took 20 mg of this fucking shit and i sitll can't sleep and have a headache with constant sweating...WHAT THE FUCK...its 2 30 am and i just want to sleep but i still feel wide awake....WHAT THE HELL
Took 20 mg of adderal xr 12 hours ago
>take amphetamine
druggies deserve to feel shit
Did you not know what amphetamines do? Especially fucking XR (EXTENDED RELEASE) you fucking idiot
Fuck Adderall, I'm a Ritalin fan. Take 30 MG extended release and make sure to drink plenty of water and "calming" supplements like Chamomile, and you get a feeling of intense relaxed focus without the jitters. Literally superman.
You need
Nah, druggies are retarded and they'll never make it.
what do you need adderall for? crypto isn't moving.
You need heroin to make it through this bear
this shit is giving me a heache now and i sweat like a bastard...maybe i need to drink water. have't had any today...just coffee.
i took it to study
I won’t even waste my time arguing with such a simple mind as yours. r/cc is a great community for kids like you - that’s my 2 cents
This is nothing. I took 100mg or 1.2mg/kg in beginning of November and now likely have to deal with loss of brilliance and a fucked up dopamine system for at least 6 months and possibly up to a year according to studies on monkey model (baboon and vervet monkeys)
druggies deserve to feel shit
Screenshot this and put it as your desktop to remind yourself so that you don't do anything stupid while recuperating
Marijuana will fix it. Don't take prescription drugs for this kind of stuff, they're dangerous
Where did you find this image?
next time, try taking 0 mg
I took every drug in the book mate.
I have tons of friends who are drug addicts.
Druggies, will never make it. Grow up retard
Ah first times snorting powders are the best. Then it's just a matter of habbit until you get bored of it altogether
Imagine feeling like that from only 20mg
Sure thing retard
>i took every drug in the book
literal brain damage, better refrain from posting in the future, it's embarrassing
I wish I could go back to being a stimulant virgin
those first few days were magical
don't waste it
>budding addict in denial
Everything has consequences on a timeframe made. It doesn't make you elite cool high IQ to pop amps. Silicon valley and Wallstreet fags are a disease
This image might explain things for you. Just because something is a prescription, don't assume it's okay to take it. Pharmaceutical companies are pretty terrible, and they're just legal drug pushers. If you're looking for something for concentration, try microdosing on mushrooms instead; much better than taking speed/meth (adderal) imo.
>mfw most people that already made it were druggies from 2010
Truer words have never been spoken
This. Jow Forums is full of drug users.
The half life on that is a fucking bitch. 8-12 hours and only half of it is gone, another 8-12 and you still got a quarter of it in you. It's even worse if you get the xr
Sip on some alcohol and keep going if you don’t feel any side effects from it.
Adderall for fun, Ritalin for work
5mg, your ready for midterms
10mg, you're ready for O. Chem midterms
15mg, your ready for an over the counter Bank Robbery
20mg, your ready to defend Berlin to the last man circa 1945
50MG vyvanse here. You need to eat before or just after taking these user. Also drink and at least snack throughout the day or else that shit is going to be your current situation.
Where can I cop some of this if I'm a eurofag?
Just buy a gram of speed at a dealer, go to any techno party and you will be able to get it. A gram of speed will cost about 5 euro here and usually contains about 50% amphetamine sulfate
Idk how ADD/ADHD prescriptions work in EU, but go to your doctor and tell him that you are unable to focus/concentrate on tasks and it’s gotten to the point where it’s affecting your job or school work.
Dutch fag here by the way. We are exporters for whole of europe here thats why it is dirt cheap here. Xtc pills are 2 euro for good quality lol
you're weak being with no spine that cannot control their own mind state.
look up choline suppliments bro, adderall makes you feel like going an hero after a few days.
>caffeine and amphetamines with no water
jesus christ OP you are a literally retarded faggot, drink some water you incompetent mong
i'm fine now...but i only got 2 hours of sleep...also think i have to drop one of my classes because i have the midterm in 2 hours and havent studied for shit...
>haven't studied for shit...
Why did you take the adderal then?
thats just the rebound depression because you're out of dopamine. make yourself eat some food, drink water, and make it thru the day, you'll feel better after a good nights sleep faggot
I have 4 classes. But one of them I neglected severely...
drop 10mg diazepam and you will be sleeping like a baby
>mfw they are now full-blown addicts or dead, with millions left in their bank account.
>mfw I wouldn't take all the money in the world to become an addict
It was two 10 mg pills of Dexedrine actually. Not adderall xr.
40mg vyvanse is a lot better and smoother
they didn't die and aren't addicted stay mad
Drugs are for thugs.
You're not a thug are you OP?
You don't go around abusing and hitting people without reason, do you?
Then stay away from the drugs.
Problem solved.
biz isn't full of faggot druggers
Sounds about right.
As far as Adderall XR, it's a double dose. One immediate and one about 4-6 hours after.
Adderall's (Tab/IR, not XR, but an be applied to XR) half-life is 9-11 hours with an effictive use of 6-8 hours.
This is so true. You've fried your dopamine receptors so you can never experience that again
They can heal if you haven't gone too crazy. Took me a couple of years to feel semi-normal.
Adderall is poison, cancel your script or delete your dealers number. There is a very tiny percentage of people Adderall helps and you are likely not that guy. I have taken enough of it to know it is poison.
I want adderall, not base amphetamine. I can get that, but I would prefer some adderall or ritalin.
I dunno man, are you sure you're back to the way you were before you ever took them? I think we have permanent damage.
Lift now
Are you retarded? Mixing a stim with another stim...also not drinking water when both are diurethics
coffee is a diuretic, amphetamine is not
This. Shits all about dose my friend. Any time you do drugs you should start on the lower side of the dose range or you might have a real unpleasant experience.
>implying i didnt jump right into 40mg XR
what a magical time
That is impressive but the key word is might. Individual tolerance to recreational substances varies greatly. If you are at all unsure of your tolerance you can always do less and then try more next time
Just eat a bowl of cereal with milk