Figured this would be the best board to ask this question on. And before you recommend your next meme coin, I'm not interested in crypto as an investment option. I'm looking for just some good ways to invest my money.
Best way to invest 10K
have you considered investing in crypto?
buy a bitcoin atleast
put it on black faggit
if youre not balls deep in LINK by tomorrow morning ur a lil bitch op now fuck off fgt
Buy 5k USD Bitcoin
Go to Vegas (flight is like ~250 depending where u are)
Get hotel (cheap cheap is like 100-120/night)
Get hooker (how much r they in vegas? i never have gotten one there)
Put the rest on red (black is for fags)
Don't feel like leaving my wealth in something as volatile as crypto is
Don't know what black is
fuck u bbc loving faggit
>Don't know what black is
you've never hear the saying "Always bet on black" ? It refers to Roulette.
Go all in on BAT. Thank me later.
Never been to a casino or really even gambled, not my thing.
Well user you sound like a pussy faggot desu. If you're in either your 20s or 30s which you most likely are because your here than you shouldn't be considering "safe" horseshit investments like PMs, stocks, bonds or any other traditional investments, you should be AGGRESIVELY seeking to gain more capital from that piddly 10k so either invest in crypto, learn margin trading or start your own Jow Forums but you won't do any of those because aside from being a pussy you're also a dumbass who's looking for safe investments in there 20s or 30s.
>ever been to a casino or really even gambled, not my thing.
I learned the phrase from movies, but ya now you know :)
Don't hold anything. Learn technical analysis and learn to have short term targets and stop losses for every trade. Holders get slaughtered like pigs. Bears and bulls make money.
buy smartlands. srsly.
dont listen to this guy, I took edgy "risks" bought crypto with $10k, now down to $6k. a-at least im not a pussy amirite
Good for you, no sarcasm, legitimately. You took the risk and lost some, oh fucking well. Risk isn't "edgy", it's what the fuck you need to to gain meaningful reward. The loss you took and seem to consider substantial (which isn't really substantial at all btw) only served to sharpen you and taught you better what to look for better than anyone who took say a 5% loss or some bs like that.
You want to tell this guy to go in on some boomer mutual fund GIC with a 4% per annum return and slave the fuck away for the rest of his life continuing to "invest" than that's on you. If they want that too than that's on them, to the rest of us who want the potential to live a good life (like you seemingly did until that minor burn scared you away) than you gotta put your nuts on the table, otherwise, wagecuck, be poor, w/e, have fun.
>19 y/o
I'm not opposed to owning my own business, but you need way more capital than what I currently have in order to start one, and I really don't feel like pulling out a loan before college
is bitcoin really that volatile?
It's the only guaranteed 100x of the next decade
10 kilos of silver and 5 ounces of gold.
Buy wrecked cars for $1-200 each and part them out. Typical profits of $800-$1000 per car. The parts buyers do all the work.
Give me your email and I'll give you a consultation.
Lazy options is to put it in dividends stocks and let it grow