Holy fuck, just look at how calm and confident Sergey is. Everyone else is just completely BTFO!!!

Attached: 1537104494311.jpg (800x748, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Better link(?):

fuck he has become so unbelievable fat


sergey is my role model

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>Sergey absolutely killing it and becoming a >billionaire in the next five years

>Some NEET pointing out he is fat

Seriously, what the fuck have you achieved in your life?

>calm and confident
>not nervously speed-talking

Damn, Sergey is really cool, even though he is obviously kind of excentric.

Ooft he is actually so chad in this video

listening to Sergey speak..

we're all gunna make it. that guy is a genius.


fuuck look at all those basedboys next to him. sergey is the alpha male chad there

You can tell witnet man is jealous and Sergey knows they're the most serious competitor, yet the hierarchy is clearly defined. That dude is studying Sergeys business tactic and adopting faster than the others.

HOLY FUCK look at that smirk at 20:30 with the question about traditional data providers. Sergey knows what the fuck is up


Attached: sergey2.jpg (299x456, 114K)

Sergeys pre smartcontracts work history says a lot of why he understands data providers so well.

He fuckin knows

Can you elaborate? What is this referring to?

sergey showing his 200 IQ by sitting in the middle so he has time to think about his answer every single question.

Why is this shitcoin dumping? Wtf is this shit

Swing traders selling, fucking newfag! Stfu and stop looking at the charts until Mainnet.

As he goes in to it with his answer - he has spoken to the larger and more traditional data providers (reuters, bloomberg etc..) so he has a good idea of how they are going to be dispensing their data for contracts.

This absolute beast of a man sits next to his competitors and flat out says chainlink will become the industry standard
Wtf I'm gay now

Sergey is our new master

nothing obviously

holy fuck i invested my money into an absolute chad and I never wanted to suck a mans cock more then I do now.

being not fat

Anyone else getting a kick out of the other panelists reactions to Sergey speaking??
Social science GOLD.

we are all going to make it. I love you all

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He was thinking "you mean supercomputes in every city?"

>dat smugness

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This but unironically

Fucking dominator stop spamming the chainlink telegram and get a job or clean your room

If you think that's unbelievable, you should see some of the "people" on this board.

Hahaha, that guy's fucking annoying right.

"ya i think it's a very valid question that you pose"

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 4.47.04 PM.png (876x966, 111K)

The witnet guy? The one that looks like the fucking poster child for pederasty?

Yo real talk, everyone else sounds like a fucking bitch... super low voices, shaky, no confidence...

Might have to grab a stack of this.

settle down, pervert.

$10 is only 3.5B Mcap? Is my math correct cause that seems crazy low and doable

Sergey literally has a 9 inch penis.

Bros, I thought you were meming
What the FUCK was that face

That is unironically bullish. Sergey is in talks with all of them and probalby already has deals going on.

Calm down spergey. It was just a joke.

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Useless token

Yeh they look very uncomfortable, especially the Oracalize fag. Their hopes and dreams are being shattered with every word our lord speaks.
Even in vids of them together at small ETH meetups from over a year ago you can see the rivalry.

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Yea that's about right. I don't mind all this 1k eoy nonsense but realistically a $10 Link is feasible as hell. Shit, even up to a 10bil market cap would put us at about $30 per Link and 4-5 range overall. I think all that is absolutely possible. After that who knows but sky is the limit

Attached: links linked.jpg (1500x1500, 1.33M)

oh shitttttt he knows something

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Holy shit just saw it. He composes himself after and gives a knowing stare.

Oh shit, he definitely knows something

just watched it too....theres something in the air and im not talking about big macs

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This wont be $1 EOY let alone $1000

They're so deferent after serg hulks out about onboarding traditional data providers.

Nice find Marine

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Beautiful picture of Serg fren. Reminds me of John Lennon

I doubt it

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Didn't he say that their code is complete? I swear at some point he said that they have the software ready or something like that.

He said the software is being audited.

Also in talks with HUNDREDS of companies

100s. 1000s EOY.

That's the EXACT same face I made to my bro in 6th grade when teacher started listing all the writing utensils we were gonna have to buy, and we already had all of it.

holy shit

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Someone webm this pls.


this sounds more like a suggestion, what is the question


Never been more bullish in my entire life than after this moment

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I thought you autists weren't supposed to be able to recognize facial expressions.

I don't know why but that made me chuckle

Here you go guys:

NDA violation
Its over

Thanks, user. Very cool.

I'm trying to find a way to get rid of the audio so I can upload it here, filesize is small enough.

Does it not remove it itself?

I got an error that audiostream is not allowed.

Attached: SMUG_SERGEY.webm (720x480, 1.59M)

Wait a minute...are you telling me that Linkies actually aren't autistic???????? bearish as fuck

Why is it so blurry? Zoom and enhance.

Not trying to FUD because I couldn’t care less about Coinbase.

But you can tell from this video that Ron Bernstein hasn’t really got a full idea of what ChainLink is about.

The ChainLink on Coinbase rumour is a complete fabrication because Bernstein is the exact guy for knowing the ERC20 tokens to be added to Coinbase

Link isn't really the sorry of token that needs to be listed on Coinbase. An onslaught of normie "holders" doesn't confer any benefits on the Chainlink network.

>Sergey made these soibois look like window lickers.
>$1000 EOY

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Not getting serious medical issues young.

Also becoming a billionaire, except not morbidly obese

Chainlink doesnt even have a working product, oh I'm funding? Please prove me wrong with a source of a chainlink demo

the delusion on this board is very concerning

This entire board is based around the fact that autistic NEETs got BTFO by not buying into BTC and now they spend years desperately clinging to anything that may allow themselves to keep their NEET lifestyles.

this is offensive af

What did he mean by that?

he already has them in the bag

Yeah, it's already ogre.


just went all in with link! p-a-r-t-y time

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Lol looks like he is smirking at someone in audience ? Maybe someone from team ? This is gold. We are golden.

Is repeating the same bullshit since 2015 "killing it" for you?

Probably tourette's

I hate shitlink but like sergey.

quack quack
