying btc or eth but they are going to buy something called bat.... ok then.

the product is utter shit and normies don't care for muah browsers
All bat is, is advertisers wet dream to get back to 90's level income
not gone happen, kill every single marketing fag

Considering the press optics of this coin and that is around a billion I'd say it actually will go mental. It's harder to dump a billion coin system the more momentum it gets. I remember dogecoin was the same. It will be interesting nonetheless. If it breaks it's ATH then yeah, all bets are off. I'm calling a .005 btc high on this cuz it will make the top ten for sure just on its user base count (and rising) alone.

Working product, actual use case. Deserves to be in the top 10 and will get there.

Whatever the GAFAS / FANGS of crypto end up to be , BAT will no doubt be one of them.

>working product
>Deserves top 10
of what, cmc? lol fucking noob

>they dont know and its right in front of their faces

Will crush 12m probably by q3 2019

Attached: facebook growth rate.jpg (650x463, 38K)

there is gonna be another spike BUY BUY BUY

this is going tobe so much bigger than coinbase

hey guys, i ignored BAT so far and started looking into it just now. gotta say, i already love the browser, maybe i'll always use it from now on. but i don't understand 1 thing yet. what's the benefit of buying the token? what gives the token value and why should it increase if more people use brave? pls no bully

Attached: 1541209116847.jpg (400x400, 18K)

you want me to buy the top of that pump, shoo shoo pajeet

More regular Brave users means more 'attention' advertisers can receive. They'll start to buy a fuck ton of BAT to advertise on the platform. Get good ROI and buy more. A portion of that goes to the users for watching ads and shit. They then use that BAT in Brave to support people on the interwebz through tips and automatic contributions. Value is just whatever the fuck people are willing to pay for it, like most things.

Brave/Bat is spear heading a new pardigm in human society. Participants in the Brave ecosystem are rewarded for their attention in the form of BAT. In the future everything will be tokenized the things you buy, the attention you give, the actions you take. The idea of an 8-12 hour "job" will be archaic. A wave of new Blockchain projects will follow this model being set buy BAT. This entire economy will be merged and inner connect with one another. Trade BAT for some dog walking token, trade that for a babysitting or video game tournament token etc. Buying BAT is like having one of the first stocks in a global super stockmarket.

That's beautiful bro. I hope you're right. It's sort of like gamification of the Web. get rewarded for the shit you do online. Worthless likes and updoots are a thing of the past. Show me the money!

Attached: 636467798860841642-showmethemoney.jpg (534x401, 31K)

Normies will be like: "Wait I can watch ads and receive some of the internet bitcorn moneys and be rich? sign me up! I'll buy some of this BAT stuff while I'm at it so I can mega rich."

I hate this post but like it at the same time

You can only cash it out if you're a publisher. Which is easy to sign up for. Regular users can only use the BAT they earn within the browser.

This is not true. Regular users can cash out their BAT too, they just cant cash out grants.

I don't think so. Check the white paper.
>In the ecosystem, advertisers will give publishers BATs based on the
measured attention of users. Users will also receive some BATs for participating. They
can donate them back to publishers or use them on the platform.

How long have you believed this? Ive got some bad news

Quick facts:

BAT is not limited to the Brave web browser.
Users will earn BAT tokens if they opt into seeing BAT Ads. (Coming soon, first ad trials 1H2018.)
BAT Ads matches ads to users using client-side machine learning algorithms and locally-stored data. This means superior matching with NO tracking or user data collection required. Analytics: Attribution is proven anonymously through zero-knowledge proof protocols (ZKPs).
BAT can be used to redeem premium content, subscriptions, digital goods and services in platform, donate via Brave Payments or transferred.
Advertisers purchase BAT in order to fly ad campaigns. (This occurs in the background; advertiser UI can be denominated in user-friendly fiat.)
BAT is a GDPR/ePrivacy-compliant solution from the ground up.

I just skimmed through the paper yesterday. It seems to state pretty clearly that BAT will be exclusive to the Brave browser. Nobody is getting rich from watching ads. They'll be able to use it for subscriptions and such, but not cash out. Unless they tip themselves as a publisher.

Nice try prl nigger. Your attempts at FUD are poor like you. You can find those quick facts on their official reddit as well as in multiple interviews,ama's etc. Hell you could cc Eich on twitter and he would clear up your stupid fucking FUD

Exhibit A:

In the simplified game-theoretic case pre-
sented here, the publisher eventually recovers this fraction of the ad spend anyway, since
the publisher is the only place the attention token can be spent. In a more extensive
case where the user can spend the tokens at other publishers, the revenues taken by the
publisher are bounded by the ratio of the user’s take. The way tokens are apportioned
in an advertising event in the proposed scheme, the publisher receives advertising spend
that is much larger than the proportion of advertising spend they currently receive.
As the user also receives something which is of utility to him, we can safely declare
that (BAT) is zero or negative, which should encourage users to view more publisher
content. Some may object that the token acquired by users for their attention activity
can only be spent in the publisher’s “company store,” but as the token may be saved
and used in different ways, it does have value to the user, just as airline points and
video game tokens do.

