Snowblossom : Could it be....?

Alright, folks. I have clearly struck a chord here. I know some of you want me to stop shilling this, but let's look at the facts here :

This is on one, essentially, unheard of exchange. Tradeogre is one thing, but Qtrade is off the radar. This has no GUI wallet. That means this is the ground floor. There are an estimate 500 holders, with the top rich-list being the "Satoshi equivalent" of Snowblossom (Snowshi, if you will). Snowblossom works.

This was a completely fair launch. A hair over 1M in circulation, and 21M total. There are Vitalik style nerds all over this thing, having discussions about shit I don't even know about yet myself.

Nobody is talking about this, except us. It's been what, 8 months? People bought OTC at $3 in May. Even ULTIMATE shitcoins like XBI, UUU, take your pick, have Twitter shills. Youtubers discussing it in large swath 45 minute videos. You all know this space is disgusting. Now, think about the implications of the fact that literally zero people are saying a single word.

You cannot honestly believe that this project is bad enough to warrant that, so that means one of two things. 1.) This is a coordinated effort to keep it quiet, so they can accumulate more, as mining can be difficult. 2.) We are on the ground floor. ....personally, I think it's the second. We are now above 15,000 sats, again. If you think this will drop back down to 7,000 for very long, then half your buy-in, but at this point, I just do not know.

One thing is for certain : This is clearly a contender to go to a 250M+ market-cap, and beyond, and if you buy in now and keep your sticky fingers off the keyboard for a year or two, you should think about the true implications of what that means for you, monetarily.

If you're look at getting double or triple digits on the sidelines right now, it'd behoove you to look into it right now. Today.



Attached: snowblossomflower.png (1500x1500, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Some info drops:
>Main dev has been working on BTC projects and Cryptography since before 2012
>Main dev for Satoshi Dice in 2012

On Chain Checkpointing, a dev said :

"Chain size has nothing to do with snowfield. The point of PoW in general is to act as a minting limiter. The problem has been that people made highly specialized patented hardware that gave them extreme advantage. This extreme advantage and limited ownership means whoever owns production of them dominates. Period.
Snowblossom is based on general IO, which is a problem in most all things in the world. So no one really has that advantage, because storage is so common. At worst, we figure companies would have to invent faster storage. Is good for the world?"

When you are done shilling your bags in the next two weeks, pls give us some insight about how much you manage to drop on retards. Thank you.

Other user info :

"Snow has this thing called fields, it has something to do with the difficulty and chain/block size. This is novel tech. I am still looking into it. If Snow doesn't encounter anything "breaking" then they should be able to overcome the chain and blocksize problem. For the regular user this means way faster TPS and way more decentralization since nodes can be ran by average people.
This might be groundbreaking.
Cardano has been working on checkpointing for years, they call it bootstrapping by the genesis block. Miners/nodes can know immediately they are on the right chain by the genesis block ALONE.
It might be something like max chain size at snowfield 11 (2 terabyte) which is probably hilariously larger than the solarsystem mining or something
The chain allows for reorganization and all the UTXOs are stored in the blockheaders (which is fucking amazing, simply put)"

I, and others, are NOT. FUCKING. SELLING.

Stop being unreasonable and look into this.

More info :

>Without really meaning to, the projects I've worked on have ended up being an in depth study of Bitcoin internals. With my mining pool software I had to get rather intimate with block details. With my electrum work I got to learn a great deal about UTXO databases, fast and stable local data stores (rocksdb FTW) and the various ways to index and think about block chains. This has put me in the position to do this snowblossom work learning from many Bitcoin lessons.

>perhaps some of the 'how to pack multidimensional message spaces as efficiently as possible' -approaches could yield something for the known-stable packings, but i have no idea where to being looking into that yet

>the culture here is more like you have to learn in order to get SNOW.

