I think germany allowing in millions of migrants was an economic mistake, in an age of increasing automation...

I think germany allowing in millions of migrants was an economic mistake, in an age of increasing automation, especially in developed countries like Germany, letting in millions of unskilled and uneducated workers is a disaster waiting to happen. The jobs these migrants will be able to do being taken over by automation, they will become unemployed in an already tight Labour market and will likely become unemployed for long periods of time, this will be a major drain of Germany’s already over spending on welfare, they already face a aging population set to cost the state billions. People need to stop claiming refugees will save the economy, you should actually help them when they won’t become an unemployed underclass.

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Look, horsedick,
they were taken in as refugees, not future workers. Further, the job market in Germany is far from tight, in fact growth over here is already limited by lack of workers.

Third, fuck off to /pol

Cuck as fuck German.

I got off the train from Luxembourg at Trier to a crowd of what looked like Ghanaian and Nigerian giga-niggas, what are they seeking refuge from?

RIP Cuckmany

Lol this faggot

Actually OP none of that matters. The whole poiny of migrants was to have new people to push debt onto so boomers can enjoy their wealth before it all collapses.

Ofc it will eventually all collapse because the debt burden is unsustainable
But its rigged so that by the time that all occurs, boomers will already be dead and gone.

Hope u have rich boomer parents who have in place mechanisms to shield u. I know i do :)

>The jobs these migrants will be able to do being taken over by automation, they will become unemployed in an already tight Labour market

they will not become unemployed if they never got the job. of the 1m migrants arrived in germany in 2015-2016 only few hundred got a job, and even them only with government assistance. these migrants add trendemous pressure on the already failing social security and pension system

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>help them
They are stupid, uneducated, can't read or write, mostly aged 20-40, don't speak english let alone languages like german.
They also likely lived on gibs and aid packages in africa, come to europe and get more gibs.

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There's a crowd of friendly niggers at every german trainstation. If you need drugs, just ask them.

retard, they are sucking up benefits not aquiring debt you moron.

I would honestly rather see these refugees do well, but with an increasing level automation it’s going to hurt them and us too

Ironically I went there to see Karl Marx's house.

First thing you see when you step off the train is 150-200 Somali / Nigerian niggers ages 20-35 standing around in packs looking shifty as fuck in the middle of the day.

I agree, germany isn’t tight in terms of jobs now, but when automation hits, it’s going to make it much harder for unskilled people to get jobs

not under current central banking madness. The money being paid for immigrants are growing the german economy through expenditures.
> B-but give more welfare to hartz iv takers
It doesn't work that way. Money needs velocity (circulation) to grow the economy. That's exactly what those immigrants are doing. There is a reason why refugees can either take money from the state or open up their own businesses but can't be employed...

A friction of them fled for serious reasons. Nobody cares about refugees driven by poverty, but this is a paid agenda by (((them))) which is proven already. Soros likes the current situation.
Even legally speaking, germany had and has no obligation to take a single one of them. Aka Dublin II.

The next generationS have to pay for the abuse of democracy. But as publicly stated "Wir schaffen das", right? Get rich quick and be able to provide everything for your friends and family. The upcoming time will be fun.

btw, wrong board. nothing to do with Jow Forums, except the millions and billions wasted tax money on low subhuman races from africa.

giving money to random poor non-migrants would have the same effect...

there is zero economic benefit to bringing them in. none.

my sides
european data on three to four generations of african and middle east immigrants show after three generations these populations are still a bigger tax burden than tax contributor. unemployment levels even manage to rise from second gen to third gen
these immigrants were never imported as a longterm economic solution. it's the contrary: a live grenade used to cook the GDP books and push the debt economy further, from people who've lived a lavish lifetime out of selling out future generations. think it's a coincidence mama merkel suddenly decides this is her final term? when europe starts burning in the late 2020s, she'll be safe and sound in a gated community of Argentina

It was never intended to improve the economy. Do you seriously fucking think bringing in average low IQ individuals will contribute to prosperity? It's an act of a silent war. Yet eurofags sucks it allll up like a boiling frog. The stages dont come in months, they come in years so generations of children will think it's normal to be so cucked.

