This is real

>be me
>own 25k link
>living my simple life, tending to my bags and keeping my head low
>sister gets a black boyfriend
>literal psycho with face tats, wants to be a rapper
>always avoid him
>just want my LINK to moon so I can move away and never deal with people like him
>keep my LINK in a ledger
>come home one day
>entire family is sitting in living room
>sisters bf is standing there with his arms cross
>"ay, he's home, we gotta talk cuz"
>I look at my dad
>head down, won't look at me
>sister is crying
>wtf is this.jpg
>"jamal got jumped and lost all his money and now they are going to kill him if we dont get ten thousand dollars"
>my stomach drops
>"user, you have to do this or they'll kill all of us"
>mom starts screaming
>"I know you got bitcoins cuz, I ain't leavin this bitch until I have them"
>look at dad
>he's still looking down, petrified
>"please user, just sell your bitcoins, do you really want to die?"
>run to my room
>call the police
>barricade door
>scream "I'm calling the cops"
>nig starts smashing furniture
>mom and sister are banging at my door, desperate
>can hear my dad getting whooped
>don't even care what happens to them at this point, none of them are getting a single LINK
>nig starts taunting me, kicking at the door
>sirens get louder
>look outside window, 5 cops
>"you better surrender now or these cops are going to kill you jamal"
>hear him punch my sister
>he runs downstairs and out the back door
>holding my dad's laptop, some fancy china plates and his backpack
>cops fucking shoot him in the chest
>and then in the head

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I know this sounds fake but I dont care. Im shaking right now. my sister and mom both have black eyes and my dad had to go to the hospital for stomach bleeding and brain hemmorage. The only thing my dad said was "I didn't think he was such a bad guy." My sister wont look at me. When this is all over shes going to live with my grandmother.

The cops found my trezor in his pocket. He didn't have the seed. My links are fine. I ordered another wallet to move them to since mine is in evidence.

My only regret is that I didnt shoot him myself.

Ok thats all, thanks for reading Jow Forums. I will never give up my link.

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Disgusting monkeys. Niggers are the doom of humanity.


>keep my link in a ledger
>the cops found my trezor

Sorry user but at least proofread before you post

If this is real you're lucky to be alive, you need to sell some link or btc and invest in another firearm hidden in another place in your home that you can access in emergencies

burn the coal, lay the toll

Oh man user. Jamaal’s friends are gonna kill your family now anyway user

Cucked and bluepilled



I always get them mixed up, I switched hardware wallets a while back and always call them ledgers

I heard my dad talking about this to a friend on the phone earlier at the hospital. Hes straight up having a crisis right now. He almost said nigger at one point.

He didnt have any friends. The cops said that noone came to identify the body or whatever they do when they get family members to come. He was a bum.

By the way, do any of you know what a crack or meth pipe looks like. I think I found one in my basement. Its a glass tube with burn marks and looks like a brillo pad or something. smells like rubber.

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hell ya motherfucker semper fi

Kek fucking niggerlover

Thanks for the story op
Nice ending

i take photographs of dog shit on the sidewalk whenever i see it and send them to this guy i don't like, so i can totally relate.

>if this is real

>LINK holder with sister-niggercuck fantasies

Par for the course.

Nice larp, enjoyed reading. 6/10

Great read. Love it when black guys are the bad guys in these stories. Satisfying conclusion of course. I give this a 7/10 could have had more originality but I liked the little details

your sister is an utter disgrace, you’re dad is a gigantic fucking pussy, your mom is a doormat and you ran and hid in your room. the only ones based in this were the cops.

What type of fucked up fantasy is this?

>user's actions resulted in him being unharmed, the threat dead and user's possessions safe
sounds like user made some great decisions

>not punching him in the face, calling him a nigger, then threatening to kill his whole family
I did this to a giant nig at a restaurant once when he threatened my little brother he started seizing up when he hit the floor lmao.