Why am I suddenly so lonely?

Why did I start to suddenly feel incredibly alone and sad once I turned 25? Up till last year I couldn't care less about relationships and thought I could easily live the rest of my life on my own as long as I have internet access and vidya, but now I feel the opposite. Is it because I'm getting old and feeling my youth going away? I've never even had a gf and have no idea how I would go about getting one at this point? What have I done?

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wtf are you me

yeah i feel like the college days slipping away

no gf

no frens

dont get me wrong neet is comfy, but lonely

Yeah, I thought about how much I enjoy being comfy and not having to worry about human interaction, but sometimes I wonder if there is more to life.

Your instincts are sounding the alarm letting you know time is running out.

On/off neet/ wagie here
Don't fall for the trap bro, wagecucking does expose you to society a lot more, but does not necessarily bring you frens.
also college =/= neet

I went through the same thing at 25 OP felt alone (hadn’t gotten laid in 2 years after moving home), depressed, uncertain of my future. Then when I got a decent job and moved out I fucked a bunch of girls and the red pill on women really hit me and I realized I was hoping some motherly figure would hold me and tell me things would be alright. Guess what? Women won’t make you feel whole. After fucking several of them and then watching them text orbiters/exes while still laying in bed naked with me it sunk in how slim the odds are of finding a decent woman in today’s world is. Made me want to focus more on myself and making it. Yea I still get the occasional lonlieness but realizing how a woman is just going to add stress and more than likely let me down was a freeing feeling.

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do you just have no friends or gf or are you a neet loser who never left home and got a job or is building wealth and improving yourself through hobbies?

If it's the latter, that's the problem, and why you have no gf and why you wake up and want to die everyday.

it's called gene expression. They manifest at certain points in life and alter your brain chemistry. In your case, since you are 25yo and no gf or kids, there is a high risk that will be weeded out of the gene pool pretty soon. You feeling like shit is your genes' way of telling you to go reproduce fast and get rid of this feeling. You being a content and comfy neet playing jew video games is detrimental to your genes' fitness. They can sense you are an evolutionary dead-end so they are trying to tell you get your shit together.

based and redpilled
33 yo lifelong neet here and that's how it started to feel in my late 20s
got a loving relationship, started nutting in her, morale improved

Wait till u hit 30. U think about suicide dailyno joke

I’m not a neet, I attend university and have a part time job and a fulltime one lined up for when I graduate next year, I also lift and try to eat clean, rarely drink. Doesn’t matter since i have no social skills

BIOLOGY. This is good, anons, it means your senses are working. When we lack important things in our life, we are meant to feel it, so that we can understand their importance, and be motivated to go out in the world and attain it.

I'm serious. Don't just say "I'm sad no GF", think "hey, I know how important it is that I go out and find a life partner and fall in love and live a good life" and then go DO IT.

Want a certain kind of woman? Then go where that type of woman goes! (i.e. a bookstore, not a fucking whorehouse).

>that pic
If so many of us feel this way, isn't there something we can do? Buy land out in the middle of nowhere and just live in a microsociety of hermits?
I want to get out of this hole brehs. I don't even care about girls I just want genuine companionship. It's been so long

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As much as I know finding a relationship is important I realised that you need to improve youself first. Find a hobbie, some social circle and then look for it. It would be very hard to find gf without atleast one of those. Women should better your life not be it.

Does anyone else here have a large 6-12 person friend group, and wish that things can stay like this forever where everyone can hang out casually, party, travel, discuss literature, and debate complicated topics together? I dont want to become like my parents who are happily married but literally dont have a single friend. I dont want my friends to leave anons, they're all I have socially. it's easy to meet moronic normie friends, but so hard to find any who are smart and redpilled, but still non-jaded fun people

Jesus fucking christ there is no one way of approaching women. The most important part is doing it. Build confidence. Once you reach maximum confidence (try not to become a arrogant chad who thinks hes capable of everything) you can literally read women like an open book.
I'd be having sex right now if girl 1 wasn't married.
I'd be having sex tomorrow if girl 2 would be up for a pick up of pace.
I'd be having sex this evening if I could be bothered to text girl 3.