>be rich and smart
>decouples usd from gold
>gain unlimited power
>sets up 9-11
>go to war
>now you control oil reserves and destabilized the regions
>fund left wing media and brainwashing ops
>decades later, the populace's anus is now well prepped. Create another conflict in the destabilized regions once more.
>redirect the refugees to europe

All these outcomes that they want from the refugees require a strong government. Yet in the informatiom age (especially when cybermunnies are getting mainstream) nation states are having less and less power.

When people starts to be fed up with this shit and pay less and less tax, states start breaking down. They start cutting cost and services. Some smart guy will then set up a DApp that replaces certain government functions.

Immigration is good in moderation during a growing economy. When that economy slows down (or becomes stagnant), so should immigration. Politicians either don't understand that or are turning a blind eye because of their "holier than thou" attitude.

If the refugees do not establish independence before public smart contracts take over some government functions, there will be millions go homeless and chaos ensues. They'll blame white people for not giving them jobs when the situation is more complex than that. Unless the country remains left-leaning and funds the welfare voluntarily, civil war will break out eventually to clean the country of degenerates (smart refugees can and should stay tho).

Or, europe gets cucked so hard that their children believes this is normal so things dont change.

There is an entire new "industry" catering to the needs of Immigrants thats growing and providing a wide range of jobs, mostly social workers, teachers, doctors, police, security etc. These jobs will feed millions of germans and keep the money flowing. The immigrants will be educated and integrated just enough to clean our toilets and wash our elderly. And since they are mostly sub 90iq allahakbars, they will never not need their mas.. eh helpers to tell them what to do.

Having to work for a living. Obviously.

Do you have a source ? Can't find the "european data"

Also, when Russia invades eastern Europe, you can use them as convenient bullet sponges. Brilliant!

Correct OP, it's just so obvious that it is redudant to even mention

This better be bait.

First of all, the migration stream to Western European countries has been increasing for decades now. The "refugee" crisis was just a sudden increase.

Second of all, "taken in as refugees", are they going to leave? Nop. So still a mistake.

Third of all, the market is not far from tight, the lack of workers is solely due to poor allocation of human capital. e.g. in the Netherlands there are hundreds of thousands of people sitting at home doing shit, simply due to poor allocation. The government never properly prepared low-mid skilled employees for the rapidly changing job market, literally zero guidance. When 2008 hit a fuckton of people with a "stable" job become unemployed and had zero chance on entering the job market anytime soon, simply no skills for current market. More "workers" is not gonna solve those issues. These "workers" will end up in the same shit.

Have you never wondered how it's possible that unemployment is still significant amongst western nations, yet "employers are screaming for employees". This problem is not going to be solved by adding more useless human capital to the market. The lack of workers is predominantly skilled employment, not unskilled. Good luck finding those in your "refugees".

Correct, same as in NL. Amongst some peoples (Somalies) the unemployement after 5 years is still 90%.

Imagine the economic damage. Literally billions of euros completely and utterly wasted. And then to add insult to injury these people are somehow painted as an economic benefit.

Only quality immigration is good in moderation. Any immigration from Africa, Middle-East, South-Asia is shit. Long term these people cost money, unless they belong to top tier migrants of which there are few.

I wonder (((who))) whispered this nonsense into your ears.

we need migrants in europe to compete with asia..
integrating them is hard but without them we cant have low cost workers (slaves)...

I honestly don't see how Europe will survive without civil war to establish a new paradigm. We have to look at the facts here. There are millions of migrants with no skills, low IQ, and exhibiting severe cultural (inc. religious) and ethnic differentiation. Their home countries will most likely refuse to take them back, and they either refuse or are unable to adapt and eventually contribute to their resident nations.
We also need to recognise that what is now common knowledge is, in fact, our coming reality. We skirt around the topic of AI replacing jobs and the economy imploding on a national, probably regional, maybe even global scale, but it will happen unless something changes, and nobody knows what that 'something' is.
Given these facts, it does not seem unlikely that these migrants, who are already unable to adapt to modern jobs, will become the perpetual underclass of the future. They simply are not needed, and will contribute nothing. In past times such people turned to violence to ensure survival and later seize the means of prosperity.
Thankfully, technology will soon ensure that one machine can effectively police a large amount of people. Given our intellectual superiority, as shown by IQ and ensured by its mostly hereditary qualities, we can rest assured that these machines will most likely be controlled by us, and therefore the effects of any migrant revolt will be negligible for those at the top. For those at the bottom, though, we can imagine the horrors they would be subject to. The weak, however, must suffer what they must, for that is the rule of nature.
As for these migrants, the best case scenario from an economical standpoint is a process of darwinian selection ensuring the best of them make it out of their ghettos while the rest perish, either immediately through warfare, or more slowly through either enforced sterilisation or more natural means.

do you even live in europe? migrants work for less money than white people, they work slave jobs in factories, its the only way to compete with china, as china basically has slavery...

