Fuck you AbstractTornado I hope you fucking die a painful death as well you faggot

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known scam since ICO bro

Should I unnironically sell? This shit just gets worse and worse every week

This fucking scam raised over 90000 fucking ether? Are you kidding me? What retards would give them so much money?

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Ycombinator probably

Us. It did get me a nice money, but I didn't sell like a retard

fuck you REQ

Selling my REQ bags in May was my best decision of 2018 so far...

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This board is dead even the FUD is shit tier
>this is the REQ foundation warchest, spoils of their ICO and the development fund

ADMREQ conveniently went on "vacation"

You stupid fucks.

Why in the duck is anyone still holding this shit?

Because we’re in too deep and lost a huge amount on money on it

This. I'll dump the second it hits $1. Im out. I'll never invest in another French scam

Fuck didn't even know this

You all can't be that retarded?
They Sold a portion of their ether to fund the project, they're not selling their Req, it's locked for 2 years.

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>market dumps
>team IMMEDIATELLY panic sells

I just sold my 40k REQ at a 50% loss (btc) and put it into RLC. Much stronger fundamentals and more transparent.

Perhaps ill buy back in later, but I don't see it getting any higher (no p&d) than 1k sats the coming 3-6 months.

Yeah they're so retarded, should've sold above 1k per ETH and now literally have less than a fifth of their funds left. This is the most bearish factor about this whole project

He sold.... Pump eht...

To fund their mozzarella and monkey petting orgies.

>not buying when the blood is in the streets
Never going to make it, user

Well, $6M is still a lot of money. But even if these frenchs fucks could get infinite funding, they'd never hire more people to speed shit up.
There have been blood in the streets for a looooooooong time my friend, and every time I bought, shit got just even bloodier.

Pumping REQ hahaaaa. REQ has the weakest pumps. Good thing I bought 100k at 500 sats and sold them in the last pump at 1000 sats. It covered my losses for my previous buy

Yeah dude buy confido

Why would anyone dedicate so much time to FUD anything they're invested in? Not even VergeSpergs are this stupid.

You fucks either sold absolute bottom or you're legit retarded and you should sell right now and learn to criticize your own decision making.

fuck off abstract tornado

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>I've never seen any other project with this level of consistent FUD.
I have. Bitconnect.

Because REQ has weird uses that actually threaten way more than accounting Giants and it's best to nip it in the bud super quick than compete against it in the future.

Anothe scam by biz

my project gets fudded a lot must mean it is good

The only thing REQ threatens is the life of its investor’s. Get real, look at the stuff they’ve actually put out. Their donations app is total shit, their e-commerce plugin also total shit, they can’t program for shit, they’re a team of 20 somethings Frenchmen. They’re not going to make some killer piece of accounting software.

Abstract you need to change up your writing style man, it's so obvious.