"If you don't believe me, or don't get it, I don't have time to explain it to you, sorry" - Satoshi

I don't know much about XMSS but it seems to be a merkle based system, and if it is like other merkle based systems I've looked at, it's security comes from only using each key once. That is all well and good, but if that is your approach then a wallet that defaults to using a new address for each change and each payment so you end up only using a given key once gets you the same protection. Snowblossom 1.3 wallet does this by default.

As far as the large RSA keys, they can be still be broken by a quantum computer that is big enough, but making them larger is not at all easy so probably buys at least a year, probably more like a decade between one big enough to break normal elliptic curve and the large RSA.
NIST is running a contest for post-quantum cryptography. There is a bunch of interesting work being done there:

One of the key advantages of Snowblossom is the signing system is already modular so adding a new signing method will be easy. So we are well positioned to adopt the winner or finalists of the NIST contest as that moves further along.
For a long term investor, that would look like using qhard keys in Snowblossom and then once we adopt one or more algorithms from the NIST contest and update snowblossom, an investor will want to move their funds from a large RSA protected wallet to the new algorithm. Hopefully, given how hard it is to add qubits to a quantum computer the window to do this will be at least a few years."

For a long term investor, that would look like using qhard keys in Snowblossom and then once we adopt one or more algorithms from the NIST contest and update snowblossom

Snowblossom is designed to cripple specialized hardware attempts by requiring an expanding, massive amount of readily available storage, and relies on the IOPS of that storage. In theory, even millions of dollars in equipment would not be capable of delivering much faster storage or ram.

Basically radio silence. One per post day this last week?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 1.47.04 PM.png (1184x770, 234K)

Also : Radio silence on most biz threads, outside of a few geeky anons who actually bought and are diving deep.

Don't fuck this up, biz. Keep an eye on it, at the very least.

>Snowblossom is designed to cripple specialized hardware attempts by requiring an expanding, massive amount of readily available storage, and relies on the IOPS of that storage.

So it takes even more space on your hard drive than bitcoin?

Attached: what-the-fuck-man.jpg (550x425, 71K)

I think you're not digging deep enough.

How is this better than Nerva which is GPU resistant, ASIC resistant and pool resistand? Also a privacy coin.

Yeah, first time I even heard about this lol.

Why abandon Bitcoin?

This has absolutely nothing to with Nerva.

Many think it's time. Could this be "muh next ____"? Anything is possible, and this looks like a contender, in my eyes.


I do agree that the current version of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are both severely lacking.

However I was under the impression that BCH would be upgrading to include new features later this month.

Plus, by soft launching a coin like this, and expecting it to be 'muh next' you are basically suggesting to reset the entire financial landscape all over again?
How many nobodies are loading up tens of thousands of SNOW right now?

The project looks good though.

>This has absolutely nothing to with Nerva.

What kind of an answer is that?

Again, why would you buy this instead of Nerva?

That's the point. Nobody....yet. Do you remember Bitcoin being a 1M market-cap? It took a long time, and the CMC data only goes back to, what, $1.25B? Think modestly about a market-cap of $250M for Snowblossom. 250x from here. Nobody is talking about a total take-over of BTC, but to say it's out of the question would be incorrect.

Likely? Maybe not. Time will tell, but if you think this couldn't get to a $3-4B market-cap by 2021, you are probably going to be incorrect.

Because, again, it's a completely different space from Nerva. What you're saying is like saying "Why would I buy ICX instead of RLC?"

Have you dug into this for a few hours?

Interesting stuff.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 2.28.54 PM.png (2794x486, 130K)

I'll keep my eye on it.
Hands are tied for another day. Might take a close look at it when I can.

Yeah I saw that post.
I also saw all the other interesting coincidences.

Coincidences are coincidences, until they're not.

I'm giddy as fuck.

What does this mean for all the rest of the world that still are being told about Bitcoin?

It means we are early adopters. Look, I am not trying to make bold claims, but the fact remains that this is still a very, very good investment under a 2M market-cap. If you are worried about a heavy dip, buy half, and wait.


