Attached: vitalik.jpg (1080x711, 165K)

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Oraclize is a part of the Ethereum 'in-group'. Vitalik just servings his fellow cronies like a true Slav.

Chronic aspergers

Vitalik No-Fucks-about-your-little-club giver

Vitalik is ass-blasted b/c his precious Ethereum will be just a layer for ChainLink.
So yeah, Vitalik is just a jealous cunt.

He knows LINK is going to flip ETH and will do anything to try and prevent it

>Vitalik feels the need to use his immense credentials to prop-up the rapidly deteriorating Oraclize, because nothing else will do
Vitalik sees that Oraclize will soon die.

Devcon speech made this whole thing make sense for me. Up until then we all thought that Chainlink would be a massive turbobooster for ETH, a high volume project running on Ethereum that, if ETH could scale, would send it to new heights.
But that's not what's happening. ETH is nothing more than an accounting library for all the computation that Chainlink will be doing off chain. It honestly wrests a huge amount of power and influence away from Ethereum and now it makes tons of sense why Vitalik has been so butthurt the whole time.

I think Vitalik knows sergey is satoshi, and is upset with him about letting all this drama go on.


Why dont you mention Toyota when talking about cars but mention Ford instead ? Hmmm

Oh snap.

At what point does Sergey just give the goofy Commie autist a million LINK to just not be an idiot?

Its not about the money

he is being harassed by 4channers so naturally he is driven away from link

It's called Counter Signalling.

is he though? I don't see a lot of that personally, but that is allegedly why he's so sympathetic to BTC and tepid about bcore.

Yeah there is definitely something going on here. He clearly does favour Oraclize over LINK, then publicly denies it with that toyota bullshit. Super autistic behaviour, but what does it mean? I actually think it could be something as technical as says, this sounds like something a chronic autist could get upset about.

Oraclize owns one of the signing nodes on Rinkeby testnet, along side Infura, Augur and some Akasha thing (eth fundation owns three).
Oraclize is the strict Ethereum in-group. They are buddies.

>Oraclize is the strict Ethereum in-group. They are buddies.
This is always the case. You want money skelly to support your shitcoin? Give him some for free and support his m8s.

Don’t forget Chainlink is a project that caters to corporations and communist money skelly doesn’t like that.

Maybe cause Oraclize actually works?

Kek, you really think so?

The unprofessionalism of Oraclize is laughable. They actually engage in flaming wars with twitter shills. Seems like Bertani is about as autistic as skelly

>huur duur oraclzie bad because muh chainlink memes

Seems like they already do what CL promises, like use other blockchains (partnershipt with Microsoft!):


Attached: ,mnbtvgr.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Hi Thomas

Hello Jacob