Should I?

>I started a dating site 2 years ago
>$4000 (just the site no app)
>$150 on advertising
>I got 160 people to sign up
>Even after the $4000 developer the website was buggy and looked it was made in 2007
>It would cost me more if I tried to fix it.
>Shut it down.
>Sad asf I had to shut down my baby.

Present day

>Still thinking about my site
>I made a solid mockup the dating project but for the app only this time.
>found good developers
>Offering $6000 to do it.
>Only got 8k
>If I go with it I'll be nearly broke and start almost from $0 again.

Should I attempt this or is this suicide? Should I just start another project with that money or less?

Attached: Hot-Girl-Tinder.jpg (600x501, 41K)

Sauce on this semen demon?

Have you got a good name? If not don't do it.

I've been working on a private dating site platform for my girlfriend's business for months now. Having someone build this thing for you for less than $50K is pretty delusional, IMO. You're going to wind up with a buggy, shitty, poorly designed piece of garbage that will turn customers away.

Do people really pay this much for simple apps? user you can learn android studio or ios in less than a day via free tutorials on blogs or YouTube by friendly pajeets. Copy paste your way to success.

You making profit from your dating site?

Before the shitposting gets bad; I'll say this:

No one will do it for you OP. I say fuck it. If you believe in yourself, then that's all you need. Just do your best at expecting the unexpected. Greatness was never achieved sitting idly. Godspeed.

Attached: 1539663571187.jpg (1080x2220, 1.11M)

classic Jow Forums fudding their own investment kek

This isn't really a "simple app". It's managing customer information, taking payment, managing subscriptions, handling user uploads and making sure they actually images, resizing images, handling S3/Lambda/CDN, marketing site, and a hundred other little things. To do it properly takes time.

The optimist in me hopes it will work out for OP but chances are it will go exactly how you described.

It's a private matching making event company. People subscribe to have access to register for events. They go through an interview process and their account gets approved. We also make deals with the events ahead of time to get volume discounts, and take payment for the event from customers through the site (in addition to the subscription). This means we make a bit of money on every event as well, and also that the business we're patronizing isn't inundated with 40+ people all trying to pay at the same time. It's a pretty new business and she's been managing it basically manually through a facebook group, phone, spreadsheets. Site should be done in a couple of weeks and it's pretty much going to enable her entire business.


it's an app for his girlfriend to get fucked by other guys.

That's what you took from that? Who hurt you, buddy?

you and stacy :^)

Dating sites need adds if you domt have the capital to do some ads afther the launch don't bother.

This picture is proof of God's existence.

>paying pajeet developers anything over $2k for a web app
fucking kek

terrible idea -- i was a web developer for 5+ years after college and can tell you it will be a shitty website. You might as well set the money on fire and save yourself some time.

>and now we click of here
>the most important thing of course is
>*indistinct mumbling*
>*typing in off-screen app*
>and now that allows us of showing this value
>*ear-splitting clicking noise, about ten seconds pass*
>value appears on screen
>ok thank for watching subscribe
>video cuts to black

op, why would anyone use your website instead of something like tinder or Bimble or whatever the fuck its called? those other sites have tons of users and a well established name. What differentiates yours?

Just chiming in. I take it you dont do web dev? Otherwise Id suggest just do minimal projects, pushed to release to get profit immediately. Then if theres profit, keep at it. My best projects were like that, Im full time web dev on my own projects for 10+ years. The stuff I tried to outsource was always too much money spent before proof of concept.

sounds like a loosing model, OP

very far from a sure thing

Dating sites are all run by Jews. Jews don't have all the money because they pay fair market price for anything. You do not want to go up against Big Nose.

Dating app market is saturated unless you have a good USP (you probably don't)

Look at those chompers, I want to cum all over them

As a former app developer on IOS ( first objective c then swift language ) - I cant fathom why it would take that much. I developed as a hobby. I got gigs from my experience is UI | UX Design But this was when I was 16. Paid around 150-200 bucks but this was around a 1-2 week deadline.

You would be better spending $100 on Udemy and learning to code yourself - then spend another $50 on Meng To’s graphic design digital book ( man taught me all I know about design and it helped get me contracts that other design teams failed ). Then - make it yourself. Afterwords - drop whatever amount you want to start off with in servers and that’s it.