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 2.37.08 PM.png (2232x1060, 2.05M)

I'm not worried about a dip, or about my personal wealth.
I'm worried about the state of the world.

This coin will compete with Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is being just now introduced to the world.
I'm thinking long term.

The world moves onto Bitcoin, and then has to move again onto SNOW when it outcompetes?
Unless you think Bitcoin will die this year -

Seems messy.
Like I said my hands are tied for a day, so I have time to think things over.

Oh, an IP logging user? Interesting.

Bullish AF.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 2.38.25 PM.png (1454x518, 251K)

This would obviously take time. Nobody thought Myspace would fall to Facebook. Key in any of the other 100 other scenarios like this.

It should happen eventually, but again, even if this is a light contender, 2-3 Billion for a cap would be just a starting point.

If that doesn't warrant an investment....

Chinese internet remains terrible. Let's see how long I can stay here.


How many of these are being mined a day? What will the circulating supply look like a year, or five years from now?

Yeah, I get it.
I'll do a deep dive tomorrow.
Might be worth just grabbing some just in case it takes off.

emissions are block height * 50 right now. follows the same schedule as bitcoin.

Not sure. Look it up. Probably not much, but with above comments on miners, we're looking at a moderate amount.

Nice. Thanks user. This is fucking awesome.

Also, past threads have had comments like "I'd buy in but the supply will double next month"

Calculated bullshit, man.

16,000 sats again. O_o

is it right to say that the larger the field the harder it is for big players to get an advantage? at what point to VPS become pointless?

What coincidences did you find?

its being manipulated

I do see some shenanigans, but like I said, if we fall back to 8,000, I'll simply buy more.

I'm going to be very patient with this one. More patient than I've been in years.

I'd also like to know the others you've found.


Ah! I'm going to contact this person about Snow.

Not yet user

How many snowflakes to make it by 2021?

Take whatever amount of money you consider making it, think about the BTC parallels, calculate market-cap from 1M to whatever you think it could get to. 200M? 1B?

Personally, I have 12,000 I won't touch until 2021. Now I need a trading stack.

Too late. ...and he already responded.


>Now I need a trading stack.

I need a stack to sell when / if this 25-50x's, and the rest to remain secure indefinitely.

1,264 addresses now. Richlist growing.

....and /ourguy/ Gerald is in the Discord.

Def too late now.

Oops. t.picrelated

Attached: fuckingtwu.png (1994x1330, 763K)

2 BTC wall moved back up 12,000 sats. Should be an interesting Q4.

w-who the fuck moved that up there

it's been bouncing around since 7,500 sats.

next obvious floor at 20,000 sats. minister you, snowshi.

so just need to back up the wallet file and that’s it?

Double check in the Discord to ensure you aren't making any critical errors.

LoL. "fuck off twu"

Nope. Next! This is gonna be a good year.

These aren't ASICs those are early Bitcoin adopters with capital who know SNOW solves several issues in the space.

Also top kek at the fudsters who actually believe Twu is trying to pump and dump this. Several people in the Discord are upset he decided to make this known before they were done "accumulating". Check the logs. He even apologized and said it was time for people to know.

We are likely dealing with a breakthrough in computer science and engineering tech here.

Forbes will be reporting on this within a few months at the most.

alright but that exchange looks shady af. wouldnt leave any funds there.

is paper wallet the only way with this snowcoin? i have a ledger s

^this...looks like some out-of-the-box wordpress template. looks incredibly vulnerable.

JSON only text. Not even seed words yet. Welcome to the ground floor user. Saw someone else recommending Veracrypt containers. +1 that.

desu i'm retarded when it comes to more techy things, but will look into the veracrypt thing. prefer to have my stuff on cold storage. thanks user

I believe it got hacked for Amoveo a few weeks back. Buy and get it off the exchange.


20,000 SATS.

Throwing 1000€ at this when it hits 12000 sats

5 BTC Volume.

Fuck. Yes.

