$10 tomorrow

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Lmao xrp is absolute trash


lmao I'm making it


Just like pineapples on pizza
Women do not belong anywhere near crypto


>roastie that doesn't understand supply
>holds xrp

I know this is bait but these people seriously need to be euthanized.

All other factors being equal, if Ripple has the same market cap as bitcoin, every single one of them would be worth $1,300 dollars each. One of the least profitable and hence dumbest possible options to invest in right now.

500$ would put Ripple's marketcap around 20 trillion, which is plausible since crypto as a whole is going to be worth hundreds of trillions. Biz incels btfo by an intelligent woman.

typical XRP holder
Supply scam is so efficient to attract normies

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10 tomorrow
a 100 next year

Etheera is the next moon.

6 concurrent XRP threads on this boards. On a scale of one to even I just can't...

Is XRP the new Chainlink?

link is dead, Buy xrp
10000$ EOY




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ownership ban... THEYwill do it ;)

>40,205,508,733 circulating supply

imagine being this stupid.
price is equal to equilibrium of supply and demand.

The supply used in this equation is not the fucking circulating supply.

The supply is the number of current sell orders on the exchanges. Turns out, this number is upwards of 90% less than the total supply.

enjoy holding btc you braindead anarchist who believes banks are leaving society.

when will these fucking retard realise that the network and the token are tow different things
yes banks might end up using the ripple network but they will never use the fucking token of witch the value fluctuate constantly

I swear to god sub 90 Iq people should be shot



imo as a XRP hodler the real growth will not be thanks to human financial institution but the real singularity will be when extraterrestrial beings adopt XRP as the intergalactic medium of exchange

X. 519

What were you saying now?

you can't make your statement and both actually understand what the network is.

The instant settlement is what banks want. You cannot have instant settlement without using XRP

I think he's a euro fag or some shit.
Pretty sure $1,300 = $1.30

what is this number ? 20,866,659,032.427 is the number of XRP on sell orders on exchanges at any given second?

lmao did you just link the fucking market cap?

Well, it's faster and more efficient than BTC in every single way. So if XRP is trash, then BTC still has a long way to go before it finds a bottom, price-wise


http ://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth-of-Market-Cap---Version-2

wow read this with any IQ over 80 and you'll realize that you're wrong maybe you'll realize that in the entire history of long term successful investments those that solve a problem and make life better are the ones that come out on top and BTC and ETH solve nothing XRP Is literally the only crypto in 2018 that is actively making significant progress to solving a real world problem. Enjoy holding BTC my friend

when will XRP just go back up to $1

if I have 714 XRP coins, how long will i have to wait until I make my money back and it goes to a dollar, or is that never happening?

XRP is more efficient than Bitcoin because its security is less effective. You're putting your savings into a system with less effective security when you buy XRP.

keep holding XRP dude. I go on biz to laugh at all the NEET neckbeard bitcoin shills who literally didn't graduate highschool because you can't be logical and think bitcoin is a sound investment and also know about XRP and dismiss it. this shit is comedic gold

not only is XRP more efficient, its solving a multi trillion dollar problem. These dumb niggers don't look into Ripple and Xrapid at all, and if they did and had any ounce of intellect, they would be trading it right away. The amount of progess being made and the positive testimonials and real companies actually using Xrapid for its solution of instant settlement which the history of finance has never been done before, you start to realize how fucking stupid people are who dismiss these facts.

You probably should realize that anyone on Jow Forums who was willing to hold XRP unironically was probably the one that dumped his bags on you a year ago? Pretty much everyone here is aware what ripple is and isn't interested. You're the stupidest community in crypto.

First mover advantage matters. New coins that do bitcoin but "better" are useless you mong. Find a new use case and quit chasing moon boi hypes you retard.

I just stated why XRP is centralized shit and you missed my point entirely.
If you don't think Proof of Work provides security, you're a dumb and hopeless nigger.

One bitcoin is worth about $6,400 dollars.
There is currently about 17,350,000 bitcoin in circulation.

One XRP unit is worth $.52
There are about 40,200,000,000 XRP units in circulation.

Divide the circulating XRP units by the amount of circulating bitcoin.

40,200,000,000 / 17,350,000 = 2,317

Therefore, we multiply the price of XRP by this amount.

.52 * 2,317 = $1,204 (I had done it previously with .55 per XRP before)

This means that if XRP had the same amount of units in circulation as Bitcoin (17,350,000), each XRP would be worth $1,204.

This is not hard and I'm shit at math, but if you can't figure this out on your own you're even more brainlet than me.

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whoops, no, i am the brainlet. i had said 'market cap' before when i meant supply. disregard, donut read.

do you want me to explain to you what to look for? The main price increases are going to be from institutional speculative investment and institutional usecase. XRapid, which is being used by several banks by the end of this year, possibly more, is going to be bring serious daily volumes. This is happening. The stupid BTC niggers on here will tell you that XRP wil never be used, but if you have 30 seconds and go to google and type in Xrapid use cases, you will see them. Secondly, the institutional speculative investment is also coming this quarter. December 12th the Bakkt exchange is being launched. This exchange is owned and operated by the same guys who run the NYSE. This is a big deal. This is going to bring up the entire market, which will also include XRP. These guys are smart. They see XRP, they see it is currently the only project that is seriously disrupting the financial world. I can explain to you why every single financial institution using XRapid, thus XRP, is inveitable over the course of the next few years.

