GOD. DAMN ILLEGALS. When can we just start shooting these literal wage killers in the heads in the streets? There would be no wage slaves if all the illegals were killed TODAY. Workers would be far better paid, there would be more positions that require 0 credentials, and there would be more ENGLISH.
GOD. DAMN ILLEGALS. When can we just start shooting these literal wage killers in the heads in the streets...
You do realize most illegals are doing jobs that the whiteys would basically refuse to do right? And your grandparents were most likely foreigners
What’s your job?
>Cant compete against others
>Demand to be paid more
Are you a socialist?
In theory workers would be better paid.
kill yourself false flagger
If there were no illegals wages would skyrocket
>bro we need niggers to pick our cotton because white people wont do it for free
This is you
and consumer prices as well.
If there were no illegals Americans would pick fruit for 12-15 dollars an hour, the fucking farmers who hire illegals should be in jail or perhaps even prison
I am willing to pay 50 percent or even more for food because I would likely benefit from that 13 dollar an hour fruit picker job that dosen't exist because of the criminal enterprise many farmers are running
That's what you got from the post. Sweet fuck.
Name 5 jobs that most illegals immagrants have, and then think of 5 jobless friends you know that would work those jobs.
people did them before illegals arrived
All of them would have wages raised to fair American market standards. No white American in their right mind is going to pick crops for $3 an hour, nor should they be expected to kike. You fucking dipshit
Americans would do them for a living wage but the illegals have destroyed any chance of a living wage from menial labor. The employers are the ones holding the smoking gun here and employers who hire illegals should end up working in the prison kitchen.
You realy dont understand the world dont you?
For someone to pay you something you have to make at least the same amount that you recieve, they are going to pay you more, but imagine buying a phone made in usa, using usa materials... Youre going to pay a fucktone, o wait, but you can still buy the china one dont you? Illegals are not your problem its globalization, and not even it, its the fact that you cant compete against china.
No, wage slaves would still exist because capitalism demands wage slavery. Think about how many blue-collar workers absolutely love being fucked over by higher ups because it forces them to "be a man and work harder."
English? Like what Melania speaks? She knows how to marry a fat ugly sucker. Just can't master the english language. Sad.
chinese items are usually sub standard
>oh it broke
>where's it made
>hmm, it says "made in china"
>makes sense
it's not a meme
Dont need friends, i know all sorts of equipment manufacturers that make beaner replacement devices. As soon as $4/hr juan is no longer availible those machines start looking real practical.
Imagine being this big of an idiot? If you don't think companies are just gonna move overseas you're fucking retarded
If you really think illegals aren't a major major fucking problem you can't be helped. Yes, globalism shits on jobs that can be outsourced or done somewhere else. The few jobs that are left overs here in the states are getting picked bone dry by Jose and Pajeet who work for pennies on the dollar becuase they used to living like animals, and are subsidized by the American worker via the government.
man that image is disgusting
you underestimate the costs and risks involved of moving everything overseas buddy
China is winning a race to the bottom. Thats what we don't want. That's what illegals and globalization is doing. Its not winning. Its racing to the bottom.
>a super model who speaks six languages including english and married a billionaire/president of the united states
I cant believe i have to share this world with fags like you.
It's especially rich considering the fact that the guy who came up with it is worth $35 million which he made through television
The risk of make money? The risk of not paying taxes? If they dont move they will just be replaced by outside companies, since its a global market, a thing op cant understand.
It will just go overseas. If anybody thinks getting rid of illegals will make the average american worker more money you are BRAINWASHED. The corporation would absorb whatever influx of cash. You would do none. We would see none.
Damn people I feel bad now for yall
Master of none.
So what's your plan? Let's just give up and be forced to compete for the bottom with 6 billion shitskins? Americans living in shanty towns, no clean water, sewage system, and rampant crime?
The day of being able to support a family with a mcjob are over buddy. Companies would hit you from stem to stern if it meant they could save 3 cents in labor.
Hey whats unemployment at? Oh shit it exists. Yeah illegals are stealing jobs and supporting them is only raising unemployment of the people still here. Focus on promoting jobs to the people already in your country, or at the very least the people who are there legally as citizens or on a green card. Theres too much dirty business with illegals since they have a tentative contract with their employers very often in the southwest, the agreement is that they work more than they get paid for, in exchange for not being reported to the authorities. Thats why so many non-english speaking employees are around, its not like the guy who hired em had no clue they werent there illegally.
Yeah, all those roofing jobs will just head straight overseas.
consider moving your entire manufacturing process to another country
would the country let you?
what are the laws?
do i need to train people?
i need to ship my items back to x place
how easy is it?
how much will it cost me?
can i get the raw materials?
again shipping/source of mats/ import laws
3rd world corruption of paying off governments etc to not let other companies move there
or do i stay and raise wages of my employees and prices a bit while everything is working fine?
There's no "plan". The system isn't broken, it was literally designed to do this. Everything is going to plan.
Agreed food is ridiculously cheap in the u.s as a result anyways.
Tariffs make relocating to cut cost useless. Tariffs are the answer to free trade. Fuck free trade. Free trade is dead.
Ok Schlomo, keep thinking that.
lol they're not going to raise wages. You're trying to mental gymnastics your way to a scenario where companies will just accept smaller profits to benefit you, the worker, and it's just not going to happen.
phones are expensive as fuck because they can get away with it retard.
not a jew, but i'm not stupid enough to think people aren't greedy and aren't likely to act in their own self interest. A global market means you will by design have to compete against Rashjeet and Jazminder who is willing to work for a ration of beans and a punch in the gut for unskilled labor/positions.
First, women arent capable of being masters of anything.
Second, melania is living the wet dream of basically every roastie. My favorite social media screencaps of the last year are whacked out feminists having "nightmares" where they are fucking trump and enjoying it, then telling all her vapid friends how violated she feals about it. 50 shades of denial.
yeah you're a brainlet who doesn't understand how companies do things.
Only the big corporations move things overseas, because they have the finance to control competition and influence through lobbying politicians
Food in the US is cheap because it is highly industrialized and automated. Everything but fruit is harvested mechanically.
just ask yourself this question: who can change this: the employer or the employee? and when you have an answer think again about how the illegals are at fault
oh you're retarded. I'm sorry I didn't pick up on it at the start.
I've seen first hand small business moving part of their operation out of the country (think Mexico) to avoid having to pay even illegals their meager wages.
Well of course. I just mean to say that the Jews aren't going to win in the end.
op are you an illegal nigger yourself?
just admit it
Employers/bosses sure do love them cheap workers
Mo' money to keep fo' themselves
Then you slap a tariff on them and bankrupt them. Make public example out of them and threaten other businesses/industries with the same.
But you're a typical kike who will continue to deny every argument and say it's all hopeless. Worthless fucking bitch
lol you're just so precious. Someday you'll figure out how the real world operates, kiddo.
the employee by voting for stricter immigration regulation and penalizing those who hire criminal work for cheap. Its still the illegals fault and they need to go. Just penalizing people who get caught hiring illegal immigrants wont do much because its easy to feign ignorance, so even that might not be a very good idea.
Aren't most illegals future surgeons, CEOs, bankers, and professors? Msnbc said illegals commit less crime than white males do.
LMAO imagine being this poor fighting for scraps. LOL you can not even make minimum wage haha
hi yes can i order a large milkshake and a number 2 with extra fries and no ketchup or onions on the burger, also, when is the next special coming up?
btw is this Jow Forums
i smell alt right
on the 4 chans
I'm not saying you're wrong, but holy shit the race to the bottom of fucking stupid. Americans need to stop this kind of shit. Chinese QC is fucking terrible.