how mad are you faggots that I just bought this house at 24 years old? you will never own land. your shitty internet beans wont ever be worth anything. Real estate is real value. L.
How mad are you faggots that I just bought this house at 24 years old? you will never own land...
Other urls found in this thread:
*God* sends a hurricane towards you*
also real estate only goes up. long term it literally never goes down. never sell
>it's another OP posts a house he pretends he bought to bait people into finding the address so he can pretend to be upset that someone found him
At least I hope that's what you're doing. You aren't dumb enough to lead us to your actual address are you?
Fake nooz
could care less, you kids wont even leave your moms basement lol. stay mad priced out faggot
24 here and not mad at all
Lmao what kind of brainlet is already decided on where we will spend all his shit time
Right, so it's not your house.
why are you so mad im a homeowner? jealous much?
owning a house is the dumbest form of bagholding
congrats for being a wagecuck and good goy slave tho
The garage doors are on the wrong side. What a dumb house. At least its made of bricks as opposed to the average burger shack made of lollipop sticks.
nice place I like it
I would like all those windows to have hidden steel bars through the grid pattern so its secure though
You aren't though. And larping pretending to be one is really sad. :/
Did you seriously just leak your address on this autistic board? Good luck, user.
Based and redpilled. Any advice for someone a few years younger than you?
dont gamble with shitcoins. basically thats it
>own land
>internet beans
>Real estate is real value
boomer larping this hard
Dude so deep in the hole he's householding
>Buys the top
Good on you man but 2008 is going to look bullish compared with what is coming over the next 12 months
OP will never make it.
Warren Buffet slept in parks until 30y.
A House is not an asset.
You don't own shit until you pay for it.
My cousin lives right near you. That area is kinda boring though, youre 2 plus hours from Toronto or Detroit so youre basically stuck in London for entertainment.
>buys a shitty new build
>brags about it
Are you retarded? Buying a house before one of the biggest housing bubbles in history is about to go bust? Buy the top biz, never change.
Bet you got fucked on the mortgage.
> bricks
You are new to Burger houses, are you?
great job doxing yourself idiot
You mean like in Detroit?
I live near London, can I come pay a visit?
This is OP's back
>investing in real estate
found the brainlet
Real Estate is smart when done properly.
>Pic very related
You're gonna get fucked dry in the next couple of years when it all bursts.
people have been saying this for the past 10 years lol. New ATHs daily. you will never own with your mindset
its a shit advice with so many risks tied to it. I prefer to live in a fucking yurt than invest in a wagecuckshed just before the greatest housing bubble ever.
>dem digits
ownershipis a scam, moreover you aren't really the owner, ever. Learn2westernromanlaw faggot.
>lalalala i can't hear you it'll go up forever
Lmao this guy bought the top and he is lecturing us. You dont even own that shit if you pay property taxes and a mortage. Have fun when the FED crashes this bubble with higher interest rates.
am i mad that you just bought a house right before BoC raises interest rates and creates a stale RE market for the next 5+ foreseeable years? Nah, youre a fucking idiot lmfao
Nice cuckshed you got there, OP.
Not living the onebag nomadlife while traveling the world.
Betacuck spotted...
kek enjoy spending 2 hours in traffic every day
>how mad are you faggots that i just bought this house at 24 years old?
im not mad. i dont give a fuck about you, your life, or your shitty fucking house.
>you will never own land
thanks for reminding me
>your shitty internet beans wont ever be worth anything
btc already went from $1 to $6500 you retarded fucking faggot.
>real estate is real value
youre actually retarded.. the real estate market has been inflated and propped up along with everything else in this debt based economy, and its going to come crashing down when the bubble bursts.
i hope you bag hold that shitty house in shitty london ontario forever.
>live in New Jersey
>property taxes are 8k a year for a 250k house
I am unironically considering living in Philadelphia and buying a home there and just commuting to my office in New Jersey.
Dude I dont give a fuck I live in a makeshift bumhouse and im happy as ever
Cuckdeck leading to the cuckshed
8/10 reddit larp
Extremely average home, and I find the gray shutters with the beige gutters disgusting. Pretty ugly honestly
Assuming this is not bait...Not mad, I am a real estate agent
Good on you for taking this step. However I hope this is not your real house as motherfuckers on Jow Forums are very vindictive. Some of these psychos are also real estate agents with access to the multiple listing services for your state and they can find this house and your address.
tl;dr: delete the thread, nigger
Just ordered you a pizza. Hope you like anchovies.
>thanks for reminding me
you're welcome.
btw. ur lunch is ready. mommy wants u upstairs now
> Buys a shitty home in the middle of nowhere for $250k
> Buys when everything is overpriced
> When the crash comes his home will be worth $120k
Enjoy being a faggot.
looks like my guesthouse, faggot
Why do people always talk about houses like they are investments. By the time you pay off your 5% mortage and real estate fees you house better damn well appreciate, otherwise you lost money. You buy a home because you need a place to live, if you actually make money off of it consider yourself lucky.
And a few years later bankers prop it up to 300k.
It's seen as safe investments because mortgage rates are low (got mine at 1.16% over 20 years) and bar a total collapse of the economy in your city only you can always sell it and get a new one.
However I bought my condo under market price and in a district where the city authorities are investing a lot of dosh to improve transports, I expect the prices to climb.
>how mad are you faggots that I just bought this house at 24 years old?
That isnt impressive user. I owned my home at 23 and im a stupid unionized tradesman
I did the same thing years ago, OP, so I'm not mad at all. Thanks for propping up the market while it's inflated though!
>Someone lost a lot of money in crypto and is now larping with buying real estate on the ATH of the bubble
You will never learn it. You will never make it. And you will always be emotional attached to your crypto loss.
PS: keep laring on an anonymous mongolian hosr trading card board
Which market isn't inflated tho?
Good for you. I'm looking to buy a nice apartment myself within the next 6 months. Got 600k sitting in stocks and some meme coins.
"made of bricks"
oh my sweet summer child...
It looks like ornamental brick panels nailed on the plywood.
It's considered a good investment because brainlets lose less money on them compared to when they're left to their own devices. Mortgage forces them to not piss away every cent and prevents them from "investing" in something even dumber like an expensive car or chainlink.
There's also the thing : if you put 300k in a home rather than in stocks, you also save 15-20K in rent a year. You wouldn't make much more in the stock markets unless you are day trading.
>you will never own land.
nor will you. as long as you have to pay taxes on that you will never 'own' it.
your mcmansion leaves me indifferent but your american citizenship makes me jelly. such a comfy country
OP eternally blown the fuck out
he may as well actually commit suicide
Citation needed
Euhm OP I own a house ..
Bought during the recession, with 1.5% intrest rate, energy sufficient, real bricks and some land...
Also hold dem internet beans
You might save 5-8k in rent, not 15-20k. The interest you pay is basically rent on the loan. That being said, the longer you hold your house the more it saves every year if rent rates keep climbing. I bought my shitty little place a bit over two years ago and rents have climbed by 200-300/month almost across the board while I'm locked in.
Well, I don't know about the housing situation in your area, but here gf and I bought a 320k€ condo (3br, 100sqm with loggia). Loan payments are about 1300k€/month. Friends of mine rent a condo in a similar district price-wise (90sqm, 2br) and they pay 1400€/month for that. However we bought 20% under the market price so there's also that.