As for the native population, it is most unfortunate that a vast swathe of them will be simply unnecessary, as they will be unable to develop the mentally intensive skills required to succeed and prosper in such a complex economy. We can, however, exercise a great degree of charity, as we may still derive some economic benefit from them by instituting UBI to transform these otherwise useless citizens into perpetual consumers. Those among them who are gifted with the boon of high IQ should have the opportunity to elevate themselves, as this would greater divide the classes and ensure a meritocratic hegemony.
We can also talk about global warming, the megapolitics of violence, geographical constraints, and many more interesting topics, but they all generate the same answer: the future is grim. So grim, in fact, that if there were some contract based on suicide rates I would go 100x long.

no we don't user.

why bother competing with their flesh bots when you can just develop a completely autonomous solution that runs on electricity?

>It won't get tired, sick or strike.
>You won't need to 'hire', just build more (and at some point that will be like 3d printing more, no humans needed).
>even their shit tier wages will not be able to compete with electrical costs, especially as the shift to renewable happens.

>already tight Labour market
Literally kek
tight labour market

I cannot... /poolacks please leave, you are beyond salvation

To do what? Slaves for what? Integration is impossible as has been clearly shown. Furthermore, the majority of these "slaves" is unemployed. So again, slaves for what?

Integrating them isn't hard, it's impossible.

No, a minority works in factories and these are more actual workers from Eastern Europe. Furtermore, what part of automization do you not understand? These "slaves" you are talking about are as we speak becoming unemployed by the millions is china because they are being replaced by robots.

T. Never misses a episode of John Oliver NPC

>error, error
>response: hostile
>beep boop

because we dont have automation yet, we will have it in 10/20 years... meanwhile if we dont want our industry to die we need slaves

Yeah so let's just destroy the country to make a few bucks

It's already happening in my shithole country (Ireland).

McDonalds, Burgerking and major stores (like tesco) have automated their checkouts. They are currently testing self driving trucks here also.

Even in krautland, they have successfully trialed a self driving tram. Things like trains will obviously be next.

And if you weren't wasting state money on low IQ niggers, you'd probably have this even sooner. But hey, stick with your feelings and that you "need" such retards in your country, suits other countries without some kind of guilt complex just fine.

ouch bruh that coping

Rufugees will be soldiers. Can't you see ww3?

It's all about impregnation of fertile German bosoms. Liberals don't care about future economic impact lol

Just fee fee's and the raping that women had spent decades hoping and voting for.

free flowing capital requires the free movement of labour. Arbitrary, artificial concepts such as nation-states are nothing more than spontaneous agglomerations, bound to ever repeating cycles of dissolution and consolidation.

Why not accelerate the process?


that might work if they aren't entitled to welfare or citizenship for either themselves or their offspring. oh, and they should actually have a job before they come over and start bringing in drugs and crime... maybe there should be some kind of vetting process and restrictions in place before letting people into you country, hmm... it could be called an "immigration policy"!

>I think letting millions of unintelligent savages from outside Europe was a bad idea

No, seriously goyim? Please enlighten us with more of your wisdom.

>there are people who think that those niggers are "refugees" running from war. Just ULTRATOPKEK

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dude you are wasting you facts on those basement dwellers.

hello timo

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No one on here is this bluepilled and deserving of being in a cringe compilation.

theres a reddit cuck named timo that shills on twitter and is from germany, he made the post

>Immigration is good in moderation

Unequivocally false. All immigration into first world countries is a broken window net loss.

>this is how the average German thinks
Wow, your country is actually fucked.

it's a shame but you're right

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Then they should return to their countries when the situation improves.

you don't realize all the other modern civilizations they migrated through in refuge (see: israel) without stopping and landing in germany.

Fuck you lee hsien loong

they were brought by the powers that be to be slave workers
they didn't realise how stupid and useless they actually are
or maybe they did
everyone must know by now (((they))) prefer to live in multicultural countries so they don't get noticed doing their subversion.
muslims/niggers raping and stealing offer a great distraction as well