Wagecucking for less than a month

>wagecucking for less than a month
>start obsessing over God, death, the afterlife, nihilism, oblivion
>dread and meaninglessness hang over everything

I didn't think like this while I was a NEET. Wagecucking truly robs you of your soul.

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Start drinking and gambling. That's how I've dealt with it. You'll eventually learn to tolerate it.

You wanted the redpill, you got it

I tolerate wagecucking by drinking and going camping on the weekends.

I've already been a drunk during my NEET years. But as depressing as that was, I never felt cold piercing dread like this.

OP, that's your conscience. You're supposed to be thinking about these things; the first three at any rate.

For some reason, this is the first time I've taken the eternal oblivion concept seriously.

How much did this cost you to get started?
Whats your pack list look like?
I live like 10 miles from one of the best national parks in the US and I've been saving up to start.

Hard to put a number on it. Most of the stuff I've had for years. If you are in a temperate climate I'd start with a coleman tent ($50) a properly rated sleeping bag with a sleeping pad for underneath it (insulation...dont skimp on price here. ~100ish for both) then you really just need a cheap stainless steel cup or mess kit, and some way to cook your stuff. I prefer fire if Its not a dry season, but butane works fastest.

Come over to >>/out/ and make a thread explaining the length of your trip and what the climates like. We'll ask you questions and get you all sorted out.


yeah just avoid existential questions by drugging yourself. that'll help in the long run OP

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The wages of sin is death? How about, the sin of wages is death?

Because wagecucking reduces you to the level of mere organism.

i dont want to wagecuck ever again its the most soul sucking shit,

I got a new wagecucking job start tomorrow after I quit my last job 2 months ago. Only lasted 8 months in that one. Pretty much how its been for me the last 10 years. Already know Im gonna hate tomorrow and the next 6 months will be about all I can take before I take a few months NEETbreak. Only 30-40 more years of this ah Ill be fine

Yes, wagecucking sucks, makes you depressed and if you ever manage to have enough money to live without needing to do it you would be happier and not obsess in angish about that kind of stuff.

>NEET for years
>Meager welfare income that basically allows me to buy some food and stupid shit but nothing else, live with parents.
>Can't afford car so can't really go anywhere that isn't within walking distance
>Eventually become so bored with life and the constant drudgery of basically doing nothing all day
>Friends all get jobs and girlfriends/wives never really see them anymore
>Crippling depression and isolationism
>Decide enough is enough and get a job so I can actually do something besides lay in bed and be miserable
>Get decent paying desk job
>Everything is great, talking to people again, making money, move out, get a car, going to bars, living life
>Suddenly job takes a turn for the worst, downsizing causes a lot of positions to be cut
>I don't get fired but now I have to do twice as much work
>Regularly working 2-3 hours overtime minimum every day
>Super stressed just want to run away from it all
>Suddenly it dawned on me
>Have all of these debts now: Car insurance, rent, food, gas, bills, everything
>I can never leave because I've wrapped myself in debt
>This is my life now

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wagie wagie get in cagie
wagie wagie works all day
wagie wagie makes me fries
wagie wagie screams and dies

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>he only just realized wagecucking was a form of mind control created by the illuminati

>start obsessing over God, death, the afterlife, nihilism, oblivion
Now you're asking the real questions instead of what autistic anime to watch

you need baby jesus,OP

Just wait until you find out every single thing you think you know is a lie and the elites hide the truth of the afterlife so you will go to eternal suffering. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break it. You will be punished accordingly.

>Just wait until you find out every single thing you think you know is a lie and the elites hide the truth of the afterlife so you will go to eternal suffering. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break it. You will be punished accordingly.

A lot of anons seem to deal with wagecucking by drinking/smoking. How many times a week do anons do this?

He's not wrong

>elites hide the truth of the afterlife
that's edgy

Nah i used to be the blackpill user. Wagecucking, being depressed, overweight, smoking 1-2 packs a day.

Then i quit smoking Day 1, lost 20kg of weight and got a flat stomach, stopped drinking (only drink wine) and eat healthy. Im still redpilled and am wagecucking but im super based now and desu im happier. I just fuck up normies with their bullshit and they just fear my presence and aura. Im more like a bohemian right now and i dont really care what people think, what they say or what they want. I only care about people who truly want good for me, but those who dont want good will get the fucking shit.


>cannot refute it
Please, enlighten everyone on how only the dumb nigger elite know the truth about the "afterlife."


Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant. The law is the law.


>your feelings
Please, enlighten everyone on how only the elite know the truth about the "afterlife."

