>browse Jow Forums on computer
>go to restroom
>browse Jow Forums on phone
>be at work
I do this
fucking based but why’d this get stickied?
This kek
This but at home
i unironically do this
then I go to lunch and browse Jow Forums in the common room
>he doesn't accidentally browse Jow Forums on his phone while it's already on his computer in front of him.
Not gonna make it.
wasnt this locked wtf jannies
browse biz in the bathroom, browse biz in the car at work parking lot. browse biz on work comp. fuck work
>browse Jow Forums on my way to work on my laptop
>browse Jow Forums at work on my desktop
>browse Jow Forums at work in the restrooms on my phone
Why can I still post in this thread if it's locked? Is someone hacking the Jow Forums forums???
this but unironically
inordinately based, inquantifiably redpilled
>Is someone hacking the Jow Forums forums???
The hacker known as Jow Forums strikes again!
You don't need to say unironically when its obvious that the post you're linking to is unironic.
Also, I do that shit. Its fucking scary.
It happens to me because 90% of my phone usage is Jow Forums so I automatically go to Jow Forums almost every time I go on my phone
>be at work
>actually I am at home
Home office for life
i do this too much.
>wake up and browse Jow Forums on phone in bed
>move over to pc and browse Jow Forums there
>browse Jow Forums on second screen while watching a movie/porn
>browse Jow Forums on toilet
NEET 4 lyfe
Its scary because its a big wakeup call showing you how hopelessly addicted your brain is to this place
>browse Jow Forums on commute to work everyday
>random chads thumbs up or ask about my folio
>random qt's flirt when they see my screen
>implying everyone isn't addicted to at least something in life
fuckin moron
But I didn't imply that at all...
>but.. that's not what I meant.. at all!!
I do this, usually right after I close Blockfolio just to open it again
Are you ok, user?