short GOOGL

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please be real


I refuse to invest in Google, Twitter, or Apple. I know they'll make a lot of money but I can't support these shit companies out of ethics. I'll probably buy Microsoft and even that rubs me the wrong way.

is this real wtf.
not that it matters. google's main business is just search engine. you only really need 100 devs to maintain it. and then a bunch of pajeets to do all the unskiledl work

Obvious bate is obvious

Is that a Tumblr post as evidence?

Thanks, just sold 100k

that would be fucking comedy

>guilty untill they can proof otherwise

No their main business is selling your data dipshit.

collecting data*
google is pretty much rum by the government

>male Googlers
So if I get a job with them and I accuse a female of sexual harassment she won't be presumed guilty until proven otherwise?

>invest in Google, Twitter, or Apple. I know they'll make a lot of money
These stocks are over valued via communist banking policies & stock buy backs....

Good, males need to pay for patriarchy!


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Where is the source you fucking nigger?

So let me get this straight internal company policy is making individuals worse off than the law prescribes. Sounds like a billion dollar law suit and maybe some HR fags in jail

It is ALWAYS dudes on the liberal-male feminist spectrum who get MeToo'd. Genuine alpha males never get hit with it, and if they do, it doesn't stick.

and then they get elected president. based

females are not capable of sexual harassment so they can't be guilty, idiot.

Not true. Sued a roastie that made me drunk and sucked me off and filmed it while I was near blacked out. Was settled outside court.

Arnold Schwarzenegger knocked up his maid and all that happened was he got divorced, with minimal damage to his net worth.

Nice larp, incel.
Everyone knows women are not caoable of commiting crimes.

I'm gay you retard
The office bitches had a bet on if they can repole me. Maybe they thought what you think. Well the bitch who pulled it of doesn't have a job anymore

Vox Day's website, seems legit


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Stop using jewgle.

>completes captcha

>Guilty until proven otherwise.
Not likely, if the acused is treated like Kavanaugh they are guilty until proven guilty. Their only option is to become Trans or Muslim to move up the equality totem pole.


Their main business is, publicly, advertising.

I suspect that the real main business is just data collection for the deep state. Which they do anyway.

That's pretty freaking awesome dude. So what's a flesh rocket in the keeyster feel like anyways? Reverse shit confused prostrate?

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>Vox Day

Idiot Qoomer.

Feels pretty awesome.
It is no coincidence that older men turn out gay once they had their first prostate examination

What do you call a man that doesn't enjoy the company of other men or find them attractive, yet does butt stuff to himself wen no one is looking? Asking for a friend.

This. The only reason companies like Google and Facebook seem to be so anti-meritocratic is because they don't actually need talented devs, they've been a front for NSA, they can continue losing money on virtue signalling since they make most of their money from the defense budget.

Fake news, but anyways

DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER YOU FUCKING CLOWNS. If you really want to short Google, stop using their products and use something that doesn't harvest your data and treat you like cattle.

Attached: bat brave.jpg (1000x604, 35K)

They should have fired the ring leaders of this shit immediately. How long until Google is irrelevant?

Don't just get drunk in a bar and let yourself rile by a bear, this will end in literal butt hurt. Trust is very important. Hang around with some gays and you might find somebody who you are attracted to and can trust. And if you just like to have your rear hole stimulated but like women, tell them, bet you will fins one that enjoys penetrating you with a dildo

>mfw brave becomes adopted as the defector corporate default browser for work
>purchasing departments around the world loggging on to binance to buy deez bags

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>loggging on to binance
you mean logging on to Coinbase now brah

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In his defense she was a gold digging whore. But Im torn because Arnold is true germanic alpha male and deserves to spread his seed to make as many strong slayer sons as possible.