the cryptoshit on Jow Forums is so unbearable
why doesn't cryptocurrency have it's own board? it's clearly about time
The cryptoshit on Jow Forums is so unbearable
you are a fucking retard
Agree OP.
It does. You're in it.
Jow Forums was created to get all the crypto posts off of Jow Forums
t. nocoiner that knew about BTC in 2013 but didn't invest.
A shame really since if you look at an old archive of Jow Forums there used to be much less crypto.
If you bought crypto when Jow Forums first started talking about it, you'd be rich by now
dropshipping threads weren't much better
Salty no-coin faggot. We are Jow Forums now, get on the crypto train or leave.
only because it was a bear market
i hope we never return to those times
What do you dislike about crypto?
how about a wagee board instead?
1. there are 5gagillion cryptocurrencies now
2. all those 5 gagillion are spammed and shilled on Jow Forums, killing thread after thread of potential other information about stocks, business opportunities and career improvement/career strategies
I get that people are into crypto and I don't hate them for it, I just feel like 90% of threads are crypto, each dedicated to this or that obscure, or not so obscure, cryptocoin
mongoloid moot, plz gib us /cry/
won't the cryptoafricanamericans enjoy having a board of their own too?
we also need a wizardboard if Jow Forums is just going to be a freeforall cumdumpster
get a life
Agreed, give them their fucking crypto board, biz is fucking 95% crypto
I tried and failed
that's why I'm here
the linkshit needs to just stop. the spammers suck.
I really miss the old Jow Forums where we discussed real businesses, stocks, property and scams. Crypto ruined this board. And now after the dumpening, the board is filled with gay bloggers and nigger lovers. I fucking hate what this place have become!
The oldfags are sadly long gone
at least there aren't any chainlink threads at Jow Forums at all
I agree. Its so cringey seeing all these idiots thinking they'll "make it" off some internet money.
/cryptoafricanamericans/ sounds racist
t. newfag
this is a crypto board. this board was made as a containtment board for retards shitting up Jow Forums with crypto garbage
>this board was made as a containtment board for retards shitting up Jow Forums with crypto garbage
Fake news
yes it's true, however I wouldnt be against linky spammers getting the rope. It gets annoying
I give this thread a five......
....out of five.
old /biz was retarded dude. Every single thread was someone saying "WAA HOW DO I MAKE MONEYYY" followed by 10 anons saying "Suck 100,000 dicks for a dollar a suck"
No one actually knew anything about stocks or any hard, real information of value. If a serious question got asked about options or forex or real business matters it would 404 faster than an ignored /b/ post.
This man is our new attorney general? Outrageous!
don't take your personal failings out on this board.
Jow Forums was created to get cryptoshit off of Jow Forums though