There is literally no reason XRP shouldn't be $10 in the near future.
Get ready for Nov 15... the reckoning begins.
There is literally no reason XRP shouldn't be $10 in the near future.
Get ready for Nov 15... the reckoning begins.
You mean 5th, which is today.
Next dates are 11/18, 11/20 and 11/30 cmon
No, I definitely mean the 15th
wat is this thread even
explain for a brainlet here?
>not $100
stop the fud
On Nov 15 all of the POW chains get btfo'd. Ripple will be the great survivor and will flourish in the aftermath. Buy now or forever regret it.
Also XRP will be adopted by the U.S. government in the near future sending the normies into a frenzy.