>in b4 "you brainlet you should of sold the news"
>in b4 "you brainlet you should of sold the news"
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Fuck this Fucking piece of shit im totally ruined bought at 57
lmao get rekt idiot
of course hold. The plan was to hold even if this mooned.
I'm disappointed in the coinbase listing, but it has always been just one step in the roadmap anyways. It's just shit timing, it was listed in the middle of a bunch of big red dildos all over the place. Other than a bunch of autistic linkies mocking us on Jow Forums it literally doesn't matter that this dumped upon listing
Lol bro dont have weak hands that drop wasnt that bad. You could have bought sky at 24$ or sky at 3$. Sky is never a good buy
just hodl you dimwit
high IQ
this, the pump ended when everything took a shit, but 4500 looks like the new floor
One last chance to load up on cheap BATies. I've already convinced myself to keep buying no matter what.
>the dawn is darkest before the night
>but unironically yes I'm coping
I sold at 58, on to the next coinbase pump (stellar)
I’m holding, we are flooring out. Likely a safe time to buy.
The chart is the easiest in crypto to read.
3 times now
Sell at .55
Rebuy lower, doesnt matter where. Just rebuy for instaGAINZ
how much bat to fuck an instaTHOT?
I also would like to know
Time to buy. 3 million buy orders in place
188 check em’
Stay strong frends. We will prevail. And we will make it together.
what the fuck you're not kidding, 3 million BAT
lol this is twitter buying a supply of bat
would they really be this blatant with a 3,000,000 BAT order on binance?
The plan is to suicide
since trading clearly isn't your thing, yea you should probably just hold this one
i bought this dip..50 by tomorrow morning
Who the fuck bought 3000000 bat, where did that buy wall go, wtf
bat isnt a crypto
its a browser tipping coin
>he doesnt know that BAT is going to replace bitcoin. Doesnt understand that BAT was the sound money all along, and that bitcoin was a ponzi scheme for people who dont understand economics.
Christ you sound as deluded as linkies
I'm all in
I just put 500$ on this, how fucked I am?
I boughts at 5123 sats lel but it will go back up
all in now desu lads