People sitting here and complaining about no-gf are those same retards who will fall out of the gene pool. And good fucking riddance. they couldn't take care of their kids anyway.

Yea man I know this feel only a few of them are red pilled but I still want it to last forever and not end up like so many normal fag NPC’s I see who have barely any friends they only see once every 3 months because their spouse/kids are their entire life and they are broke living paycheck to paycheck. Biology still kicks and screams at you to find a LTR and have a lot of sex unfortunately so even with the friends like other anons have stated you will still feel kinda lonely without a partner. Grass is always greener though 9/10 I would get sick of whatever girl was my LTR and wish I was single.

It's called sex you pathetic virgin.
Based and redpilled. Fuck them but don't let them think there is going to be a relationship. Also, watch for tell tale signs of dependency.
Talk to women and other people. Be open. If people don't like you for who you are they have no place in your life. Show character, a personality, be truthful and happy to see people you like. If you're having a shit day - just let it be. Don't act happy if you're not.

Social skills is a jew invented thing to make you feel like you're in some way incapable of human interaction. You're only incapable of human interaction if you're a vegetable.

Based analysis bros
So my genes are telling me to impregnate plenty of east asian qts. what do they mean by this? crusade when?

try being a 35 yo virgin with all his friends either married or married with children. at least i have cryoto gains to look forward to and some new video games on the horizon.

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What were you doing up until now? Didn’t you get some alarms going off in your head at some point in your 20s?

Brain finished development, the Limbic system is more honestly showing what you value in life.

I'm not the kind of person who have life all planned out and try to mimick others. I'm sure I'll get there in a few more years. Once I'm a crypto millionaire.

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hahahahah having life planned out. Bitch that's straight up movie brain washing. Barely anyone knows what they're doing. If you're lucky your parents set you guidelines to go by and are strict on you. Nobody is fucking mimicking others. You're a loser because you never pushed yourself to be busy every day. I know I am but I've changed my life by 180 in 2 years. From a neet to 1 fuck buddy, 1 possible relationship and 3 girls who might be willing to cheat on their bfs/husbands just for me.
What it took?
Gym, finding peace with what I am, growing confidence.
Oh and being handsome works too I guess.
Stay pathetic bros, more women for real men.

Thanks, I feel much better now.

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Yeah sure Rick.. quit shitposting and move ur ass down the stairs, mom is callin us for dinner.
But still being virgin at 35.. I would even fuck a landwhale if I had to..

Don't care if you do dude.
If you're looking for inspiration or something to happen I've got bad news for you. You are the only one and only thing responsible for your life. Not me, not some text on the screen. You. And in the end there are only 2 options: You either do something about it, or fucking kill yourself. If you stay in the middle, you are living a sad and pathetic life.
Also just lose your virginity dude. Just go to a hooker. Or don't, the reality hit might be too strong after that.

Dunno why you feel the need to write these things but OK.

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L-look Morty. I know it's hard realising it but you've got to actually put some real thought into what you type sometimes. If you don't its just empty text hiding r-real buurp i-information.

Do not know why you'd be OK with your current life man. There is soooo much more to life than crypto, shitposting, empty posting, anime and fantasy bullshit. Love, sex, jokes, other people. Life is fucking beautiful if you let it be.

/Ex furry-loli-24yo virgin gamer who is now a sort-of-chad/

wtf are you me? and you are happy with that?
Genuine question, because you describe my situation, only that I have generous neetbux.
Really the key is to make yourself productive, without shekelstein giving you tasks
> 1 fuck buddy, 1 possible relationship and 2 girls who already cheated on their bfs with me
it sucks so bad, would trade all that for one loyal qt and family

This guy is right.

