Well... Its time to say "bye".
Any fag buy this shit?
Well... Its time to say "bye".
Any fag buy this shit?
I fell for the coinbase meme and lost $50
We'll know for sure in a couple of weeks.
so is this what crypto is about? jump in the rollercoaster then jump out when you can? people falls for this?
>so is this what crypto is about? jump in the rollercoaster then jump out when you can?
For shitcoins, yes.
For good coins, no.
>people falls for this?
I missed the top and lost $700
Where did this influx of new fags come from. A 20% drop in crypto is nothing.
BAT on Coinbase isn't about some shitty pump and dump, it's about having seamless buying and selling in the Brave model.
Received 300 BAT this month from donations to your little crypto blog? Convert it to FIAT on Coinbase and pay for groceries.
Have a few hundred BAT lying around in your wallet from half a year of having BAT Ads on? Convert it to fiat on Coinbase and help pay rent.
Want to have extra BAT for donations, paywalls, etc.? Convert some fiat to BAT and hold it on your Brave wallet.
Blew some old dude on the parking lot outside of walmart? Convert it to BAT.
>he sold the bottom.. kek $1 EOY
I swapped my 20,000 link for this and lost 4000 :((
hold me
Been sucking your dad's dick since you were a little kid? Convert it to LINK
and it will work, because people who wish to run ads need BAT to place them
Jesus christ i boight this yesterday
I was just thinking - companies that want to run advertising campaigns on Brave obviously need to pay for it through fiat, which is then immediately converted to BAT.
I'm guessing that will be done now through Coinbase or Uphold. I wonder what the details are on that end, like if Brave will have to pay Coinbase fees to convert the fiat, etc.
Coming from someone who has been holding this way before the coinbase pump: This is a coin you get a comfy amount and just let it sit. Don't worry too much about the short term price fluctuations.
That's great and all but there is one problem: Crypto is useless and normies realize this.
Cope harder, battie.
This is seriously one of the biggest embarrassments I have seen on Jow Forums
> Convert it to FIAT on Coinbase and pay for groceries.
> Convert it to fiat on Coinbase and help pay rent.
> Want to have extra BAT for donations, paywalls, etc.?
pump through donations & paywalls
nice tokenomics yo
>advertises want to place ads
>biz bought the top
Come on biz. It’s one thing to buy in the 4000s but do you seriously buy over 5k? If you miss a pump you buy after it settles, not the top.
yes, advertisers love advertising to a small amount of techie autists.
The product is solid regardless of the price atm.
t. not even a hodler
you will see what happens once all the pajeets use the browser just to get free money
20% was nothing when everything was pumping and dumping at a rate of 1000% every hour. Currently 20% is a lot of movement, specially for something like >BAT
>Buying a token that is given for free to all new Brave users to donate to websites to be market sold for USD
Exactly. I fucking spammed BAT threads with this and anons couldn't even muster a few braincells to understand what I was saying. BAT adoption requires easy Fiat conversation. Easy Fiat conversation means bat will not moon. There's no point to holding it. It functions the same whether it's worth a dollar or a penny.
BAT token... more like BAG token am I rite?
>be me
>tell BAT retards that a listing on an exchange like Coinbase when it's already listed on the highest volume exchange in the world (binance) won't do shit to the price
>hurr durr, you're just jelly
>BAT gets listed
>whales proceed to rain hell on stupid batty boys
get fucked morons. Not only did this coin fuck your ass for 1 year straight and performed like shit in the biggest bullmarket of all time, but now it pushed your shit in even further. I hope you faggots lose all your money so you stop shitting this board with your retarded shitcoin.
The fundamentals of Brave/BAT haven't changed. Brendan is a stand up guy when he says a website with 80+ million users is interested in Brave it's a big deal. Plus 1.0 is coming later this month. Lots to be excited about this projects, better to hold and ignore the manipulated price swings
bat is on the brink
if brave plays their moves right, they might get some people to use their browser. They need to emphasize the adblocking to normies. I know normies use memebook, but if they get incentivized to use websites outside botnet, they NEED Brave on their phone. No need to get ublock or update filters. Just ezmode adblocking. Then the BAT system takes hold.
I really do use the Brave browser, it's AWESOME for reading manga on the phone. If I'm on some sketchy site. It catches those predatory window popups.
Avoid hype bro. This ain't 2017 anymore.
>Convert it to FIAT on Coinbase and pay for groceries.
Uncle sam will take his chunk. If you’re in the US you’re fucked. Kek
lol it doubled this month alone
still my comfiest hold
Look the point is that BAT and Brave solve a very glaring advertising/publishing disconnect on the internet, and the BAT cryptocurrency allows Brave to solve this due to micro-payments/quick and easy transactions. Coinbase is a nice step in the roadmap. The fact that it actually happened (it has been one of the worst kept secrets/rumors all year, people were posting the rumors back in January) shows that the Brave team isn't full of shit and it actually is pushing forward with its plans/roadmap.
You can believe the FUD, you can continue to poke holes in the project (and there ARE holes, but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - I invite all the FUDders to post their shitcoins of choice so we can trash them), but the point is, this is a project that has a working product and is continuing to improve itself along the way.
Maybe you don't like the general idea of Brave, or think BAT is unnecessary and was a money grab. That's fine to think like that. I think in the long run you'll be proven wrong and maybe you'll change your mind. BAT has risen from #60 on Market Cap and gone as high as mid-20's, now sits at 30. It's growing, improving, building, gaining in popularity... Keep talking shit. People did the same with Ethereum, Bitcoin, every coin that has grown has people talking shit. You just have to realize that some people on Jow Forums are pajeets and those that bought in January 2018. Other people are those that bought ETH at $10.
You must not have been on biz for too long
Thanks for the vote of confidence fren.
It actually didn't perform bad retard. It would be at FUN levels if they didn't have a competent team behind them. Looks like you'll be missing the plebbit v1 moon mission as well, stay poor faggot.
Cope more. Cope more...i’m. About to cum.....