1. No ongoing bills to shekelstein unless absolutely unavoidable (internet connection)
2. Trailer parks and other pleb shit not acceptable.
3. The idea isn't to get the cheapest available POFY, it's to get the most bang for the buck.
I'll start.
70k USD for a liveaboard capable catamaran, 30k worth of extensions to add watermaker, solar power, wind power, batteries, and a little bit of crypto mining gear for a cash crop. Sail the world doing as you please. Moor in Marinas when you need to live in a coastal city, other times you can anchor out in the middle of nowhere doing whatever the fuck you like and nobody around to bother you that you didn't take there. Requires ability to do your own maintenance and take care of the boat manually, if you offload everything it can get pretty pricey.
The position of fuck you, best bang for buck low rent
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a nice cuck shed
When you have a craving for some roastie it's not too hard to get it in context either.
>the absolute state of our water
This shit costs like $1 million, not $70k unless it's a worthless dingy boat piece of shit lmao
How are you going to get an internet connection at sea?
Gotta pay for what you want, sure. Although I'd point out that actually a FP Lucia 40 as pictured there isn't a mil. More like half that.
If your goal is simply to drown in pussy there are certainly cheaper ways of doing it, an ed visa and thailand spring to mind. If that's your "position of fuck you" fair enough. What I want is independence and not having to continue to pay out to a civilisation I loathe.
You obviously do not own a boat/yacht.
Everyone I know that owns a boat or yacht endearingly refer to their watercrafts as floating money pits.
Living on a boat is for after making it, not the means to make it.
Most of the time you won't be at sea, most of the time you'll be anchored and probably within 4g range. At sea though you are looking at inmarsat BGAN terminal
Most people own them separate from their houses which is just an additional cost of living. If it's your house, what you'd have spent otherwise on a house can go into it instead. If you look at it like that, boats are actually fairly cheap as long as you can do the maintenance yourself.
I think people are starting to realize the only way to be free is in the ocean.
Alright, I got one. Although I only know this works for ausfags, and who knows for how long, but I think the basic way it works means it should last at least a pretty long time and also can be modified in future if they shut it down.
In various parts of the AU outback, say Western Australia, there's super cheap property with very high solar irradiance available. So you can get a house for like 25k AUD and rig it with solar panels. The stupids from here assume that I would say "And then you mine with it" but no, WA grid tarrifs pay absurd amounts for kWh from solar feed ins at the moment, up to like 0.60 AUD per kWh. Meaning you could not only set up a little crypto mine, but also sell your daytime excess back to the grid to finance your nighttime mining, or just skip the crypto altogether and rely purely on the grid subsidy.
On the downside, you're stuck in fucking outback western australia and whatnot, but that's not that much different from being stuck in the middle of the ocean sometimes either right?
If they shut down the solar tariff, you can still make it work by adding an energy storage system and working purely from crypto mining.
If it's your house, youll need to pay slippage or mooring fees somewhere.
If you plan on travelling from port to port, youll need nav gear/radar which is not cheap at all.
Even with a $20,000 dollar boat, you'd have to scale back your lifestyle considerably than if you lived on land.
What if we tether some barges and put container houses on them?
No property tax, no sewage or trash pick up fees... rent out the rooms. Pipe in clean water and electricity.
I don't think barges would be particularly seaworthy, but the thought has crossed my mind that you could maybe put container houses on actual container ships at sea. They're suprisingly cheap since the massive dump in the baltic dry index since 2008. You can get 165 ft cargo ships with 2x1.2MW engines for around 1.5 million USD. I'm just not sure on the specifics of jacking into that energy supply for actual energy usage, as it's typically used to move the cargo ship. But assuming you could, diesel fuel for those generators is also now stupidly cheap courtesy of Venezuelan socialist stupidity, less than 0.01 USD per liter.
Crypto cities at sea.
What a fucking timeline.
