Redpill me on the lottery

Redpill me on the lottery.

I’ve been playing the lotto for the past few weeks, and when the jackpot was like 1.6 billion a few weeks ago a lot of you seemed to hate it. A lot of you said I’ll never win. But even though my odds are astronically low, I gotta ask; why WOULDN’T I win? All those other people win, and they’re no different than me. So I’ll keep playing. You should too, maybe if you got you hand out of your ass, you could change your life.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>red pill
lottery is a "poor mans tax"
>black pill
odds are something like 35 million to one, so you're never winning this tax scam
>blue pill
but lottery is "fun" user

literally every low IQ says this same reason when asked why they play. The way to get wealthier is to realize you are not that special and behave and think like average people. Then you will learn how to act wisely, against your emotions and against the herd mind.

you're only a couple numbers off from winning. don't give up!

The odds are like 300 million to 1, there's a better chance of you getting in multiple car crashes on the way to buy them

>odds are like 300 million to 1
I may had been thinking about slot machines odds. Either way you're never winning it

shut up kike, he's going to win, i can feel it.

Here's the real red/black/pick an edgy color of your choice pill:

What does a lottery ticket cost? $20? How much marginal utility do you get from having $20 in your wallet - if you opened your wallet on a windy day and it blew out and disappeared would you starve, would your life change significantly for the worse? What if this happened to you every week for a year? What would you not be able to buy that week for $20 that you really need? Food, shelter, rent?

Forget probabilities, they are meaningless in this case. It's purely a question of upside (being a multimillionaire) vs downside (missing out on the marginal utility of $20). If you're middle class and above, the price of a ticket is functionally zero to you.

Oh and dont pick your own numbers, just buy the pre-randomised ones. That way you dont have an ounce of responsibility for the outcome.

>you’re never winning it

Literally tell that to /literally all of these people/

No argument now huh? you got quiet. libtard btfo

I've won around 5k playing the lotto for 3 years

You can crash whenever that you want. If I want to crash my car when I’m gonna buy a lottery ticket I can do it. Odds doesn’t exist

>we'll be elite investors, guys.
>yeah, let's put all our money into cash double scams, ponzis, pyramids, and vaporware.
>oh no, I got scammed by silicon valley.
>let's give more money to russians.
>oh no, I got scammed again.
>let's try the chinese.
>I got chinked!
>let's try these other friendly asians.
>fuck, gooked!
>let's put our money into lending scams instead.
>oh no, I got exit scammed!
>fuck it, let's sell trash electronics for fucking nothing. I bet the stores will give us good parts.
>oh no, they gave us only actual trash!
>one last solution. Lottery tickets!
>oh no, I put 3000 into this shit and got nothing-
>I know. We'll put our last few crypto coins into a shitty chrome clone browser with microtransaction tokens and retarded ads to replace the normal ads.

Biz. Never change.

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and how many tickets were bought over the years for those winners to come to fruition? I'm no liberal, I merely studied pathological gambling a long time ago.

OP has a point though.
But what is stopping me from being the winner? Tell me what is different between Cleetus Hickbottom who won the lottery last year and me? He won, what made him more likely than me? Huh, nothing? Then why couldn’t it be me?

awesome logic bro! fuck the lottery, go jump on a slot machine and start INSTANTLY winning with 10 dollar bets

>The only way to succeed is to be an NPC

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That’s not how it works jackass

>cognitive bias towards lotteries
>trying to rationalise low odds randomness into his favour
welcome to the sub-hundred IQ club

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Yet you still haven’t identified a flaw in my logic or reasoning tho. Who’s really the brainlet here?

Answer this simple question and I’ll fuck off: What makes the lottery winners special? Why can they win but I can’t?

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They were born with this mysterious 1 in 300,000,000 characteristic that still can't quite be identified.

I hope you're meming OP.
Look up what "Expected value" means, and understand what is the expected value of your ticket. Hint - its negative, otherwise the gov lottery corporation wouldnt make money

>makes the lottery winners special
are you religious? it's like you're trying to induct a fatalism into a random process. just kys already

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With your theory the best thing for you to do is simply play 1 ticket and say fuck all to the mathematical odds and not pay anymore tickets since you're basically fucked statistically - throwing more money doesn't solve that problem but you still want a shot at the lottery. However, you'll soon realize each time your ticket is a loser (maybe you won a free play who fuckin cares) and that the time it takes to go out of your way to spend a fuckin dollar is pointless and congrats you're not a degenerate gambler and invest your money into blockchain assets serving supply chains like AMB

>be american
>play powerball (chances 1:292 million)
>have to pay taxes if u win
>can't stay anonymous

>be european
>play eurojackpot ( 90 million,chances 1:95 million)
>22 million in the second win class (chances 1:6 million)
>don't have to pay taxes if u win
>can stay completely anonymous

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So you don’t have an actual response. Good bye cuck boy, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Don’t reply to this post

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>muh why can't I be special
go visit a tarot reader you useless twat. never seen such a delusional cope in my life

>hurrr I’m worthless and a pawn and I will never accomplish anything special in my life so everyone else must be as pathetic as me

Get out of my face

nice projection there brainlet. let it all come out

lotto tickets are like $2 so your point is even more valid.

>>can't stay anonymous
this is only true in like 2 states

Scratchers are more efficient and fun.

What's with all of these trusts and estates winning? How does a trust buy a lottery ticket and why

Most states don’t allow you to claim winnings anonymously. To circumvent this, many winners will set up a trust/estate to accept the money “on their behalf” so that they can remain (effectively) anonymous. If someone REALLY wanted to find out who the winner was, they could sift through a shit ton of paperwork to find their name, but it’s really not worth it.

You have better odds of being struck by lightning twice in the same day.

Dont waste your money

>You're a worthless pawn who won't accomplish anything!
>That's why I'm going to get rich quick by buying tickets and hoping for the best!

I could scratch ur but

>Redpill me on the lottery.
It's was literally invented by the mafia.

OP is just saying that there is still a chance. He has hope.

>be european
>don't have to pay taxes if u win
but you're still a european lmao

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