hey this isn't american
how was that rat able to write?
Ching chong ping pong
wing wang ching pang
That’s what your precious Asian waifu actually looks like. Revolting.
this picture is spooky
ching chong ling long ding dong
CHANG GONG DING!? Ling pang ding dong :)
Ching Chong bing bong braaaaaaap brap
Kathy, is that you?
Sniff sniff ling ping pong sniiiiiff braaap gong dong
it's a chinese bootleg, not a real japanese thing
Your girl should get blacked by a pack of niggers
Digits confirm nips are gook master race
你中文写得好差呀,感觉像是美国人用google translate hhh. it's too obvious, and the time stamp is too old. what a terrible larp.
If the Asians are in I'm in. They control this game
fuck off, twu
How many blossoms for an user to make a million by 2021?
fuck off, twu