XRP, the normie coin.

Banks will NEVER use a token of which the value vary 20% in a day


get that into your thick skull

and BTC isn't? China holds a majority of the hashing power used to solve the problems. This means they control it. Ripple owns some of the nodes, but not the majority. If you're just another braindead BTC holder who thinks the price is going to go up from actual utility and not just selling to another sucker for more than what you paid for, move along.

High IQ smart boi needs to do some more research.

Holy YIkers. Imagine believing the current price fluctuations are going to in any way shape or form dictate future price fluctuations when XRapid is in full swing. These fluctations are fucking S P E C U L A T I V E.

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Do you believe there are fundamentally hard problems in this universe, or no?

You also demonstrate the fact that you don't understand how XRapid works. Banks are exposed to volatitlty for three seconds. That is literally so insignificant there is virtually no risk.

i think a fundamentally hard problem is the amount of people who are purchasing bitcoin with a realistic expectation of banks being removed from society.

Listen, you’re never going to get rich holding xrp unless you’re already rich holding xrp. That’s just a cold hard fact.

You are not answering my question.
Do you think P = NP or do you think P != NP?


Great choice of cryptotwitter OP, excellent bait

explain to me how your point will justify your spending of your money on BTC

> transfer 1B price drop 0.1% in those 3 sec
> you've lost 1M

yeah i'm sure bank will just brush that off

my god XRP hodler must be the most retard bag holder
but hey at least this might make the price move so trading this shit could be fun again

Answer my question.

>not only is XRP more efficient, its solving a multi trillion dollar problem
So saving banks large amounts of mone and time on cross-boarder settlements isnt a usecase?

explain this to me. Explain why XRP won't go up in value with your cold hard facts.

LMAO are you fucking stupid. THe current system literally is so much more volatility you can't even comprehend it. The transaction take FUCKING DAYS TO SETTLE. THIS IS 3 SECONDS.

oh it will go up for sure
then it will drop back down


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seeFiat backed stablecoins make a lot of sense for remittances. The volatility of XRP renders any cost saving moot.

Why is it that real insititutions say other wise? why is it that if i go on google, type in Xrapid use cases, i see testimonials of real companies with much smarter people than you are I, saying differently. Why is that?

jesus fucking christ. this is unironically the only reason i hold tron, verge, ripple and stellar

ask yourself, if you had $30 million in your hands right now, would put it all in bitcoin or ripple? seriously. objectively think about it.

knowing that they can freeze your account at any time, i dont think so.

Do you think P = NP or do you think P != NP?

I ask what you think because it relates to expending energy across time, which relates to security, which relates to efficiency and effectiveness of said security.

You must surely have a firm grasp on the subject if you suggest that XRP has more efficient security, in your post You surely must be able to easily prove that Proof of Work is in fact wasteful -- what proof do you have?

you're a fucking retard. you're ignoring all his points and bringing up strawman shit that he never said.
kys ripplecuck

Why is it that this project is shilled by literally the only the bottom of the barrell of the crypto sphere? Why do niggers like ripple? Why do people who don't understand supply like ripple? Why do people who can't answer "Do you think P = NP or do you think P != NP?" like ripple?

You might make a little money off of ripple in a bull run. But it solves a problem that doesn't exist, and like I stated before, ERC-20 stablecoins just make a whole lot more sense. I'm pretty convinced that you're the last generation of ripple bagholders. POW was a fundamentally new thing and a groundbreaking development. XRP is basically a text message.

they like ripple, TRX and all these other low price shitcoins because they think they are buying btc in 2010

You're still an idiot for even doing that calculation because supply will never be that low so it's a completely useless comparison.

They can't do that, as Ripple doesn't control the network.

xrp coin with (((connections))) brainlets

the actual state of mutts.
someone should do the world a favor and euthanize them.
looking at you New Hitler.

You're onto something, user.
It's almost like they don't understand complexity theory, economics, supply and demand, etc., because those are the exact things that Ripple does not deliver on, which is why it is worthless.

Thinking your unlimited supply token is going to be worth over a dolla someday. ROTFLMFAO

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This is the only thing you have to understand, greed. Ripple controls what, 70% of the supply. Don't act surprised if they decide to burn most of the XRP in the name of "fairness" and suddenly their tiny shares balloon up 100x making them way more money than they'd even get holding most of the supply as-is. And i'd like to be along for the ride.


I see.
Do you think P = NP or do you think P != NP?

well someone has. i cba to go looking for the link but hopefully another user will come and post it. or you can search the archive for it. there are blocked/locked accounts on the mainnet rn. you can check the block explorer.

>Ripple doesn't control the network.
ok but if you want to become a block producer you have to get ripple's permision first

>the number of ripple divided by the number of bitcoin equals the future price of ripple
I know you made a mistake but you didn't realize this while you were writing it? Cringe alert bro

Ripple will get BTFO with chainlink and swift, 1K eoy bitches

ID in full green and quads. Yeah, I think LINK is gonna make it.

And tons of coins are faster than xrp. Fast doesnt mean much.

You gotta go back.