BTC and all POW is done. You have been warned.
BTC is done
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Why do people keep posting this FtoM tranny all over 4ch? Who is this person?
I don't know what's going on, but I get the sense that it pertains to an inevitable consolidation of power through corruption that will lead to the elitists ruling over everyone. Keyword: inevitable.
God. He found a way of attacking all POW systems and will begin employing this on BCH on 11/15
>imagine being this much of a newfag
what do I do with my bag?
don't you mean BCH is done?
I still don't see how mining bcash cash will be profitable. It's a fork of a fork that nobody wants anything to do with.
ill hold them for you
That's not a bad thing though, PoW is a dinosaur.
Is Tethering up an okay move?
Who gives a fuck about BTC anyway? It has been centralized since the first ASICs came out. People just seem to ignore this for some reason? CPU only is the only way forward.
Just kys if you cant see through this narrative, absolutely incoherent.
shit he's standing in front of glass with squiggles on it, shit just got real upvoted this my friends
>Satoshi's Shotgun
HAahahahahahaha this can't be real right? This guy seems like he is LARPing but I haven't been following what's going on.
Dubs decide if I long or short BCASH right now?
Yeah ICOs that distribute tokens to whales are surely the future. In case you haven’t noticed newfag everyone here is trying to accumulate more BTC. “POW is a dinosaur” pow is crypto retard. You sound like a December fag who was saying when will grandpa BTC just die. Well it did and took the whole market with it. Are you fuckkng happy
Csw has been exposed.
You sound like an angry (and retarded) bitcoin maximalist. Why would anyone be accumulating more BTC at this point lol?
>that terrified dick sucking at the end
Why is the guy talking about shitcoins, and not Ethereum?
Should they succeed then all investor confidence will be gone and everything will go to shit, end of crypto. I'm not very interested in this deep state coin with >muh satoshi vision
nChain employs the lowest marketing and manipulation tactics. Calvin Ayte seems like a greedy power obsessed richfag. This whole Satoshi Vision narrative is such bullshit, fuck Satoshi, all he did was solve the double spend problem, he isn't a philosophical genius. And CSW is a fraud.
>stuttering about in unwinnable infinite games
>visibly shitting his pants in fear
the guy seems pretty brainlet
The goal with "satoshi's shotgun" is to destroy all POW. Zcash, Dash, and EVEN BTC. This may or may not happen but 11/15 it begins. Maybe he is larping or maybe hes correct. If this is successful against BCH this gives governments and elites a tool to actually fight BTC. If he's wrong and just a LARPer who cares its just a BCH issue.
Yes, he's either right or wrong and we will know in a few days.
I am a big fan of BTC acquire small amounts of BTC everyday. its not much but slowly more and more ends up in my control while adoption is spreading at the same time. other top real digital currencies are ZEC and WAU Coin
Do you think he's funded by governments and high net individuals?(besides Calvin)
ummmm don't you mean bcashies are done? does anybody even care?
He wants to 51% attack all POW coins I believe. Maybe nChain was behind the 51% attacks on Verge, ARK and co. for testing purposes?
What about ether for fucks sake man
>Claim to be satoshi
>Can't program at all
>When called out copy and paste "hello world" tutorial
>Get the code wrong anyway
>Articles are all technobabble
>other devs call you out on knowing nothing about bitcoin
>Claim to have multiple degrees
>Colleges state they never gave them
>Edit old blogposts so they mention bitcoin
>Even edit them to include words like "bloody" because satoshi used the term
>Claim to have thousands of patents
>really have around 3
>Be pro-government and claim bitcoin must work with federal agencies while simultaneously being pro free market
This cuck can't even get 5% of the total hashrate.
great evidence of how delusional the bcashies are
it was a good platform until better platforms arrived like waves and some others I wont mention cause of limited use. its not a capped supply digital currency so doesnt really fit in the same category as BTC and other real digital currencies
cashlets really are a special breed
How the fuck would I know. I have just as much information as anyone else. Craig is probably a fraud but Nchain and other rich people want to do this.
Ethereum is already a mess and arent they switching to POS. But yes they want only 1 POW blockchain to exist.
This isnt just Craig vs POW though You are missing the entire premise here. He really is just a fraud.
This proves how ignorant you are about what is actually going on.
Miners are going to choose ABC over SV because of all the exchanges supporting ABC. There's no way he has enough to hash to both protect his chain AND attack ABC.
SV is done. Craig could have held on if he weren't such an insufferable moron
This isnt just about mining or what is going to be attacking the network. Watch the video FFS. I agree it might fail That is a possibility. Its good to know what is about to happen though.
15 minutes is fairly long. Just explain it
Wow so impressed with your crystal ball. Can u tell me the lotto numers for tomorrow?
This is obviously being done to teach people about the nature of governance in general.
Not just for Bitcoin, but for regular politics as well.
Which form of governance is best?
Who can you trust?
Who gets to decide?
This is a social experiment.
Reaching a climax.
I'm only wondering if they will actually split the coin or just do the hashwar as they say.
Can't trust anyone.
