25 years old
never been with a woman
can anyone figure out why I havent killed myself yet?
25 years old
never been with a woman
can anyone figure out why I havent killed myself yet?
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You are curious can the human race survive the next 50 years. Maybe hoping for ww3 and experience the chaos that ensues.
I’m 18 and never been married. Literally why live?
OP I was a virgin at 21. I am still 21 and have slept with 9 girls now. Don't give up friend. Master yourself before thinking about girls. You must love yourself before anyone will love you. This comes from healing mind, body, and spirit. Cut off all that is harming you now. Hit the gym hard. Trust me you got this bro. Sex isn't even that great unless its someone you care about. Ignore the stigma and heal first.
I'm 15yo manlet fatass black man. only 6'3 and 215. 7% bodyfat and will probably only grow to be 6'6 at most. No kids yet like all my homies. Was virgin until 12. so hard not to kys
because you're gay?
If you're drunk everyday/everynight you're an alcohol addict and the reason you haven't killed yourself is because you crave alcohol. I also doubt you'd be in the situation you are if you'd stop drinking.
Trust me , its really not that amazing. My decent looks are the only thing that I've got going and so I get laid a little above the average Jow Forums poster. But its really not that great. If I could have a stable career and money in a city that i enjoyed living in, and a loving, in tact family, I'd give up sex forever.
idk how people can get drunk everyday, you feel sick and worse.
you plebs are in for a sad wake up call once you finally do have sex and realize it's not as great as everyone makes it out to be.
pic related. this is the kind of shit you need to be more concerned about.
How many girls numbers have you asked for?
This year.Also do you actually pursue women or just avoid em?
user I'm taking a shit with nothing to do but give you advice at the moment.
I'm probably a 6 or 7 out of 10, slightly overweight, watch anime and play video games, and have never really had a problem getting laid
what you need to remember is really 1 thing
>girls are no different then guys
Stop that mental block of them being like another species and think differently
they don't
they are as human as you
when you get over that you will stop freezing up and going full neckbeard when talking to them
you want to know how Chad's get laid
cause they don't give a fuck
Now this isn't to say to just be insulting and pompous, you need to be a 9-10/10 to accomplish that, which since you are here and you made this post, it's safe to assume that you arent
so what do you do?
if you are 250+ lbs then step 1 is lose some weight unless you wanna be stuck with ham beasts the rest of your life
210 or below is perfect, you can make work with that
now here is an important part
you need some hobby other then anime and video games
do you daytrade? do you know how to woodwork? do you know how to be a fishkeeper?
literally anything to offset the nerd
chicks don't care about nerds like you think they do because every Chad out there plays video games, this isn't the 90s anymore
this gives you something to talk about
speaking of that subject let's say you finally land a date
if you are unsure what to talk about just ask questions about her
chicks love to talk about themselves
it will be easy to keep that conversation going
if you have never gotten laid before don't even expect to get laid first date, they literally can smell the desperation on you
only tell them your a virgin when you are about to get laid and they are already super horney and don't care, it might even turn them on even more just like if a chick told you she was a virgin as you were ripping her clothes off
>that 25 year old faggot that uses depression and nihilism as an excuse for his failures in life
you get used to it
another thing is don't be too clingy
message her but don't spam her, if she doesn't answer then just move on, either she will message you back or you get to. choose out of the million pieces of ass out there
Nothing is worse then constantly messaging and calling someone you just started dating or seeing
>but user I can't even get them to talk to me, how can I get a date if I can't even get the conversation going
you are either
A swinging above your league which is alright but you can't expect to hit every one, you swing at those and hope for the best but don't get too excited there
B you are saying the wrong things. it goes back to don't be a creep
C you aren't doing the first thing I told you which is to lose weight and clean yourself up
it's on you to improve yourself user
there is a girl just as awkward as you out there
you just have to try and she will appear
I used to say this all the time and never saw anyone else that shared the opinion. Now I see it all over. People are waking up.
why get drunk when you have so many other better drugs to abuse
Go to the gym.
I'm 26 and I just started showing interest in girls/people.
I had severe depression in HS so what ever. I'll keep on fighting.
It's the cheapest and easiest to get.
I can go down to the gas station and get a 750 of vodka for less than $5.
>drinking bottom shelf vomit inducing vodka
why do you hate yourself user
>stable career and money in a city that i enjoyed living in
if I could live a fantasy life I'd give up having sex forever too, faggot
and I never had sex so just end me
This unironically.
Virgin till 25, then 4 qts in a year once I fixed my mindset.
virgin till 24 then i have second girl at 25 , at 27 i give up on girls completly , now I am 33 and I avoid women , because I fear I might be one blowjob away from going back to plantation .
it's really not the cheapest
you get at least 3 days worth of weed for 5$
you get 1 mdma pill for 5$ (or more if you order directly from the darknet)
you get a good gram of shrooms for 5$
everything is 100x more interesting and fun and less or equally bad for you
this is fine advice except
>only tell them your a virgin when you are about to get laid and they are already super horney and don't care
i would advise against that, it doesn't matter if you're a virgin or not, if it's going well just go with it, you can do the awkward convos after you're done
I'm only a year younger than you and I've never had any romantic interaction with a woman. I honestly don't care anymore. I work a lot in public accounting, so that helps me take my mind off things. I don't expect to have a sex life, ever, and I'm fine with it.
i can agree with that as well.
sex is fucking great but it needs to be someone you have a connection with. if its just some random tinder roastie it sucks
listen to these faggots
they are so hot they bag multiple women a year (average for a male is 4-5 women in a lifetime)
yet, they think they are in the same position as us just because they are so braindead that they couldn't even start their sex life until their early twenties (another average for males)
how undeveloped were your bodies, and, in particular, your brains, for you to not notice that women wanted you until years after adult age was reached?