Being confident, hitting the gym, staying fit, eating healthy, not doing degen stuff like smoking + drinking vodka each week, staying busy, having a fucking life goal of being debt free really saved my life as well. You fucking NEETs and "Depressed" wookies dont understand that what you are doing is what the society elites want. They want you to take debts, stay miserable, smoke your health away, drink (alcohol) and eat your soul + body away and stay in that fucking pithole.

Unironically when i did what this user said i also got more job offerings, women attractions, confidence, energy etc. They key to success is to be based and healthy. Fucking try it and you wont regret it faggots.

Same but only 28, so not a wizard yet but gettin there.
Never had the urge to change somethin because I‘m really comfy as a NEET (always been NEET since I droped out from Highschool at 17)
I only had a couple online friends 6 years ago but they all abandoned me.

Dude. I can have sex with so many women if I get the chance. And I know how you feel. Have a friend whos 26 and is saying the same stuff - wants to find someone to stay with. Although I am fucking around left and right, I have a beatiful hottie who knows what I am doing, yet knows that she is also one of the rare ones I want to have a relationship.
At the same time, I don't want a relationship that falls apart too soon. I ain't looking for pain. So we're taking it as slow as we can.

Another man who speaks by life experience and not by memes or degenerate word regurgitating. Amen brother.

Dude... why... life can be so much better. You're like a normie who's missing out on crypto just because he "cant be bothered".

Just working out and staying healthy doesnt magically fix your life. It is a good lifestyle but it still doesn't fix it.

To sum up your "Depressed" post.


You see man you are the one who decides what you can be. If you want to be a NEET (as in loser) then continue being one. We can help you guide, but we cant help you take the step. You are the only one who can change yourself. Maybe this helps you guide bro:

>user used to weight 118kg.
>user lost 25kg in 3 months by eating 1500kcal per day.
>user got sixpack.
>user decided to start learning programming because it was the highest salary offered job.
>After losing weight user gained confidence.
>user went based.
>user approached women with confidence because "What horrible can happen? She will just say Yes or No".
>Unironically they never say No if you are not a creepster. If they say no i have a boyfriend okay cool story, move on to the next one.
>user got job offerings left and right. Decide who gives more salary. Ping-pong it from one side to another. Hey this offered more. What is your offer?
>user is more energetic, does hobby business on the side.
>user started saving shitloads of money after not wasting it on smokes + alcohol + clubbing. user also started saving shitloads of money after not eating so much anymore.
>Thanks to saving up money, invest more or buy new clothes or travel.
>Bitches like new clothes and travelling.

Stop being a fucking loser and take a grip in your life for once.

It's the basis of any man to be physically fit. You are not a man if you haven't hit the gym at least a couple of times in your life.
Improves your body, stance, mind, health, soul, confidence, life outlook, fights depression, gives you more daily energy, makes you enjoy life again.
Im sorry, what did you say about it not being the only thing powerful enough to fix a broken man?

Life isn’t so bad, I just don‘t see value in any of that normalfag stuff like relationships or friendships, don‘t need any of that.



Well then what are you whining here? Continue being a NEET!

Might aswell
>24 yo virgin neet living in a foreign country as economical migrant
>lost last friends, no family
>met a chick, had a crush on her, consciously let it turn into full blown love because it just felt good for once.
>started working out and learned to cook proper meals
>started getting stares from chicks
>lost virginity to milf. Also found out he cant cum easily due to being used to own hand.
>turned into sex machine with a body women want.
>has the confidence to pillage and rape as a viking if need be.

I‘m not fat (never was) and I don‘t need to wagecuck.
I don‘t want to travel either since I live in a first world country and see no need to visit 3rd world shitholes

I was never whining in this thread

Amen brosky! Would love to have a beer with y and slay!

>haha pussy normalfags look at me I'm cool and alone.

Bitch if you talk like that you've never ever even experienced life. Talk from experiences not empty memes & excuses. Fucking NPCs man...

