Why didn't you listen? Litecoin is 50$ today, so according to him it will drop around 60% more from today price
Charlie Lee tried to warn us
This guy is such a fucking cuck. If anyone in the crypto community had to drop dead of some random illness, it should be him.
Why he's just being honest. If literally anyone would have listened to him they would have saved their hard earned money. He wasn't even wrong.
Charlie just constantly fucks us. If you assholes remember everything went to shit after he sold his LTC at ATH. I hope he gets cancer.
>if you announce when you are exit scamming, it means you didnt scam anyone
He hasn't done shit. All he did was take the bitcoin code, change two algorithms, and up the total cap by 4.
Then he acts like he's a crypto god. He's a scammer is what he is. All he did was shill for years how his coin is le silver to bitcoins gold. he can eat a bag of dicks for being a scamming nigger
LTards never learn. get rid of that shitcoin while theres still someone willing to give you something for it
lel, people still holding on to their LTC bought at $350
This, he is a corporate cock sucking cunt and litecoin will be worthless because there are plenty of free BTC testnets
They probably listened to Marius
this guy was literally the only asshole on Twitter in the second week of December talking about the reasonable expectation of upcoming multi-year bear markets
If I sell you a fast car while telling you I suspect the engine to blow, and then it blows, it's not really a scam
>If I sell you a fast car while telling you I suspect the engine to blow, and then it blows, it's not really a scam
no but its still immoral to sell products that don't work
not if the intent of the buyer is just as immoral - in this case: extreme greed and not actual usage as currency. then the situation reduces itself to an immoral person getting punished for their way of thinking (which is a good thing)
>not if the intent of the buyer is just as immoral
Jew logic, two wrongs don't make a right.
Nice dubs. Let's read about Jew and Sharia logic on this very topic from Taleb's "Skin In The Game"
>Sympathy for all would be tyranny for thee
good quote
thx, will unironically read this one next
so do you want sins to be punished or not?
you called me a jew for believing that a greedy man having stuff taken from him isn't wrong
In my mind, Lee fulfilled gharar through his unusual disclosures about bear market predictions. He could have gone farther, or retained a share of his LTC.
What he did not do is sell a product that "didn't work" as LTC's mainnet has maintained pretty much 100% uptime as far as I know
has nothing to do with what I said but ok
He literally told you to sell the top
Then called multi year bear market
Everyone else is just shilling you out of your shekels
Charlie is Based Chink
that author probably never saw a gypsy irl
however, Jow Forumssecret society when?
>everyone will dump this
>becomes self fulfilling prophecy
but he didn't exit scam? he sold his personal holdings at the top of the bubble like anyone else with a brain did
sorry you were a deluded moon boy who couldn't see the writing on the wall
>no but its still immoral to sell products that don't work
what if someone wants to buy a product that doesnt work?
Bestselling book: Litecoin Mines
> It starts with a poorfag neet who spends too much of his time on trying to time the crypto markets.
> One day he gets abducted by the evil genius Charlie Lee. Turns out Charlie never sold his Litecoin,
> instead Charlie has built an underground society. The people in this society work hard in mines for
> physical Litecoins. They are silver coins and when you break them apart there is a private key inscribed
> inside of them. Every night the mine workers have to sing songs in honor of Charlie Lee and they must pay
> every meal with Litecoin. If they have no Litecoin they have to starve. Many die and many people are very meager.
> It is essentially a concentration camp in some unknown location under the surface. However, if you work diligently
> you may earn enough Litecoins, one hundred, you will become a guard and beat lazy workers with sticks.
> Then you only have to spend 50% of your day working and the rest of the time you can chill out with Charlie Lee on
> some green grassy fields in this underground world.