>be kid
>raised in very religious christian family
>autistic so believes and follows everything to the T
>promised to god countless of times that I'll donate all my money if I ever get rich (no fucking clue why because was a brainlet so it'll never happen)
>found link

g-god's not real right?

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why does mainstream religions suggest that an omnipotent deity gives a shit about them? Seems heavily narcissistic.

Man the fuck up.

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Jow Forums is not your personal twitter.

Don't donate to a big organisation.
Rather donate to local groups in your home town and to schools.
When I make it I will go back to my old highschool and fund a renaissance education class where all the students will learn Latin and read Cicero.

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The idea of a benevolent superior being is highly appealing and provides believers a way to cope with their shortcomings


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Yep. Don't donate to a big organisation. Basically 99% of money goes into salaries and things like that. The 1% actually goes to poor. Donate directly to poor people but be sure they don't buy drugs with the money

Donate the money to people who are trying to change the world by investing in their companies.



You have to be at least 18 to use this board, kid.

You and everyone else are extradimensional beings experiencing human life by filtering their consciousness through their human body. Third dimensional human reality is just a simulation and God is the lead dev.

Are 10 year olds not kids?

You got that backwards. Religious people acknowledge they have their own shortcomings and weaknesses so they leave it up to God to help them. On the other hand, fedora atheists who got their philosophy from Dawkins and the Amazing Atheist on youtube believe that they are STRONK INDEPENDENT men who need no God so deem themselves superior despite the contrary. It's like looking in the mirror and being proud that you're handsome despite being ugly in reality. Atheists are just delusional who cope with their shortcomings that they're special smart snowflakes, no different than SJWs.

Bro, I grew up going to church, stopped going, but I've always given food off my plate and money out of my pockets. Generosity should not begin when you make it big and should never stop when you hit rock bottom.

>Rather donate to local groups in your home town and to schools.
>When I make it I will go back to my old highschool and fund a renaissance education class where all the students will learn Latin and read Cicero.

This sounds beautiful.

I should say, blow you brains out and find out. Best case scenario there is nog god, and you just fade away with your consioucness. Worst case scenario you just commited a major sin and will burn in hell with pain and despair that you can't even comprehend, wishing every second that you could take it back and repent.

Shouldn't take it too lightly user.

you can set it up to be given after you die
in a sense, that still keeps your promise since you never mentioned timeframe
will accept linkies for helping you find peace in your soul

I think fedora atheists are for the most part in a phase. Most grow up and are well adjusted atheists who don't care about other people's religions.

Deism masterrace here.

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They also assume out of the hundreds of religions that have existed throughout mankind that they have, without question, chosen correct one. Even though your religion depends solely on where and when you were born. Religious people are subhumans, barely above primate level.

The answer is a definitive "maybe"

No we're just rational adults that realize the obvious. That even if there is a god (still ZERO evidence for this) he/she/it doesn't give a shit about you. Morality is all subjective. Thousands of years ago slavery and rape were no biggie. But there is some good news in all of this. You are a huge faggot, but fortunately you won't go to hell for this because it doesn't exist.