Yet you're a 28 year old virgin. Dude go to a hooker and lose it. Then come back and tell me in all honesty you want to continue your lifestyle.

Sorry user! If you are happy with your life, that is the most important thing! I got carried away because i tried to help!

We cool yo!


>Dude go to a hooker and lose it
I don‘t want to support degenerates with my money, thats not moral.

Everything cool bro

Society offers you fake friends matchmade by the corporate machine. All social working envoirments are forced and toxic.

Stay a degenerate. Miss out on one of the best things in life and the most important thing that makes a man a man.
I'm just some retard on the internet, you are definitely smarter than me, I bow down to you level 28 Wizard.
May your herbs and booze medicate you to the reality of life.
And may your 50 year old self not hang himself due to desperation and sadness.

Nah they're not. You forge true friendships by working for them. Society and no machine gives them to you. They don't fall out of a magical friendship tree into your lap for you to decide if you want them or not.


lol so you're going to remain a loser until some day after internet coins make you a millionaire.
You can do better than that man.

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First of all, dont take advice from anyone on Jow Forums especially if it involves life advice. You really think bunch of retards from a dying crypto forum have it all figured out?

>dude just lift lmao and you'll get laid


Well...cheating was the biggest black pill for me
> fucking 2 days in a the hotel with a girl
> she arranged her boyfriend to pick her up after the weekend
> still cum on her face when she was giving him directions to the parking lot
> receptionist smug af when he picks her up
often the bf is considerably rich, more often than not he is tall and handsome.
Still the same story
Jow Forums and Jow Forums alone doesn't make the cut
I question myself if there's really a way out

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>moves to asia where chicks would bang any kind of beta white male
>brag about how you "changed" yourself and how much more pussy you get

Why would I hang myself? I have lots of money thanks to crypto and will continue to live a comfy life, why that bothers you so much?

Yoyo guys obviously this topic is getting out of hand. Lets just find a fucking middleground.

There are some anons like me and the other dude who think that being fit + healthy + confident is the way. This is our way. We are happy.

Then there are anons here who think that NEET life is FUNLIFE. If they are happy let it be then.

And then other anons who think all of us are retards and their way is the way.

The KEY is to be fucking happy. Nothing else matters. /endthread

s o y boism detected

T. > virgins and socially maladapted looking for someone to challenge their belief structure about sex and relationships because they know, deep down, that they’re lifestyle causes them to miss out and they want to experience the temporary pain and discomfort of that reminder of it.

Depression is a comfy place to be, but it doesn’t get you anywhere in the long run. You’re either content in your ways and satisfied with life, or subsisting in a slow death with no greater meaning or purpose.

One thing I notice is even the guys that have their female companionship get black pilled about the loose nature of women and, while sexually experienced and seasoned in female nature, end up disenchanted like the curious, lonely, virginal anons among them; in a lot of ways, there is no escape.

For the virgin/wizard bro’s here, is challenge you to stop looking at internet porn for 3 solid months and take notice of how reduced your anxiety becomes and how much easier it is to interact with females.

We’re social creatures by nature, user; if you’re not of use to a social group or the greater whole, your brain doesn’t have any external feedback to validate who you are and you start to think negatively.

There is a reason prisoners and the worst among them are isolated as punishment for their crimes, you just have the luxury of a screen and keyboard to keep you distracted.

There are tons of people out there just like you that would like someone to chill with, but nobody has the sack to approach anyone and spend more than a minute or two to see if you have anything in common and build on it. Why would we when there is candy crush and porn to look at?

Nah i just hate the fact that this retard thinks lifting and muh confidence is enough. Well it might of worked for him especially if he lives in a foreign country but thats not general advice. Theres so much more work to do than muh lifting and muh confidence

lol 3D
Just Monika.

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It helps, but you can have an awesome physique and look decent and still not get any play if you stay at home all day in between work, the gym and never approach or make the effort when you do go out.

