Celebrating the Link Kaleidoscope connection today

Way better than a Big Mac.

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uhhh...thats not a big mac fren


Heart attack special.

I said way better than a big mac you faggot look at that fried onion infused in that all American beef

You autists will still be eating cup o noodles while still visiting this board after you make millionsz

IT is.... but I eat a ghost chile every single day to combat cancer heart diseases and other shit.

Capsaicin is the number 1 healer in the world.

If you eat bad that's fine as long as you eat a habanero, ghost chile or Carolina reaper once a day

>Those neon pickles.

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Did someone brapp on your dinner? Looks like shit. Literally.

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You couldn't pay me to eat that slop on the right actually it all looks like absolute peasant grade trash

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Was on diners drive ins and drives you faggot. If you can't identify that's top notch chili and Break apart beef then yyou are probably some European vegan tofu faggot

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looks like prison food

Haha I'm 40 times skinnier than him and I still can't see my dick

Sids diner on diners drives ins and dives. You fuckheads dont have a clue

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is this what amerilards eat? fucking disgusting

>avoid contact with skin
>but eating it is fine

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ONCe in a while.... it's just a splurge you Muslim loving Euro faggot. Your going to be eating Muslim dick soon with you cuck faggors being invaded. And I can't wait. I hope they gang bang your wife like Lara Logan in the Arab spring

I'm okay with you eating this as long as you're not a fat fuck, then it's morally wrong and you should be ashamed.

Mate, I think someone took a muddy shit all over your fries..

someone is sure getting triggered about his choice of takeout

Is that bolognese saus on the fries or what?

Nah it’s just diarrhea.