ABC has way more hash ready. I don't see how SV can win unless they have 10 million miners offline ready to go.
ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.
Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.
Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.
Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.
He posted it again!
Oh but it is interesting isn't it?
If it is true (which I think so) I wonder how people will react to this when it happens.
And I don't care much about ABC or Jihan's words since I believe they are all working together in secret.
The only question that matters is if they will do their war using option A or B.
But I suppose that is greed talking.
Perhaps the best move is to just nap.
PoSM = Democracy
POW = Fascism
Which wins
and what for si
Coingeek, Nchain, and other allies are diverging. Hardware designed to mine the ABC ruleset will use a 51% attack as well as possible other attacks not thought of before. The point of the attack is to keep the BCH ABC coin in such disarray it loses confidence thus value. Thus the only safe nodes and connection will be with SV nodes. If they are successful BCash is done and SV nodes and ruleset is valid. This will prove an offensive attack is possible and hash wars may become more common. Ultimately to attack BTC with special mining chips made in Korea by Samsung. In a few months either we are still laughing at Craig and these clowns or Cashies will anhero. If these guys can show they can destroy the BTC chain imagine how much money they could make from this from governments.
A chain split will happen if ABC switches from SHA256D essentially losing. They will just be attacked again. Its to murder the chain is the goal.
Yes part of the attack its not just hash war when they want to make the chain unusable to destroy consumer confidence thus destroying BCH price.
and what for society then,*
will this mean.
Most people don't think on these things,
but they should.
Fiatr value
BTC deserves to be attacked.
It's a garbage coin run by idiots.
Might will make right
but will the people swallow this pill.
This is financial incentive that was from the start.
The financial incentive of bitcoin is to make it as strong and as scaled as possible
BTC has chosen stagnation and they will die
This is my thoughts on the matter.
There will be a fight and death and one will be left standing, but will the people be ok with this?
I thought this was a meme but craig was unironically running genetic algorithms which died because the fees got to high
>he thought it was a meme
Thank god money skelly kept away from building on bitcoin. This drama is cancerous
5% of total sha256, brainlet. There's more than just bcash
ETH will die as well
Because they cannot outcompete BCH
Crypto lives and dies with Bitcoin, as cash.
And that is for all of us who believe in the tech.
We will live and die by this war.
I still don't understand why the benefit of running it on bitcoin is, wouldn't it optimise faster in a local super computer
I don't see why you need to reward it with real bitcoin it doesn't know the difference
No one talks about the elephant in the room
It is the takeover of BTC by banks
If CSW wins this hashwar, it will prove that POW is the best system .
It allowed people who want Bitcoin to work, using the already built in financial incentives,
To take it back from hostile actors
This war will prove Satoshi right
But most aren't on this brainwave. ..
POW will have a coming out party on the day of the war.
People are scared of this because they don't understand the actual battle that is taking place
Other machines will not accept fake value tokens to perform work in the future.
>OP things anyone can gain majority hashrate on the BTC chain
>Other machines will not accept fake value tokens to perform work in the future
How is that not just arbitrary? are you saying AI will know the difference and not work for free or there is some relationship that real value incentivizes optimization better than simulated value ?
No, that is not what this is about mate... Watch the video.
>all POW is done
only sha256
Sigh... Not the goal for the future or the hardware that is being developed.
I'm saying that the AI might interface with other human built machines in the future, and that the humans who own those other computers and machines will only allow them to be interfaced with or operated upon by an AI if there is a real value exchange.
Tulip gives Bitcoin, work gets done
Tulip gets Bitcoin, computation gets done
Value is a magical thing
If you just have an AI sitting on a computer somewhere, how then do you get work done with the results?
so economics was the solution to creating AI
You should watch it past 10:00
I did *TWICE*. Before we start worrying about the attack on BTC well see how this goes against the BCH chain.
>POW is done
it's the only consensus that works without central authority.
One chink already has the majority, it's literally under a constant 51% attack.
Who cares?
Thinking that anything that happens there can be replicated on a chain that has more than 10x its hashpower is just plain ignorance of the very nature of PoW..
A lot of PoW shitcoins have already been 51% attacked in the past.
What did it changed?
You should check your fact:
+ understanding the way pool incentives work would also help.
>Satoshi's Shotgun
You have been warned.
>some mutt thinking he can fuck with btc in a way that hasn't been figured out by peter todd
just lol
you can tell who missed out on bitcoin madgainz
Mfw in the end we find out that this whole hash war drama was manifactured by faketoshi, roger and jihan to make bcash "relevant" again to create this pump so that bitmain can dump their bcash bags they were buying to keep the price "stable" on all of you retards so that they can buy back the btc they spent to get more money for their are all going to get chinked hard...meanwhile ill join the pump
Because longterm the price keeps going up? Do you really unironicaly want to buy coffee with crypto?
>We will live and die by this war.
Proof of stake coins wont be directly attacked yet.
>Should they succeed then all investor confidence will be gone
Fucking this! Why tf would they shit in their own mouth?
Bitcoin looks superpumpy right now - just saying.
>it's the only consensus that works without central authority.
