Penny-pinchers retired in their 30s

Why do the jews hate this so much?

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I fucking LOVE Biz memes.

Biz is soooo fucking based lol. Penny-pinchers = le god.

We need to meme him into emperor status lol, how frickin based would that be guys?

It's like... he's just as based as Trump and MoonMan. I think its because he's so sassy and non-sequitorious.

This is TOTALLY the next, most epic and righteous BASED meme.... get this:

He's on the internet...

He's contrarian to what seems reasonable and admirable...


Quite silly and ironic...

But actually a super fun and great guy.

Lol, he's running mrmoneymustache

>makes money from entrepreneurial adventures
>quits full time job
>hurrrr retired

So they became jews?

This image is so bizarre to me, how is buying a vehicle so important? I'm doing great with no car, commuting only takes 20 minutes on bike.

How is he retired if he's working on his blog etc?

it is advertising boomer markets

You dont live in america

Because he's using his time on what he really likes, it's quite different "work on a blog" than "work for a company"

Having to produce material for a blog would suck ass. My 9 to 5 is better.

>live "frugally"
>spend $23.000 a year

i don't even earn 23.000 a year, what a joke

And btw, building yourself a house is not "free".

Your work time has a price, your health has a price...

for a family of three retard

Retarded weak little faggot

>achieve financial freedom
>can't bring yourself to enjoy the expanse of this amazing earth beyond snagging some free apples off a tree
>constructing yourself a cage so well crafted, you can no longer see the bars

yeah, no thanks.

Well said, I don't think people realize that this guy was making probably $40/hr+ at his engineering job and could have hired 2-3 Mexicans to do the work instead, while he was working.

So, he has to be a lazy ass to match with your definition of "retirement"
I think it has to be some language problem, retirement sounds like you "remove" yourself from something, as you understand, job. In my language retirement translate to "jubilacion" and that word comes from latin "iubilare", I asume first world education has learnt you basic words from latin, if not, I'll let you do the research

is "retired" yet use every chance to shill his 'moustache' movement.

was able to stop working because his blog took off

al lot of the mr. Money Moustache followers will get incredible justing when the stocker market crash. yet he still spread his stock mantra

That nigga was fucking woke

I'd never put a single penny on stocks, but index funds ARE the most conservative and safe form of investment. What's really gonna just his followers is inflation. 1 mil won't be worth peanuts in the future and if you're eating away at your compounding gains then inflation can catch up to you.

The trick I guess would be if they diversified in crypto index funds (or better yet, got into crypto by themselves)

>passively seething this hard

>he enjoys working for himself so he's technically retired
if he EVER once feels obligated to "work on his blog" or work on that gay shack thing that does whatever it does to generate revenue, then i guess he's not retired and has a job

yep, also land cost is and has always been the problem, won't matter if you make a small house of plywood and trash if the land cost is still more than you could realistically make within a few years.

He doesn't have to for the money of it, that's the point of retirement. You can do what you want whether it earns or not.

I hate to see whenever the segment on these "everyday rich people" turns at the end to "and now they run 'Happyhappyjoyjoyindustries' where they focus on giving people the tools to get a hold on their CRAZY financial life, for a low fee of $5,000"

>that moralfag argument about how consumption hurts those around us
if he was trying to be so moral, why doesn't he keep working his lucrative engineering job and put the rest of the profits into charity or something.

seems like he's just another sinner.

This. A million dollars is acceptable if your rent is

The 4% rule derived from the trinity study takes that into account. Your boomer index funds average 7% over time, so you pull 4% out annually and leave the other 3% in to keep up with inflation.

a million at 4% interest is actually more than enough to live verycomfortable in almost any European country, most people here survive on half that.

I'm talking about 'Murica, nerd. One wrong health issue and you're down half of your savings because Insurance is a bitch.

>muh inflation
every single time

realize that when someone who knows what they're talking about says they need $1 million to retire, they mean it in current year dollars and that the point of investing that net worth is so that it scales with inflation
do you seriously believe that a portfolio of stock and bond index mutual funds returns less than inflation?

>do you seriously believe that a portfolio of stock and bond index mutual funds returns less than inflation?
This is biz. Of course stocks and bonds will return less than inflation.

In the entire history of the US equities market, what percentage of years did inflation outpace stock returns after dividends?

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