ITT: beta cucks that complain about having a 9-5.
No wonder white women prefer to fuck males of other races.

Spotted the nigger who's the same color as fecal matter

Not a negroni, but this thread is full of low T beta males that can't handle normal everyday life. Grow the fuck up faggots, ever once think what your ancestors had to do for a living in this country? Ever think of all the micks and wops that had to build skyscrapers in nyc without any harnesses getting paid shit wages? Grow a pair you niglets.

>ever once think what your ancestors had to do for a living in this country?
>ancestor meme
Your ancestors were a bunch of jackasses just like you, lmao

I work 2 jobs
One from 5am-5pm
Second from 6pm - 11pm
Only make 600-700 a week
I get by by playing tv shows and music in my head

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>only 700
i make 250-300.

>food, electricity, gas, rent

thats not debt, thats called living your own life instead of hanging on mommas clit

Based and redpilled
Fucking low t cucks KHV in here


Search for a new job you spastic retard

What autistic anime should I watch?

I don't understand how you people can even function. I'm 31, recently got my first job, been wagecucking for a whole month now. Still living at home, but this is literally the first time I have not been a neet. I sorta like it, finally got money to afford shit. Still involved in all my hobbies. Less depressed than before I started wagecucking.

I'm in the same boat with you I think about this nonstop. People tell you to try LSD or Shrooms but that only made it 1000% worst after it wore off. Maybe I need more sessions. I embrace death now and follow the cliche because unironically its correct. I wasn't bothered by being dead before I was born, why would I be bothered by it in death. In the meantime, I enjoy things animals typically don't understand like comedy, Music, and art that doesn't have anything to do with reproduction and most importantly love (this is clearly psychological and biological). Surround yourself with love and don't forget to love back. It is all we can do in the short amount of time we are present. Hopefully with enough positive energy someone will buy my meme internet coins back.

>surround yourself with love
When did Jow Forums turn so gay
Oh yea after everyone came here from reddit after the bullrun
Fuck these fucking faggots on this board
Especially you OP

Fuck you dis reddit 2.0 now.

My Hero Academia unjokingly got me to work out 4 days a week for the last 5 months. All Might lights a fire under your ass like no other, only fatherly role model any modern anime has made.

You still had all those Bill's before but you put the burden of paying them onto your parents who have their own dreads.

>he thinks Jow Forums is white
How many mutt meetups do we have to have before people wise up

That's because you just started working very very recently. Give it an year or two to let the nihilism kick in.

>31, recently got my first job

So you've been a NEET for at least a decade?

Who hired you and what job are you doing?

>social shaming
It's not others that are low T

NEETS are doing it wrong.

I'm 35, have about 350K in investments, working hard now (also playing hard), getting those sweet sweet dividends, reinvesting, and by the time of my 46th birthday I'll have enough consistent cashflow to be full time NEET while also having money, my own home and my own tendies.

Yes, been living with my mom all this time. Only finished hs and trade school but never got a job afterwards.

> Who hired you and what job are you doing?

Past few months I have been unusually depressed, just stayed in bed and did nothing. Not even tending to my hobbies anymore. Decided to put together a CV with many lies and got a job at a hardware repair / refurbish place. It's a little over minimum wage, very low effort and kinda chill to be honest. Techie work space. From day one I liked it there desu.

You should gamble it all on PrimeDice

I work 3 days a week and make 600 every 2 weeks. I can't imagine working full time.

I need a better job I only make $15 an hour in mortgage servicing pls help I have a college degreee

it's a suffering
i'd take solace in the fact that you at least realize what type of mess/world you're in. take pride in that, let it be your rock in your times of despair. also

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embrace islam srs

I heard someone say today. "I'll stay in this factory the rest of my life"

I can't wrap my head around it. It's certain, he'll stay for the rest of his life, no ambition. Where did people get so brainwashed?


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I work in a pizzeria. I started here the day I walked in drunk 5 years ago. Im a better man now than I was then. I work 80 hours per week and I push myself to the absolute limit every day.

How do I find a better job? I hate this place. I try so hard, and they just brought back the old chef, he wastes food like crazy and he makes a mess everywhere. The past 2 years I've been making the place cleaner and more efficient and now this guy is undoing all of it. I want a job that pays overtime at least instead of salary cuckoldry

Perhaps that person will end his life soon?

Just get a job you don't absolutely hate.

Yeah, he should just make millions while hes at it. We should all just become astronaut pornstars, why didn't I think of this sooner? I think I'll go down the street and sign up, it was this easy all along, why did I struggle for years?!! OH MAN THANKS user

It's about where you work not necessarily what you're doing from 9-5. You don't have to be miserable.