Might want to put that buy order in now in case someone sells soon. As I said a few days ago, there are some minor sheckles being sold, as big miners care not. You might be outplayed by 2 BTC bro.

Let's see.

it did earlier today.
gotta wait for the next dip now

Gonna laugh so hard if this heads straight for 100,000 sats with piddly sells.

Buy order is in

How much are you trying to grip?

Feels insane to know all Snowblossom has to do is hit an 85M cap and I am a millionaire. If I pass away before then, bury me with my key, my friends.

Attached: Snow4.png (896x621, 743K)

한국인은 SNOW에 큰 관심을 가지고 있다


Attached: 1541330256321.jpg (512x512, 27K)

>한국인은 SNOW에 큰 관심을 가지고 있다

정말? 어떻게 생각해? 우리에게 모든 것을 말해주십시오.

Wouldn't mind 0.25

12,000 sat buy order upped to 3 BTC.

Is this a larp or is this guy sweating?


just more people are offering to buy at the same price?

Break this fucking floor.

Perhaps. But....they're gonna wait until 2 BTC chips through, in the possibility of him market-buying, or pulling that shit entirely? Risky.

16,000 sat ask.

I think we're all gonna make it.

2,150 sats.

cant wait to see where this gets corrected to in the next few days

it'd be amazing if it ran for a while before a major correction, but i am also very curious.

realistically, this is still very low, considering there were $3 OTC trades in May.

This. OP is a faggot.

Ah, the salty posts begin.

Here's a screenshot of my call at 650 sats.

Did you listen then? I doubt it.

Will you listen now? I doubt it.

Attached: snowblossom.png (2786x1240, 596K)

You really believe you can stop the snowball? You will be fighting for flakes soon.

Ha! Nice.

Especially funny are the replies to those first threads.


"Take your shitcoin and fuck off prandeep"

If this hits a $1-2B market-cap in 2020, it's going to be really funny.

Wow, someone has deep pockets for this right now. 27,000 sats incoming?

>When you are done shilling your bags in the next two weeks, pls give us some insight about how much you manage to drop on retards. Thank you.
>I, and others, are NOT. FUCKING. SELLING.

kek, that's why you're shilling so hard, right? Instead of just going all in and waiting for a 10,000x moon that you are so sure will happen? In fact, you want to keep the price down for longer so you can get more money into it, right?

No, you want to dump on plebs like you always do, JEW

I'm shilling so hard because I want you all to make it. I like helping people get in on the ground floor.

You can all talk all the shit you want, but :

Oh, look, 10 BTC volume today, 4 of them in the last hour.

I guess I did that myself, right, to bump at a loss.

It's okay, you can apologize now.

There won't be a correction, he must own like the complete supply of it, and according to the order book he can only buy and sell to himself.

Up next he is going to post graphs saying 10'000 was a bear trap, that he has bitcoin feelings and reminds you that you probably hate money for not buying this gem. I give this nigger actually till 25. November


>realistically, this is still very low, considering there were $3 OTC trades in May.
this doesnt mean anything tho.
in may the coin surely wasnt worth 3$ apiece.
we're not even at the stage yet where it is

who, twu/OP ?

Yes OP.

anons, i always look out for you. the top 3 wallets own 30% of the circulating supply. these 3 people are the only ones shilling it on here and are trying to dump their bags on you. buy, but not at these prices. wait until 200k marketcap. or set up a cheap miner.

Only if you're mining.

Yes, I have a million dollars and own 1M Snowblossom. D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L

You guys are fucking retarded.

I have proven myself time and again. This type of talk doesn't bother me anymore. I wonder when you'll learn, though.

I hope this unironically does becomes the next ETH, you remember this thread, and you all kill yourselves.

$150M market-cap will do just fine for me, though.


Attached: salty.png (1330x798, 131K)

Yes, there were $2-3 OTC buys earlier this year. Scroll back to see them. Hit up HONJA to confirm the sell, if you'd like.