>be me
>poor college kid with no money
>cant afford dorms or tuition for next semester
>dont want to take a loan out and ruin my life
>dont have time for a job because of school
I have about 1.5k in the bank to play around with, I really think getting into the cryptomarket is my best chance to make money, but I dont know where to start.
Any and all advice accepted biz?
How did you start?
What should I read?
What should I invest in?
What platform should I use to trade?
Help me get started BiZ
Don't "trade". Just buy Ethereum or Bitcoin using whatever major site does that in your country, then go onto a site called binance.com and buy as much Chainlink (LINK) as you can, and then hold onto it for over a year.
That is unironically the best advice I can give you.
This, maybe some BAT too, still time to make gains with legitimate projects son
Did this work for you?
Are you in the US, if so what trader do you use? Ive heard the big ones like Coinbase are hot garbage.
Don't "trade". Just buy Litecoinusing whatever major site does that in your country, then go onto a site called Tradeogre.com and buy as much Turtlecoin (TRTL) as you can, and then hold onto it for over a year.
That is unironically the best advice I can give you.
They are both of my best performers for the year (this is true for many people as all other alts shit the bed)
Coinbase has pretty low fees for getting btc or eth, easy to use, and they're listing BAT right now it's already on cbpro
user stay away from vapourware hype coins like this, they're scams, always make sure your coins have good usecases and teams and tech
whats all this hype around BCC
is it just hype or could this blow up by the end of Q4
Ive noticed the trend that coins tend to explode around the holiday (probably in part due to all the spending)
Why can't you work too? Heaps of people 20-30 hours with uni. I do, my friends do.
Turtlecoin is open source with no pre-mine and is purely proof of work. buying at 100 Litoshi< is like buying bitcoin at 0.01 cents.
realistically I could probably find a way to manage around my work, but to have a wagecuck job and manage a social life is pretty difficult
plus i hate everything about the prospect of having a job, from waking up on time to having a dickhead boss
id rather be broke than miserable desu
preferably not either
I know if your serious about trading it can become like a job, but i would rather that than the alternative
Is yobit any good?
Hey listen - $1.5K is nothing to trade with, you can't make it anywhere with that.
Do one of two things:
1. Put it into your long term savings or short term emergency fund.
2. Start a business - I don't know what, you have to work that out, but a business is your best shot at making it big.
Don't listen to the poopers, zoopers or boopers here.
Should i just start dealing crack or pills instead?
im at the point where im seriously considering it
Unless you come from a family and neighborhood that is familiar to all that I would stay on the straight and narrow.
If your Dad, Uncles or cousins are criminally inclined well go for it.
have a few dirtbag friends who do this, but no family and my neighborhood is pretty good (not that i would sell there like retard)
Dont bother with criminal shit, profit dosent outweigh the risk. More importantly you dont want to surround yourself with worthless drug addicts, it will only skow tou down in the long-run
Coinbase pro has no fees. Don’t buy from coinbase use coinbase pro. It’s free and instant and you get a better rate. Then send the bitcoin to Binance and buy link and hold it for a long time. That’s it. Don’t try to ‘trade’. You’ll most likely lose all your money.
Ignore this idiot. Turtlecoin is a scam. Ask the shills, what does their coin do? What’s makes it useful or special?
Best: Link
Second best: Bat, Holo
Maybe: Ark (maybe)
Other than that I don’t know.
I have pretty much nothing left to lose at this point
Im pretty fucking miserable, and money is my only key to happiness
If i get fucked i get fucked
obviously i dont wanna take the risk if theres a smarter and more efficient way to make money
How do i access coinbase pro, i assume it costs money no?
What about the big coins like ETC and BCC
is BAT the better option?
The key is to not let money define your happiness.
Off course you need it and if you can stack it up life is easier financially.
But remember more than half of us live paycheck to paycheck. Don't think if you aren't able to be secure financially that you can't achieve in many other areas of life.
>achieve elsewhere in life
What else is there to achieve
Right now i desperately need money to avoid being kicked out of college
not to mention cash will help my abysmal woman issues
>dont have time for a job because of school
Unironically false
Work part time and borrow money from family if you have a gap. If you can't do that just take a low interest government loan, but limit this to as small as you can without trying to live a lifestyle you can't afford.
The fact that you say you can't work makes me realize you're probably just a lazy shit. I worked midnight-8am 32 hours a week to avoid debt while in college.
I don't trust it, BTC is what you want
>Work midnight to 8am
>I go to class from 9 to 5
If i were to do this I would literally drop dead
There are days where i have a much lighter class load but I would be fucking miserable. If i dont care about work i have to do i wont do it. id kill myself showing up to a shitty wagecuck job
Im not looking for a “free money get rich quick scheme” as that shit is just luck in its purest form. I imagine however with the right amount of knowledge and insight, my time would be far more heavily rewarded in crypto trading
I'm not advocating you work the same shift as me, there are plenty of partial shifts for students. Any positive income helps, and it also is very useful to have some work experience before you graduate.
>I go to class from 9 to 5
No you do not. The amount of free time a college student has is incredible. I didn't even have a meme major an no one I knew had a solid 8 hours of classes a day. You have something more similar to like 5.
>I imagine however with the right amount of knowledge and insight, my time would be far more heavily rewarded in crypto trading
Imagine that you're wrong and that I've seen some of my friends make the same arrogant mistake you're chomping at the bit to make. Your time would be more heavily rewarded working in the student union 10 hours a week and accepting that Jow Forums is full of people who have bled money with exception of people who bought BTC a long time ago.