Girl vs Career

21 yo college student here.
Been dating my current girlfriend for a year. We love each other very much.
Got offered an opportunity at a world class company - would work there for a year. I have no debt, and am about to get a degree in computer science.
Without giving away too many details, relationships vs career in your 20s. Any advice?

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I would have to move several hours away from her if I took this opportunity. Would the relationship survive?

Why not bring your girl with you? Make her your bang maid.

She has to stay in school and get her degree. I guess she could come for the summer but who knows

take the career. you might think you love this thot, and maybe you do, but career opportunities don't come as often as bitches can, theres a bitch around almost every corner of the planet. careers not so much. annd being this young they are pretty much all disgusting whores, theres more than a good chance this bitch is already cheating on you or will jump at the first chance she gets.

Noted, I'm strongly leaning towards the career opportunity just because I know that all bitches my age are huge whores. I know if I don't take this opportunity and something does happen (likely) I will be fucking pissed and regretful.

It's my first girlfriend ever BTW, so you can see why it's a hard choice...

You take the job. The slit is going to betray you eventually regardless. Disregard bitches, obtain currency.

Im sorry op, I'm all for finding a girl and settling down but you've been dealt a bad hand. 1 year nowadays is too little time to get to know someone.

Go for the career and hope you find a girl just as good (or better) in the future. Thankfully you're still very young.

So, not worth even trying a long distance relationship?

I've been on a ltr for a year now. I met my gf at the uni and she moved out to work in january because shes older than me.

It's hard work, but we had been together for three years already and never had any incidents worth questioning each other's integrity and commitment. Still, I wouldn't recommend it for you. I had three times your experience with my girl when I started and it still was and is difficult as fuck at times

So do you think it is possible to take a break in a relationship and then get back together at a later date when things settle down?

You try it man, or atleast put it on hold, but dont end it compleatly.
If you 2 want to continue you will be able to once she finishes school and if she turns out to be a thot then its still a win win situation.

>no debt
When you leave school get ready for them trenches. You been fed by your parents.

And to answer your question, always follow the money

This is the worst option. Either drop her altogether or try a ltr from the start.
>Lets take a break aka lets fuck as many people as we can as hard as we can before the clock runs out and we have to get back together
No thanks

the fact that you even have to ask shows what an absolute fucking moron you are. good luck at that "world class company" though

>She has to stay in school and get her degree. I guess she could come for the summer but who knows

What she need a degree for? Doesn't she have a vagina? Women are happier at home with babies. Will you not make enough money to provide? In college, anything other than STEM is Marxist indoctrination.

She will cheat. No matter what.
Deal with it if you want a ltr

Sorry, meant ldr

Throw away opportunity to reproduce so you can wage slave to make someone else rich.
Enjoy settling for a used up roastie with 2 kids to Tyrone in your 30's. Cuck.

if she's your first gf then just end it and take the career, you probably don't even know what a good relationship is like at this point in your life
first relationships aren't meant to be your last usually

Left girl friend for school. Agree get back together in 4 months wen summer time. Return, she upegraded to an underwear model. Whatver you do, get strong if you're not.

Why is no one asking the important question?

Was she a virgin when u met her op? If so, do the right thing and try to love her as much as possible regardless of all challenges. That is the right thing to do.

If not, it is just another college relationship. Love feels different and you won’t have to ask this question.

job 100%, ask if she'll come with. if she says no then tell her that's too bad have a good life.

>turning down a top career opportunity for your college girlfriend

come on now

women don't need a degree if you have a good job
they need to be moms
she needs redpilling or you will just get divorced later
also a job is replaceable a good gf isn't, if she's already had other dicks in her you should take the job though, if you were her first, the relationship has the best chance to last for life.
and don't do ldr, she will likely cheat.

This post best post

if you choose career she will be on your dick the rest of your life

if you choose her she will devalue you for not being able to make the right choices and be on everyone elses dick

the choice is yours user do the right thing

Take the job, tell her to come along for the ride or take a hike.
Any in between shit = you wasting time/ getting played

based on your attitude, you don't seem that attached to your girlfriend and don't really trust her or thing she is "not like the other girls", so... just go on with your life.

desu if you're even asking this question, you know the answer is that you should careermax.

Dude we don't know. Probably not, you'll ask yourself if she's faithful every night (judging from your desire to ask here) and eventually she'll notice your distrust and that's when it goes down the drain. Especially if she really were faithful all along.

As for what's better, a career or a woman. I don't know. Never worked, never loved. But if you lie on your deathbed after a lonely life you'll probably feel regret about that one girl you sacrificed.

