I give up... for now

Have been swing trading pic related but am now going to lock away on ledger. Am looking for an overall 8x and am willing to wait for 3 years. Feel free to ridicule my choice of shitcoins all you like anons, but do also let me know how long you think it will take to hit my target.

Attached: 222.5533.5222.png (297x438, 71K)

>100k REQ

Need about 200k more REQ

holy fuck dude LMAO you are not going to make it. honestly better off putting it into btc or eth, but guessing you like to risk it with alt coins. find some better ones cause you picked the shit of the shit with these.

Pundi and DENT are jokes

AION is a real gamble, its just another better ETH , but with way less force behind it
The rest are good, OMG and BNB will carry you if others fail

you have 1 extremely good pick in there (apart from xlm ofc) but other than that it's full of meme coins. my npxs holdings are worth 4x of that whole portfolio, it's inevitably going to be one of the biggest gainers over the next few years. you'll kys for holdin fucking vet, dent, req, aion and probably omg too, while only having bought ~300$ worth of npxs

>willing to wait for 3 years

Pick blue chip coins or be poor fucking hell.
sell your omg, rew, aion, npxs, dent and vet and put it all into eth/ltc/btc.

absolute state of state of Jow Forums

This isn't half bad. BNB, OMG, ADA and XLM are solid pics. VET and NPXS for the gamble with DENT and AION being your YOLO long shots. Req too. You'll be fine.

stellar is the only good one on your portfolio. I seriously hope this is a bait.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 55K)

keep xlm, bnb and ada. sell the rest. pick up own (chx)

>Two chinked up ERC-20 tokens will carry you

I have herpes and HIV and I'm always depressed.

If I had the chance to be be magically cured of herpes and HIV as long as I make this portfolio my portfolio I would pass. I'd rather still be infected with HIV and herpes.

Thanks OP for making me feel a lot better about myself. Sure I'm fucking sick and have HIV but at least I'm not a complete fucking moron investing in these sea of shitcoins

80% of these won't be about in 3 MONTHS, let alone 3 years

Also.. where the fuck is your link ?!

OP, I'm going to give you some real advise. You're talking about walking away from these coins for 3 years, but you need to understand that it's unlikely that any of them beside XLM and BNB will have value in 3 years. crypto moves fast and changes a lot. 3 years is a long time. the only thing you really want to hold and walk away from is BTC. Also, you're crazy if you think REQ is coming back....it's so very obviously dying.

OP I'm telling you right now. Dump all these faggit coins you have and go 50% Link and 50% hot.

How dumb are you? Your looking for only 8x in 3 years? Link and hot will 8x by march

Some ridicule, lots of unrequested advice on portfolio, but no response to my original query - how long before I get my 8x anons?

>100k REQ

VET kek.
Seriously, they are 20 on CMC and going down from here. Just hold at least some BTC and ETH.

Are you holding any Bitcoin or Ethereum at all?

I can see that you are going for some coins that seem like high risk moonshots and some safe coins like bnb. I think there is a goos chance to get an 8x within 3 years with this portfolio.

since you like the high risk coins, I suggest Saronite which is very cheap and not even listed on CMC yet. DYOR of course, but I expect 8x from this one within 6 months.