I’m a 33 year old wizard with an 8 pack and tree trunk legs from heavy squats and still haven’t felt a boob or been on a date because reasons, but some no gains faggot that hits the bars every weekend is killing it because he spends time where women go and makes an effort to spend time with and be around them. If you’re not horrendous looking and have basic hygiene, the best way to be better with women is to spend time with women, not lifting or dieting.

Yeah exactly what im trying to say. Working on your personality and your conversation skills is a lot more important than muh lifting.

>Hurrrr women are higher beings and cannot be obtained by simple aesthetics cuz they deep n shit - the post

Smartasses, who are not smart, should be executed on sight in case of a war...

Not what im saying fagget, its not just about lifting if you want gold. you shallow fagget

>Thinking there is gold for you if you look like bronze

See, it is retarded. End your meaningless and lonely life in silence.

Its not what im saying you retarded faggot. lifting is not enough. Does that mean i dont lift faggot? I think lifting is essential, you're just being a complete dense faggot and missing my whole point. LIFTING IS NOT ENOUGH FAGGET

This is just the warning point where you decide to free yourself from troublesome human contact for the rest of your life. by the time you are old you will have good quality robot caretakers for the geriatric.


>Yeah bruh I was into your opinion/position but now I tone it down so my view rn cannot be matched with yours so I IZ SPECIAL XDDDDD

Last (Y0u). Holy fucking shit. Smug ppl need to learn to type out their opinion if they are not answering someone except the OP/the question which originates from the topic itself.

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Constitutional justice, Asian women and no kids?

wrong state of mind nigga
you lift for yourself to look good when you fuck
to look good in general and be happy about yourself
not to impress some roastie on the pedestal

Idk user. I cant relate. 31 years old and Im happier when I keep to myself.

Hmmm I got 9/13.

I feel like shit because I'm seeing a lot of people I went to high school succeeding in life and all I'm doing is failing in it. I'm seeing a lot of them finish school, starting their careers, getting married, having kids and going on vacations.
I haven't done any of those things, so I just feel like I'm so fucking far behind everyone else. I'm trying to change my ways but its gonna take a while.

Same here. Except I have this condition where I can’t have kids. When you realize you’ll never be able to become a father, that realization kind of stings. It’s different if it’s a choice I guess but I didn’t get to choose this life. Supposedly I was born like this but I didn’t actually figure it all out and put the pieces together until college after figuring it out through several doctors.. also with this comes a small penis to top it off kek. Overall it’s led me down this path where idk what I’m doing with my life and also own 10 BTC worth of crypto. I understand this is the hand I was dealt and no accuse so I focus on improving what I can. When things get bad I just tell myself this is why I’m all in and I keep moving forward.

because people around you are finally settling and you are subconsciously realizing that all the relationship you and them had in the past were just meant as probing around to find the one to settle with.
you are being left behind, and the window is closing soon. there are no quality women to marry as a boomer, none. they are all fat, single moms. literally every woman that is worth the ring is married by age 28.

I haven't related to a pic related that much since all my shitposting history. Thanks user.

Try getting to a shrink and practice mindfulness in your life. You're thinking it too much just keep calm and do your best, acknowledge that by being constantly aware of your actions you don't get to react, but to decide how to act.
>You're not responsible for your first thought, but you are responsible for your second thought and your first action.

I hope you and all anons have a nice life.

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Fuck forgot to copy paste
On getting a qt 3.14 gf: Just be your (best) self bro.

is it ok to approach women when you dont have any friends? arent they going to think youre a weirdo loner if you have no friends

why would you want to be a poor NEET? being a NEET sucks. wagecucking sucks but at least save money and invest so you can quit for good one day and run your own business etc

I do think we need to make gladiators real for us neets to fight, millions will die, but lets be real for a second, we make nothing for the world other than play videogames and trade, no real value there.

At leats some will get honor and glory, something the wolrd had forgotten.