I'm a holder of BAT you spaz. I don't care about the hype. The white paper has all the info. You remind me of those No Man's Sky hypers that were so disappointed when the game didn't deliver to their ridiculous expectations.

You are wrong, there is no "I interpreted it like this" factor - it is a fact that users will be able to withdraw if they desire. So you are either illiterate or a PRL victim.

You have no sources. Prove it.

Attached: 0_0pbGbWvCZx4gUMF1.png (1500x1125, 153K)

Exhibit B:

Are BAT tokens transferable?
Crowdsale tokens are immediately transferable. Tokens used in the Browser may only
be donated or used to pay publishers for premium content or for other services. Tokens
may also be used by publishers for promotions.

Go ahead and check page 25 of the white paper.


Nice try concern trolling prl fag.

So there’s no way for users to “cash out” their BAT? It can only be used to access premium content etc.?


You can! Read the last two words of that bullet point in the quick facts ;) it’s also mentioned in the fuller BAT Intro post.

This information is everywhere.

Alright I checked the Reddit. I'll give it to you that it night be a thing. The white paper doesn't say it though.

>BAT tokens can be used to redeem premium content, subscriptions, digital goods and services in the platform, or to donate back to publishers and content creators via Brave Payments. Tokens earned may also be transferred to a personal Ethereum address.

It is a thing. Tokens earned can be sold. This isnt up for debate.

You fags have been parroting this for months. It's never gonna happen. Everyone in crypto already knows about BAT and normies don't give a shit. It would be a miracle if it even reached $1.

You could easily lure normies into this. You lack imagination. Think loud ass YouTuber talking about "win fortnight skins for supporting me on the Brave browser'"!

Hahahaha holy fuck batfags are more delusional than vetards. You realize tokenizing everything was a 2017 meme that failed spectacularly. People don't want to trade fiat for a fucking chucky cheese token every time they want to buy something you retarded zoomer bitch hahaha holy shit unreal people can be this dumb

Youtubers are already using Patreon for incentive offers like that. I don't see them abandoning a product that works great and pays them in real money for some weird browser token.

Shit tier bait faggot

Still get endless lulz out of people trying to tear apart if it will "have appeal" or not.

When the endless number of scam coins they support literally have produced nothing and are all based on fairy tales.

why are you trying to get people here to lose money? is that how you enjoy spending your free time?

the pump is over dumbass. each new coin on coinbase will have less of a pump than the last, until there is no effect at all. look at trading volume on coinbase...

im sorry for your loss though, really. hope you accept your loss and sell those bags

You are so fucking retarded its unfathomable. Patreon requires someone to open up their wallet and type in their credit card number so they can donate to whatever content creator/creators they like. Brave/BAT does this automatically through the browser. They dont have to physically pay anyone. The creator can sell their tokens for cash. Users can also sell their tokens for cash if they would like. Also normies giving a shit or crypto retards giving a shit doesnt matter either. If they were redpilled the whole system would just grow faster. Its not necessary though. Brave/BAT is currently growing faster than early facebook. All the new users added into the BAT system through the brave browser or through another browser like firefox would choke the supply. The advertisers would pay for the demand. BAT doesnt need retards like you. Currently everybody using brave cannot have more than 200 BAT. What do you think happens when BAT goes from supporting 5 million users to 50 million? what about 50 to 200?

pro tip - the math says every user can only have 20 tokens at 50m users. $6 worth of tokens at todays value. Advertisers spend around $380 per person per annum.

I can assure you there are lots of people that hold hundreds of thousands of BAT tokens and they are not planning on selling for $.30.

I didnt factor in token velocity, because after all BAT is a utility token, but the users will likely cash out bi-annualy to annually on an asyncronous schedule, and publishers monthly. The small supply, and ad budgets being pumped it will probably make the token velocity a non issue.

By all means though keep laughing while people with a brain continue to accumulate. Theres something growing here, and you're too blind to see it.

and just like that hes gone. just a fudder

Negative. The Brave/BAT model is something your average person can digest easily and is see the tangible use for it in their everyday lives. 0x on the other hand was not. That's a pretty easy conclusion to come to fuckin smoothbrain.

This is the most incoherent conjecture in the thread so far. Kill yourself you fucking mong.

lol, if you actually invert every claim in this post then it becomes true, except for the subscriptions part.

>inverse posting smoothfag

This is incoherent and makes no sense. How about we let big dick brendan explain it:

Just stop dude. You're embarrassing yourself at this point. Every single thing you have posted can be refuted. Its clear you're here to legitimately spread disinformation. Pajeets literally don't even do that.