I think we are on to something. Park it off the coast of Venezuela isla mujeres and make it luxurious.
reminds me of this text based RPG called Free Cities where you own a a prostitution harem on an an-cap island and you fight for the control of the world through sexual degeneracy and whoring your waifus
/biz parks off the coast of venezuela and fucks their choicest whores in luxury container condos arbitraging their shitty diesel to electricity for the world crypto mining on massive cargo ships from liquidated hanjin stock and still shitposting 2020.
Living the dream
I love the idea, but you degenerate motherfuckers are just begging for venezuelan knuckledraggers to take up piracy and make an example of you.
Are those commie blocks?
I'm starting an ICO, I'm going to use the code SINK.
The fuck is wrong with me? I unironically want to buy this and go live on a luxury container condo fucking vz whores and mining crypto till my dick falls off.
Commie blocks are cosy friend. Each unit comes with a free wall rug and a padded door with double ancient skelleton key locks.
lol, it's actually real
I would buy but include venezuelan passports and offshore bank accounts. I can throw in 30 grand. It wouldn't take many of us to make it happen.
So just quietly, I actually know a guy who may have some juice in Venezuela, and having googled fuel prices and cargo ships, it looks like is actually not lying.
I will talk to my contact and see if we could get some kind of official "we won't murder you for buying all our diesel and fucking all our whores" sanction... But would it really even be worth anything? I mean, it's fucking Venezuela, the place is a basket case.
What about weather storms user? Are you going to factor out the possibilities of Mr. Goldberg whipping up a man made hurricane coming your way? What about border patrol you fucking idiot? Do you think there is no such thing as border police on water?
I shouldn’t have taken this level 3 bait seriously, all of you linkies are autists after all
If we are at sea we will need guns. Alternatively, what about an island settlement? We move to a protected beachfront area on isla mujeres and receive special treatment in return for our investment in the country. Think of it like blue frontiers but on land.
Artificial hurricans? Are you fucking serious? What is this, the x-files?
Nigger you do realise thousands of people travel port to port on the ocean every fucking day and there's not the least thing about it which is in any way illegal, and OP has not in any way said that he is asking how he can evade coastguard customs inspections?
>what about an island settlement
You fucking autistic neets kill me.
What is this the 1500’s? Do you honestly think there is an ungoverned piece of land at this point in time?
Isla mujeres, we get rich and flip it like some are doing in puerto rico now.
In all seriousness though someone is already trying to buy land for such a venture (
By comparison a cruise ship with cargo container condos.. I've never heard anything like that before. I'm not sure if it's because it's fucking crazy or because nobody ever thought of it.
I meant margarita island.
lmao living in containers on a big ass ship
Frankly, I think it's probably a combination of the fact that nobody ever thought of it *while* the present market conditions were in play. BDI crashed hard in 2008 which is what caused distress in the shipping industry thus depressed container ship prices, Venezuelan fuel prices have only been this low a few years. The basic idea is not that dissimilar from the cruise ships that are designed for permanent residency like "The World" etc.
I'm not sure about the engineering aspect of hooking into the power supply of a cruise ship for what is effectively residential / industrial energy use rather than driving a massive propeller, and I'm not sure about the stability of the cargo container ship as a platform for actually deploying those container shipping houses, especially at sea, and especially at rough sea, but aside from that the basic idea does seem like it might actually work.
There's "living in containers"
Not remotely the same thing.
>and a little bit of crypto mining gear for a cash crop
That is dumb on every level.
1. Mining isn't profitable
2. Mining is especially unprofitable at small scales
3. Miners are noisy and right next to your ears on your tiny boat.
4. Miners take up space on your tiny boat.
5. Your internet connection will be at best, poor and unreliable.
6. Miners need electricity which is very limited.
Just so dumb god dammit, OP.
Imagine that on an aircraft carrier hull.
>and I'm not sure about the stability of the cargo container ship as a platform for actually deploying those container shipping houses,
>I'm not sure about the stability of a cargo container ship to hold cargo containers
You're dumb on every level
> 1. Mining isn't profitable
That's because of the price of electricity. If you're generating it from renewables like solar and wind, doesn't apply.
> 3. Miners are noisy and right next to your ears on your tiny boat.
