Looking for porn video for three years

>looking for porn video for three years
>finally find it

holy shit is there any better feel than this. literally better than bitcoin going from $200 -> $18k

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You have a problem. You need to limit your time on your pc and Get a hobby outdoors

wow boomer detected kys


Post it and get banned (see )

>he thinks masturbation is a worthy investment of time
go outside fag

ok jordan

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Ok, what are some Jow Forums approved hobbies?

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Tennis or golf?

Sauce. Instead of posting the link just give me name of the tube site and the search term. If it's trap shit I'll kill you. If it's good shit I'll nut 100k


I know that feel man.
Remember to save videos so you can sell them later.

That's really fucking expensive.

Those are kind of expensive.

Now we're talking.

Come on, people, money spent on shit is money not invested in LINK.

The same sort of thing happened to me recently. I found one of my favorite videos from the early 2000s on porn.com. They have a ton of the older DVDs uploaded in great quality. It's better than the overproduced blacked bullshit that gets released nowadays.

please at least describe the video user

i no dat feel bro.

what is it? was it a girl suckin 3 dicks or what

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shit exchange

No. Just someone who been there. I was master bating to porn like 4 or 5 times a day. I was so fucking depressed living like that. I’m my room all day and night in the dark stroking my cock to porn. It’s fucked up

porn kills your brain op is a nigger kike

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Anything. I started walking my dog. It’s more about interacting with people in the real world. Making connections with real people. Go to a Internet cafe and play video games. Just do it with other human beings

I bet it's not as good as pic related

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sounds exciting, i bet you have awesome small talks walking your dog. Must be fulfilling

haha yeah don't listen to him i walk my dog twice a day and all i see is old roasties and foreigners cuties don't go outside anymore unless it's to shoot a new profile pic for instagram

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>not having teras of porn in case it ever gets criminalized or much more regulated, so you can sell it at premium price

never gonna make it

Nice one slick. I bet you feel good about your self now. I’m not posting that for you. There are lurkers here that are on the verge of killing them selfs. They mostl like haven’t left their house in months. If I can help one of them with something I went through then I did my job

you mother fuckers better start dumping sauce

Reading of course. Boosting your knowledge can help you to be successful. But not fantasy, self-help or other genre for girls, try history, economics, politics, philosophy, psychology, physics, chemistry, literature classics and other practical areas of knowledge.

Where can you sell classic pron videos?

You post like a 14 year old.

Buying high and selling low

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FUCKKKK I remembering nutting to this when I was fourteen like a decade ago. Good taste bro. Give us a source

Fuck studying I want your pussy - twistys


> So much for no nut november topkek

post link to three year white buffalo video

3 years? must be really good? What is the title?

ha yeah i knew it would still be on there because it's goat so i searched schools girls studying and clicked through about 10 pages

part 2 is underneath

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how moronic.
no porn video is anymore entertaining after watching it for the first time.

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fucking legend, top mate right there.

Fuuck I know this, this video was awesome

Prostitute Connoisseur
T. One of them

Im also looking for a video.
Ginger girl with a white guy, not skinny kinda muscular, white couch i think, the girl smiled at first and really looked like she liked him, kinda passionate, i dont think there was a lot of dick sucking, maybe just getting it wet and then straight to fucking. None of them wore shoes or any clothing, and i think theu were naked from the start. Watched it on redtube multiple times like 3-5 years ago. Dont remember anything else but i know i really liked that video. Please anons

A man of taste

Turn away from degeneracy and try to lead a fulfilling life

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Trading link om binance

Based and cheddar cheese pilled

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