Attached: bi-directional_brave_wallet.png (1566x430, 114K)

>pro tip - the math says every user can only have 20 tokens at 50m users.

1,500,000,000 / 50,000,000 = 30 playa. Unless you're excluding the UGP. Either way that's a fantastic fucking point. I'm excited to see the new MAU stats and see what the adoption increase is. This thing is just going to keep snowballing on itself at the rate its currently going. But this has been hands down the most tangible and exciting realization in a couple months. This is the first I've seen this math anywhere. Well done.

How'd you get to the $6 valuation though?

>fucking exponential

Attached: brendan_october_mau_tweet.png (1220x844, 165K)

>This is incoherent and makes no sense
Lol I just copy and pasted from the white paper. That's what it says my guy.

You think things like ada xlm and xrp pumped without the normies? They have evolved and can use binance now

You didn't copy and paste shit. Screen shots are the only thing that counts here. And just as a backup I posted the faq question from fucking as well.

>literally irrefutable and above reproach

There isn't and that's exactly the point.

Your screenshot actually verifies my point. It literally says you cannot refund the BAT. Here's your screenshots.

Attached: page25.png (1863x853, 185K)

Attached: page32.png (1860x856, 561K)

Holy fuck the delusion. This is just insane

You know what dude, you're absolutely right. And BAT will never go above $1 either.

This. BAT is a fucking stupid idea.

sell it all

More like there isn't and that's the PROBLEM.

Why can't i buy it on coinbase pro yet?? what is the fucking holdup??

yo man. Where can I get paid to shill like you? real talk man. I'm tired of my wage cage.

$6 valuation came from 20 available tokens multiplied by .30 cents lol

I was not implying the token would be valued at $6. I was implying that all the wallets currently if they had 20 BAT tokens would be valued at a whopping $6.

I used this demonstration for two reasons. The first was to explain that $.30 is not a good reason to sell because the chart looks like its topped out, the focus was on the broader picture. The second was to show the contrast between the $6 wallet, and the $380 in ad spend per per person per annum.

Most people missed it, but I was trying to emphasize that a user wallet would not have $6 worth of tokens in it if they were worth $380 to advertisers. $380 / 20 tokens comes to a token price of $19 per token.

$19 is a bit of an upper bound on our example. Its assuming no token velocity, and that every user is worth $380. Some will be worth more, some will be worth less.

You can tweak the numbers around based on user base and average ad spend etc to make some models.

Basically BAT cant be lower than $1 its impossible

in reality Normies wouldn't use something other than google lol

Attached: 1541251693721.jpg (1386x1906, 366K)

priced in

normies will never ditch myspace for facebook
normies will never ditch firefox for chrome
normies will never ditch ie for firefox
normies will never ditch netscape for ie

>normies will never ditch firefox for chrome
other way around dumb fuck

anyone remotely intelligent has been buying this runup

you're fucking dumb, that was the initial pump for Coinbase Pro. it's not even listed yet on Coinbase you retarded nigger

no one who has bought the last few months is remotely down.

are you fucking 12?

firefox was dominant before chrome even existed

BAT is based on Chrome and literally looks the same now

You click one button to import your shit from Chrome and you're done. Just like Internet explorer.

This thread's fud is fucking pathetic lol

You bag holders are BAT shit insane

Attached: negiro!.png (648x681, 729K)

says the mentally retarded anime poster

not a argument

Attached: The smell of rotting fish is almost unbearable....png (455x682, 629K)

remember when:
>"BAT is a shitcoin and will never get listed on Coinbase"
>"Nobody will use a browser than can't use extentions"
>"Brave will never get a userbase"
You are here
>"BAT can't go past $1 hurrrr"

BAT is on Coinbase. It beat every other top 30 coin to get there.
Brave is now at 5+ Million MAU.
Brave is now on Chromium and has all the capabilities of Chrome + more.
BAT price will continue to rise.

someone pump this shit dood

>I want to buy into projects AFTER everyone else put their money into it.

Fuck based and redpilled.

I forget all about that shitty FUD.
Its almost like the Trump campaign. We just keep winning. Knock each bit/candidate out bit by bit until we win, and there are reees all around.

looking to drop 1 BTC into this but coinbase pro is still not allowing trading.

how long did ZRX take? I think I remember it being same day. what is the freaking hold up.

buy on a different exchange and transfer over?

Zrx took like 4 days I believe to be on regular coinbase.

ZRX was like 12 hours.
thats not what hes asking. it hasnt gone live on coinbase pro yet.

Attached: shitcoin.png (571x198, 6K)

> Basically BAT cant be lower than $1 its impossible

Lower than $1 now

t. 77,000 bagholder