Miners are noisy because they generate a lot of heat which they need to disperse, on a boat you're directly next to the largest potential heatsink in the world, if you're not taking advantage of it for cooling, you're as stupid as.. well, you.
> 4. Miners take up space on your tiny boat.
They're not that tiny. And you can pick the size you're comfortable with.
> 5. Your internet connection will be at best, poor and unreliable.
4g is not "poor and unreliable".
> 6. Miners need electricity which is very limited.
See 1.
Look at some of those cargo container designs, they actually call for significant weight / balance dispersal from a standard cargo container. Yes a cargo container ship could hold a fuckton of cargo containers, even if they were quite heavy, but what about the change in physical footprint from the deployment that goes with some of those designs? There are very few that maintain the basic cargo container footprint.
True that, but if we keep a simple stacked design yet make all the accomodations required, there's no reason for the ship to lose stability.
>ywn own a cargo city-fleet, including cargo-factories
You are never ever going to return your investment on miners, solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries.
>muh free cooling
People who profit from the heat in freezing climates don't make their money back on mining.
And let's not forget what we're talking about when it comes to the ocean. Shit can get fucking real.
We don't have to stack the containers crazy high, whatever is most stable. Some containers are stored below deck.
Solar panels are 0.23 USD kW and have a 30 year lifetime, let's be generous to you and call it 20. 8760 hours in a year * 20 = 175,200. You think you will not get enough from mining on that kW to pay back over 0.23 USD? That's completely absurd. Mining is profitable right now at about 0.04 USD kWh, the price per kWh for solar at 0.23 USD given a 20 year lifetime is 1.3142857142857142857142857142857e-6 USD.
Not only that, but you just flat out need energy on a modern liveaboard if you want any kind of quality of life, so you were going to be buying renewable sources anyway. Mining with them is just consuming excess once your batteries are full effectively.
I guess if you limit the potential footprints, and given the stability even that platform shows in those absurd conditions.. yeah, I suppose I think it could work? It just seems weird that it's so close and easy economically and nobody else is doing it.
>8760 hours in a year * 20 = 175,200
Yeah I forgot that sun is shining 24 hours a day 365 days a year at peak efficiency.
Agreed on the last part tho, that's not a bad idea.
>It just seems weird that it's so close and easy economically and nobody else is doing it.
I guess nobody wants to live on a cargo ship because it's fucking ugly.
A good idea to kickstart that would be to build in a cargo ship off the coast of some very expensive metropolis, say San Francisco or New York. There, you could rent your flats at market price and make a profit.
> Yeah I forgot that sun is shining 24 hours a day 365 days a year at peak efficiency.
Got me there I'll admit, still, that cuts the kWh figure in half, or in quarters at most. Still nowhere near even 0.01 kWh.
On the ugly front, I think the amount of attractive designs on those container houses might help there, the ship itself though I'm not sure.
> A good idea to kickstart that would be to build in a cargo ship off the coast of some very expensive metropolis, say San Francisco or New York. There, you could rent your flats at market price and make a profit.
Christ can you imagine the backlash from the city authorities? I can hear the REEEEE from here.
I'm saying it's not a bad idea to power miners on the surplus of electricity that would be lost, I'm not sure you'll have enough panel surface on a ship to power many miners in surplus of your energy consumpsion.
>Mining with them is just consuming excess once your batteries are full effectively.
If your miners are not running 24/7 you will not get your money back on them. There will be more efficient chips that will make your miners obsolete at anything above $0.00001/kWh.
Anything but the cheapest electricity is not profitable to mine with. Plenty of mining happens with stolen or basically stolen electricity. Solar panels are not even close for the cheapest sources. Your plans are the delusions of a retard.
>not running a cool boat bus service from your Liberty Boat to keep the city authorities happy and bring your tenants home
Not gonna make it
You're full of shit. Even an S7 is profitable right now on 0.03 USD kWh
If you think a significant fraction of global mining activity is done using stolen energy, I have a bridge to sell you. Global average for mining in my experience is about 0.03-0.05 USD kWh for suppliers with 10MW+ contracts with energy companies, and solar on a boat is a shitload cheaper than that if you needed the panels anyway for daily life.