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if you need to ask this... then the choice is obvious

without getting overly dramatic about it you are vastly overestimating the worth of your relationship. take the job. also ltr's are guaranteed mess clean break is better.

>Only a fool puts his trust in a woman
>Put your trust in the dollar that can never leave you

You're 21 and in school. You haven't even glimpsed into the real world yet son. Keep your nose to the pavement and work, learn, hustle, sweat, bleed, steal, grind and survive until you own your first home, own your first real car and make at least 6k a month under 40 hours a week.

Then you can waste your time chasing love.

Any of suggestion in this thread is a waste of time.

100% take the job user, relationships don't last forever and this could be the start of your entire career.

More importantly though, if you don't take this job and she knows it's because you want to stay near her, she will definitely lose respect for you. She'll know at that point you aren't ambition driven and also that she has you by the fucking balls. When a chick can prevent you from working for a world class company just for some pussy it makes you look like a total faggot and she will probably lose all respect for you.

Don't be a cuck.

do both, it's not a big deal unless your girl is a whore who would cheat on you. I've been LD with my girl for 4 years and it's still going strong. If you don't fully trust your grilfrend tho just go for the job anyway idk

Your first relationship is usually the naive one.

Not saying leave her but you don't know how wrong your are about relationships until you meet another person

You'll meet better women at 30 anyway
(you being 30, not them)

>Im 21.


Dude you are fucking 21. You have never experienced a REAL breakup. The breakup where you were with a woman for 5 years, introducing to your family, friends and relatives asking you question when are you going to marry her, when are you going to have children. You dont even know what love is so stop saying stuff like "We love each other very much.". Nah mate im not saying it wont work out but you dont even know how the world works. You become a man around 28-30 years of age when you start understanding how the world works.

That being said im not a cuck and iwll give advice. Listen to this man here as well:
Relationships are fun and all but if you invest your younghood into relationships and when it fails you will find yourself in a very dark place. You will start asking questions like "I should have taken that job offer etc.". Best solution you can do bro is just do what lifts your life up. If your woman follows you then its great! You will have a great relationship. If she doesnt, its time to move on because eventually everything can happen. Dont forget that your girlfriend can drop a bombshell at age of 25 and say shit like "user i just found out that im really into saving niggers in Africa and im going there as a refugee helper for 6 months. Im sorry but this i what i want to do and i never told you because i knew it would break your heart.". Any relationship under 30 is a crapshoot. It can work (mine has worked) but dude the shit ive been through, breakups, living apart some time etc. It destroys you. Im not saying i want to go back in time to be single etc. im actually happy in life but you know what kept me alive? I was always and ALWAYS pursuing my life goals. My woman accepted or disapproved some things and it almost tore us apart but she finally understood that happiness comes from living free (eg. not being poor and not being able to support your family).

*Being able to support your family!

i'd pick gf but then again i'm single for a year and kinda having tfwnogf.

depending on if your gf is a freeloader. Leave if she is imo

This, but don't get married, or she may end up using your pay instead of you.

It can work. I lived in a different city working while my girl studied. I used to drive over on weekends around 3 hour drive. Was a fun routine. She would get the train to my place other weekends.

Now she graduated and we have lived together for a year and a half. She works in the same city as me now and pays half of all bills so we both have more disposable income.

I'm 28 she is 24, started dating at 25 and 21

take the job

Career ofcourse

You will end up resenting her if you let your career stagnate just to stay with her


If you were more experienced and older I would suggest talking to her. Since this is not the case, choose the job and work on your future. It will be hard at first, but your career will keep you busy and distracted. Don't fuck it up. Godspeed, user.

Oh, dump that bitch, im pretty close in age to you, had my first serious gf a couple years ago, we lasted 1 year and it was a total waste of time, i wish i had gotten into crypto instead, now we don't even talk to each other, we both hate each other.
Id say just go into your career and new life focusing on yourself, no ldr. It will just make things harder on yourself. There are literally bitches everywhere, and they are all pretty much the same basic ass bitches in every part of the world. God speed OP go live the life I never got to live. Right now im about to turn 23 and im a mover. I wish I had a career to look foward to, hoping to make it with crypto.

Dude you are 23. You still have time till 30. In my opinion 30 is the age where you a kind of fucked, but ive seen relatives who were 35 and changed their life completely. You are having a suckers mentality a little bit. Stop doing such. Some boys go to armies rn in other countries and leave the army when they are 23 or 25. They need to start over the whole education process again.

You have not lost but if you think like that then you will. Pick up your pieces and build yourself back to a confident man. Stop being a wuss bro! I know you can do it!

>hoping to make it with crypto.
kek brainlet