I ain't got no fancy gold college boy diploma that lets me sit at a desk, it's menial under $20 niggerdom. For some of us all we can do is waste away in the mines (not literally, though I'm sure you probably also need a FUCKING PHD TO DIE UNDERGROUND) or hopefully take refuge as a neet if it's possible

You could work minimum wage for 6 months and start a business that allows you to make 740 a month.

What kind of business? I got time and a little bit of $ right now

The problems is pattern recognizion

You start noticing that every day looks like the same, the work you do doesnt give you meaning , the human touch is very super ficial etc.

Only option are finding an better job where every day is different. With people you can relate to.

My previous job was slowly killing me, thank God I found a new gig.

Something you can put a design on. Literally anything. Pay an artist for a design, slap it on said item, and sell. make them to order if you want, so you can spend most of the time taking orders and advertising, and by the end you know how much you have to produce and what you profit.

This. I travel every day. I mean sure eventually I see repeats of the same places and people, but I have a huge territory and I see most of the people about once a month.

I've had worse jobs before. This is just the most consistently I've worked.

A shopify store with printful or whatever, a design off fiver, and fb ads. Look man I don't want to just shoot down your ideas for the sake of it and seem like I don't want to try anything. But I would be shocked if that even broke even for the 10 bucks a month for the hostgator fees let alone 740 (thought you'd have something more tangible and concrete for that number). I don't know, assuming you did this and that is your reference, did you follow a udemy course or something? It's kind of the most thrown out there thing

I don't even use shopify but it costs $30 a month.
>But I would be shocked if that even broke even for the 10 bucks a month for the hostgator fee
So you'd be surprised if you made $10 a month?

>I'm super based now
>I'm more like a bohemian right now
>normies fear my presence and aura

Please, for the love of God, kill yourself now you pathetic cringeworthy zoomer cunt

Yeah, I mean you don't have to link it or anything but what did you do to get 740? Parody of something trademarked? Again did you follow any course or something? Everyone throws out "just sell a tshirt" , it doesn't yield results for most people and kind of seems like a waste of time. I don't know how I would get to a consistent 740 a month with that.

I've only had one in the past 7 years, and it laid me off after 6 months because they couldn't afford to give me the 0.25 raise after 6 months as per company policy, just hire a replacement and restart the 6 months countdown.

The rest have all been actively causing soul damage to the point of considering suicide. Or once, terroristic planning. At its strongest peak about 2 years ago I eventually worked through it to a point I'm stable, and I'll remain functional at least as much as society cares which means pay bills. I'm by no means well though. I'm just hunkering down and suffering through until my parents die. I owe them that much. Well, mom at least.
From there the world is my oyster. End it all, sacrifice myself to remove some bigger nuisance, maybe just abandon all earthly possessions and start hitchhiking. I've got nothing to lose, right?
Or hey, given their health that's about 10 years from now, maybe things will get better in that time. *bitter kekking noises*

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that would just make it all blur together to me even more. oh boy one more person among the several thousand I've already met and I'll forget 30 seconds from now

say I AM a designer. does this let me vertically integrate?

seconding this. i'd love to know how to do this. 740 a month is less than I make now, but enough i could quit my dayjob. I could be content on it.

all jobs are repetitious. repetition is security to some and torture to others. figure out which one you are and if repetition is torture, go live on an island or innawoods

Keep up the good work tho, we need your contribution to pay for our neetbux.
Courage user!

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Lexapro does it for me

>I get by by playing tv shows and music in my head

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>innawoods isn't repetitious

It's what I started with so that's why I said that number specifically. It's about how much you'd make if you got decent hours at Mcdonalds with zero prior experience. The lowest bar.

I'm sorry for making this all seem so easy. A lot of it is knowing how social media works, so read up on that.

ooooh, its a social media job, the merch is incidental.

now i get ya.

I did not say that. But you're a faggot so I'll stop here.

well then what do you mean?

you said its social media.
you said selling shirts.

that sounds to me like "become a social media icon and sell merch of your brand"

because the only other way to turn social media into money is with ads, and that doesn't involve shirts.

unless you're saying to do social media advertising about your shirts, but then like, you're spending a lot of time, money, and effort on getting people to see your shirts, but you still haven't actually given them a reason to want one.


The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

just wagekek and dump all expendable income in link, you'll be a millionaire by 2022

Ya this RChan now. What bitch

he doesnt know what he means

Working on it.

it's only gonna get worse man

yes redd3t be gone

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I take dabs to numb my reality away