Would depend on the size of the deck and investment in solar panels I'd imagine. That 32 ft in the first image probably not, but some of the bigger 50ft+ yachts? I would think you could put quite a bit of energy on them.
Just several years ago one dude claimed land because nobody owned it technically in the middle of several countries somewhere among the former iron curtain countries. Don't remember exact spot.
Short term storage is $3-5/foot per day though, so can easily run $100 bucks per day at the marinas. Of course in some places you can drop anchor and take the dinghy, but thats not always an option.
Basically OP, to save money living on a boat you gotta have it in long term storage sneaking on to it to sleep. Not the fun life you imagine it to be
Unironically Bulgaria. $20k for reasonable appartment
> Of course in some places you can drop anchor and take the dinghy, but thats not always an option.
I guess if you were aiming to minimize your expenses, you'd limit your potential destinations to the places it was. Looking around on marina prices though you're quite right, they can get pretty high.
based boatposter
Are you using the panels for daily life or mining? Any excess energy is just over investment and therefore wasted money, not free energy.
It’ll be the Kowloon walled city, on the high seas!
You could take either route. Jam as much solar on as you can fit and use the energy for mining or some other energy intensive process that is practical to carry out on board, or just as much solar as you need regularly and put in minimal mining only to consume the excess. It'd be interesting to know which one would turn out most profitable.
How about using that 1.5 million USD cargo ship? I calculate given the deck area of that beast you're looking at about 230kW of solar energy. That's an extra 167 S9's you could potentially run off the solar ignoring the whole 1.2MW x2 diesel generators on board. I suspect none of those small yachts will be economical by comparison, as it is quite easy to spend over a million on one of those with way lower deck area than the aforementioned massive cargo ship, and I flat don't believe you will get a superyacht with similar dimensions to that cargo ship, either.
Solar is not cheap enough. You're competing with hydro and the cheapest dirtiest coal for a start. You can put solar panels anywhere. Did you think the ocean gave them special powers? To the extent that mining with solar panels is efficient, that efficiency has already been taken by another miner. This is obvious.
Eh, if you were going to do that you may as well make use of that 2.4MW of diesel generator and the cheap venezuelan fuel option anyway. Though you illustrate that solar is probably a waste for any kind of high scale mining on a boat just by the fact that even a boat of that scale can only potentially push 230kW.
Solar is one of the cheapest forms of energy available right now, you appear to be dealing with figures that are a few years out of date. The only stumbling block on solar is energy storage.
That would mean something like 200sqm, it's not that big.
I'm not paying fucking market rate for an apartment that I have to drive a boat to to get to work every day. What a nightmare
an actual crypto pirate ship idea, venezuela 'hydrocarbon slop' stored below deck, Kevin Costner Waterworld fantasiers.
top kekaroonies you scurvy scallywags
>not taking the uber-boat or the bus-boat
One of? It needs to be the cheapest. And then even if it is the cheapest, anyone can do it, meaning the are only tiny profit margins and only the largest scale operations can make money. Your boat has no advantages in what is a commodity market. How are you not getting this?
Solar is available everywhere, and flat surface to build panels is cheaper on land than on a boat. You'd be outpriced by someone with solar panels in the desert or something.
I know a faggot who bought a mid-size jet for $1.5 mil
He got completely JUST'd, because when technician found out the motors have to be replaced in 2 years at worst, and that costs $1.2 million
Bet some Jow Forumstard will buy it in a year
Boats have to be similar
It's a scam on richfags, but since they use them mostly to signal status they don't mind
How are you not getting that you're leveling criticisms at a whole raft of different potential solutions with different potential motivations and pretending like you've refuted anything at all?
Solution 1 is some small ass solar on a liveboard cat that powers a few miners for beer money, there's simply no question that this can be done and it will return more than it costs.
Solution 2 is the massive cargo ship with the 2.4MW of onboard diesel generators burning fuel at cost of lower than 0.01 USD per liter from VZ. And your point about "cheaper than that" would be just flatly wrong, there is no dispatchable energy source I know of that is cheaper than that, depending on how you amortize the cost of the cargo ship etc. But that one is a massive undertaking at a scale barely conceivable to solution 1 and is almost off topic aside from the fact that it's also being floated as a kind of city at sea simultaneously.