21 block producers is not a central authority.
Just went all in $NANO
Fuck mining
Fuck fees
Fuck turtle speed confirmations
you've got a bingo
can someone provide me the BG and/or QRD pl0x
You honestly think the price will just go up forever? Really? The market cap is already huge. Anyone with a brain is buying something smaller. Buying bitcoin is literally buying high.
That mention of the satoshi shotgun software got me thinking.
At around the time of bitcoin reaching its peak last December, transaction times were up to two weeks. People could buy bitcoin but couldn't get it on the exchange quickly enough to sell it.
At the time the bitcoin network was being spammed by an uncountable number of wallets, all of these wallets were connected back to one wallet which held up to a 21,000 BTC at any one time. It would send off chunks of 500 BTC at a time through a never ending chain of wallets, each time it would split down further and further until it reached 0.0001 BTC and the tree of wallets would be unimaginably big, at which point the chain would reverse itself and all of the bitcoins would end back at the original wallet.
We thought maybe it was a tumbler or an exchange etc but this wallet still exists now with the same bitcoins in it.
We found the original address because it was linked to one of the wallets believed to be linked to satoshi. The coins hadn't moved since 2013/14. Really messed up.
Maybe we were looking at this satoshi shotgun software in action.
Strangely it somehow coincided with what the market was doing aswel.
yeah dude I went all in on reddit too
nice copypasta
>Things I already heard in 2015
Yes I remember people following those transactions.
Makes sense, about that being SS.
And I bet there is even more that hasn't been shown yet. Thinking of poker here.
Ace up the sleeve, and perhaps more.
I would be very wary of holding BTC right now.
If I did have some I'd put it on an exchange probably.
As far as BCH goes, it would be very interesting if there were a chain split, and then SV somehow proved that they could handle the shotgun, while ABC could not.
That would be proof of scale.
Mmm.. in this age of deception.. in this so called trustless technology, it is ironic that everyone is now being forced to trust whoever they are backing.
Do you trust Vitalik?
Do you trust Sergey?
Do you trust Craig?
Do you trust Ver?
Do you trust CZ?
Do you trust Wu?
Do you trust Satoshi?
You retards and chainlink faggots and Holochain sucks wankers should all be banned.
>being forced to trust whoever they are backing.
forced only in the way evidence forces you to believe something.
no one wants CTOR, DSV or wormhole coin, it's insane to change the protocol when tokens can be done in script
That's what I tried to cover in my 'age of deception' quip.
There's no way of knowing for sure what anyone's true intentions are. Say A, do B.
Everything is a mirage until it actually happens.
There is no such thing as trust, but also no such thing as a trustless system.
This is the dilemma we are in.
>only in the way evidence forces you
This I agree with.
But evidence can be misleading. People can be duped.
They can be given false evidence as a trick. A con job.
I already know my stance and I won't change it.
But the situation is interesting. A lot more is being asked of people and of crypto and of governance in general than perhaps anyone realizes.
how much bigger hashpower does BTC have over bch?
More than 10x
>It allowed people who want Bitcoin to work, using the already built in financial incentives,
>To take it back from hostile actors
you can just flip this and have the bad actors taking btc away from the people
Are the 'bad actors' going to 'take away' bitcoin from SV by making it even better at scaling and by building even bigger and better mining rigs?
I say good then.
That's the only way to 'take away' Bitcoin.
Is by out mining, and out scaling.
This is the genius of Bitcoin.
That no one gets.
You sound like an idiot ICO investor who gave his bitcoin to a team for ERC 20 tokens.
Lol, only ERC20s I have are LINK, HOT and QNT, have fun with your bitcoin shitcoin, these 3 are actually gaining even in a bearmarket.
Armani is correct tactically but not strategically. SV is not trying to deliver bitcoin to the banks, they already did that themselves in the view of enough of the majority that the minority who knows better are irrelevant to their goals and can presently be safely ignored.
SV is all about making that no longer the case. We won't be safely ignored. We built this. We understood it from the beginning far better than the incompetent corrupt cunts in who siezed power in their proof of social media chain.
This is simply the reckoning.
All he is saying that "supports the state" is that bitcoin requires the law to work. Not what form of law, not amlkyc which is directly contrary to Ayre's interests that's for fucking sure, but the law that keeps the mass of human activity from breaking down into self destructive unproductive shit like snuff films and gladiators and other monetizing of the darkest aspects of human nature. Without this money invulnerable to political authority simply becomes a channel through which this nightmare can emerge, and don't fool yourself into thinking there aren't those trying to push it into reality.
That is the law that is necessary. The law that keeps the economy high functioning and productive. That pushes the best parts of humanity into a brighter future rather than shackles them to neither the will to power of clueless politically connected assholes, nor psychopathic warmongering mental patients with a hard on for violence.
crypto is done.
I'm comfy sitting here with my non-POW coin. Let the mining exodus begin.
Is he afraid for his life? He’s basically putting a 100 billion dollar bounty on his head, theoretically.
Craig and renko bro are very close. Bro renko propechy is close. Tether won't save you. Ruh roh