Why are American guys such fucking losers? Even the biggest nerds in the U.K. have at least 1 kiss in their life. American guys seem to be autistic as fuck.
Anybody who looks at the twisted family laws and the asinine dating standards and divorce percentages and still dates or otherwise participates in this shit scam system at all should strongly consider kts.
OP should thank God he's been spared and go buy the most smoking hot silicone doll with peach brapper and custom milkers and be done with the whole thing.
>mfw 25 and live at home to support family
>no women can stay over out of 'respect'
>not many women to meet in this town anyway
>can't hop on tindr bc no facebook
>can't afford to both move out and support family
>did alright in college w women, not hopeless
>random sex gives me panic attacks, I hide it well nowadays but can't stay hard when it happens
I refuse to die alone but need a strategy. I now understand that loneliness is not strength
>thinking about laws and divorce_stat.jpg from /pol9K/
>thinks human propogation is a 'scam'
>seriously telling someone to use a life-sized masturbarion device over having a partner
>being so autistic that you can't deal with any relationships with other humans and have to act out fake relationships with silicon dolls
How do people like you even garner the will to live? Are you even human?
tfw no synthgirl with peach brapper and custom milkies
you sound like a failed normie
Tinder doesn't require a facebook account anymore
I'll die alone. So will you, suckeeeeeeeerrrrrr!
But I'll still have some strawberry nipples I can suck on.
Plus, by willingly participating in the scam system, you contribute to why things are so fucked.
Human propagation? What the hell for? There's no fucking future and kids would be forced into this miserable ass world. Plus the bitch and state would own them and brainwash them. Why? Because the laws are fucked.
21 years old here and have never been with a women and will never be *islamic shithole country*
life isn't revolved around women making money and working on your self and achiving your goals or even getting fucked up
you could travel you could do so much shit honstly being alive crippled poor and homless beats being dead
just wait until you find out what a letdown women are OP oh boy
I was always friendzoned , I think it was mainly because I was poor as fuck.. now when money improves I dont wanna spend them on women .. I am spending everything on photo equipment. Shoting wildlife .. no need for women in my life
sex was one of the biggest dissapointments of my life. So overhyped during the teens and then integrating my first experience was like "That's it?".
It was opposite with mushrooms though, the dude who advised me to take them just hyped hallucinations without mentioning any mind altering states, so life is not that bad.
Meaning I'm not a normie then? I don't get your point. I refuse to be an incel faggot about this. I should make it clear that I have not given up.
Good news, thanks
WAIT, wait, wait wait
are you a virgin? if not, I have nothing to say to you
OP here
in all seriousness, it sounds fucked but ive never been that interested in dating.
i am torn between focusing on my career(software engineer, ~135k income/yr) and starting a family.
ive always been someone who looks at things from an objective standpoint and I just dont know how to proceed......any advice from people who went down these 2 routes?
how do you start a family without dating?
He's probably Muslim or something similar with arranged marriages.
if a relationship, love or sex is truly important to you and you've got not much else in life worth living for
>havent killed myself
you might as well do it now
or just gtfo and do something worthwhile
there's a lot more to life
just buy an onahole or one of those giant plastic silicone asses
also, trying to just have sex is pathetic, you should be searching for a wife to procreate
>software engineer, ~135k income/yr
what are you even doing here?
I despise you
I am not, I have sex 3 times in my life, twice in one weekend with random crazy bitch that fall in love with me online . and year after that i was with payd profesional .. and thats it . But when i was young I chase lot of girls , I end up everytime in friend zone .. so than in 2012 I just give up .. I realize that there must be someting really fucked up with me.
these are my people. im unironically an unchained psychopath with a hatred for western culture and what it is slowly becoming.
You got social circle? Are you happy? Are you depressed?
29 year old virgin
I feel like the embodiment of death
Why didn't crypto save me
I use to have 2 social circles, but that was back in high school and college. Nowadays I hang out with like 2 people
Am I happy? Not really.
Am I depressed? Nope. Not that either
Depression is numbness not sadness. You sure?
Yes because I have felt depression before, it lasted 6 months.
For the most part my emotions are very watered down, i get happy and sad and angry and all that but i can control it easy
At least you know yourself. Not many can honestly claim that.
If you're an autist, I suggest you read Scott Adams orange book. Some good ideas there.
Thanks ill check it out
so the only thing you're missing is waifu? You probably understand, that getting traditional wife is getting hard these days and whole system surrounding it doesn't benefit it either, so it's hard question.
basically. And it’s not even that I want a woman, it’s actually that I just want to have offspring. But that requires a quality specimen for a woman
> wanting to have liability