Basically you just seem to want to bitch loudly and have nfi what you're talking about.
That's still fucking awful in practal terms. Have you ever actually been on a boat? You'll be covered in saltwater and bird shirt before you even get to the city.
The idea does have some merit. I think the real play here is buying old cabin cruisers that aren't really servicable and parking them on some cheap land that you've purchased. It's cheaper than a shipping container or RV, but already fiitted for human habitation and are generally finished in wood and high quality materials. No building codes, no construction costs, no problems. how many hipsters would pay to sleep in a boat on their airbnb trip? This is a goldmine.
Good point, you'd want to get a survey on the hours on those engines, and the average time between failure on said engine, and the cost for replacement, etc.
You think you're going to rock up to Venezuela with your boat and receive diesel for one cent per liter? OK I'm done.
Yes, I think it comes down to the simple land solar being cheaper than marine solar if we're talking about large scale solar deployments.
Beyond the Horizon...
Lies a Secret....
To a New Shilling
Maybe you're not aware of what's going on over there, but at the moment their country is fucked up and they desperately need cold hard foreign cash.
You are incomprehensibly stupid. Even the citizens can't get fuel at that price. You think they need cash so badly that they would go to a fuckton of effort to extract, refine, and deliver diesel to you for one cent per litre. Fucking hell really I'm done.
> lawl plebs at fuel stations with not 1 USD to their name are treated exactly the same to cargo ships from multinationals with million dollar bank accounts who roll up to state run fuel refineries.
k, it's good that you're done.
Thiel invested in something like that, didn't he?
Imagine the streetshitting into the water kek
There's no helping you. You have absolutely no hope.
Why not use a river barge like this and float up and down the Rhine or something? If you leave open an alley down the middle, looks like you can get 4*8 per level, basically as high as you can manage. No need to worry about shitty weather, always access to towns with utilities (esp if you have a few small companion boats).
But I have no idea what the costs would be for something like that, in terms of fuel and taxes/fees etc.
Here in Amsterdam we have student flats like this, might be a more efficient/livable way to stack them. Note that one square contains living 2 units back to back. I've heard of couples living in one unit but it's quite cramped really.
What exactly is he wrong about? I can't find any reference on that cargo ship for how much fuel it can actually hold, but let's just make a wild ass guess and say it's about 4.5 million gallons, which appears to be the average. So let's say you have the cash to pony up a full tank to VZ and you're not in a situation where that will get you assfucked by the US state department, that means you're effectively willing to and in a position to, assuming the fuel figures on that page are accurate and at the highest possible amount for the imprecision given in the label (0.009 USD per litre = 3.78541 litres per gallons = 0.03406869 USD per gallon * 4.5 mil = 153309.105)
You really think you're not going to be able to find a person in a position of power able to provide said amount of shitty VZ fuel for 153k USD in cold hard cash, given the state of that country right now? You could probably buy their mothers for that much.
Goyim cattle
OP is a faggot. Instead of dayreaming he should be getting ready for the lunch rush.
Interesting approach, though I suspect that anything that means you're on some state's sovereign territory for the long haul means that they will try to fuck you. For example look at marine taxes way up the thread for SC, something like 10% of the value of the hull per year? that's fucking extortionate.
Those barges are like 500k€ used, that's under 200sqm of building surface on it. I'd wager that a 200sqm terrain in a big city in europe is cheaper than that and building on it is easier. Not a bad idea tho.
>assuming the fuel figures on that page are accurate
Those are subsidized communist rates that
1. don't exist because communism collapsed as it always does
2. only look that cheap in USD because of hyperinflation the local currency
If that shithole was actually capable of producing diesel in sufficient volumes, there would be plenty of companies happy to take the stuff for almost anything below market value. $0.01 is utter delusion. New Jow Forums is fucking terrible.
These prices are quite low actually, you can get a 50m long barge for under 200k