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is 850k enough to make it?
How is this a white label
How white label products benefit link token holders if you don't need link to use those? I understand SmartContracts will get their money but isn't his bad thing for others?
they will utilize the chainlink network via fiat relay, they will purchases services direct from IBM, who in turn will be providing them access via that fiat relay.
Chainlink is a middleware, a backend, infrastructure. IBM will use it as their chosen trustless middleware to execute their enterprise blockchain services. Outside data needs an onramp to the ledger. Chainlink is the only trustless way to do so and is the industry standard.
We've gone through this before, IBM has been using these logos before link even rebranded, and the width don't match anyway. Every blockchain project has a fucking cube as a logo.
see and pic related is their updated logo
Thanks fren.
no worries fren, we are all in this together.
What, chanlink has a NEW LOGO? We had no idea user, thank you so much you retarded pajeet.
I'm telling you the IBM logo was used before link changed its logo and they have different sizes anyway so it means nothing
All of you that think Chainlink will be used as a (((whitelabel))) are deluded. Why would the financial and technology industries invest funds into a simple json parser and slap a new name on it, when they can have their dev team set one up in under an hour? Chainlink is a failed project. The only thing the Chainlink team did correctly was identify the oracle problem, but their solution is unorthodox and unreliable. If one node goes down, they all go down. Not to mention the flaws that have recently been discovered with GoLang. Chainlink is an insecure, invalidated, and expensive solution to an easy-to-fix problem. Anyone with a background in software development can tell you how easy it would be to create a simple middle ware platform in Java. If a first year CS student can do it, then slave-pay tier Pajeets can do it too. You faggots aren't going to the moon. You're not the crew of Apollo 11. You're the crew of Apollo 13, and you mother fuckers just stirred the tanks.
Now that I have gotten your feet wet, let me expand.
The 4th Industrial Revolution that we all refer to being kicked off by smart contract adoption is multifaceted, and can be surmised as follows:
AI: Intelligent neural networks employing machine learning will be the "brains" of the operation. These AI will be responsible for processing enterprise data and mining it for efficiencies in process. AI will also be responsible for flawless smart contract writing and editing for its enterprise purposes.
IOT: The internet of things is the 2nd component and represents the "hands, eyes, and ears" of the 4th Industrial revolution. In the near future a majority of manufacturing cpu's/data censors will be wired to the greater IOT, this will also be the case for most household and retail environments as well. This IOT will feed real time data to the AI which in turn will process that data for software updates, efficiency in processes, and other useful executions.
Smart Contracts: The third and final component of the 4th Industrial Revolution is Smart Contracts, or the "thought and will" of the system. The AI will process the data being fed to it from the IOT and will create realtime nearly perfect smartcontracts for payment settlements, logistics, material ordering etc, and it will also in some specified instances send smart contracts to execute real world events via the IOT.
These three areas of focus in the next decade will likely encompass trillions of dollars worth of good and services. These systems will first be adopted by the f500 and they will require a trustless middleware to deliver the data from it varying components and specifically to execute its enterprise smart contracts. Chainlink is set to be that middleware.
the only good case for white labeling so far is IntellectEU
Advisor for SmartContract.com , Hudson Jameson, own this organization centered around utilizing blockchain to support the IOT.
the FUD gets funnier every day
Aragon research is a leading IT research firm led by former executives from Xerox and Gartner. Much of their hypothesis for the future of AI is centered around IOT, AI, and Blockchain
Signs and symbols rule the world, we will make it boys
Gartner also agrees with Aragon research that AI, IOT, and Blockchain will be interoperable and interdependent.
By now you should all know about Tiger Mommy, Chainlink's Director of Marketing, but do you know she is an industry leader in AI as well?
good thread
I don't get why people aren't talking about Microsoft cryptlets. It is so blatantly a white label.
what if linkies are all just bots deployed by Adelyn?
I'm exhausted of this shitlink mania. Can you guys shut the fuck up already? Every tiny fucking 5 cent movement, and this board turns into a moshpit of brainlet smacking their retarded heads together, trying to fuse two braincells into one. I'm fucking about done. Give it a god damn rest already
Thanks for the bump, somehow this pasta is already stale even tho it just started today. The absolute state of link fud.
>every company is using the same logo to represent something only one company in the world is doing
Yea, must be nothing
>blockchain projects use stylized blocks as part of their design (fuck me its not even a logo)
>mfw linklets are the most retarded people on this board full of retards
Everyone already knows
Nope- it’s been at least 900k-1MM for a while now user
>the amount of needless platitude in the advert
great thread, user, thanks for all the breadcrumbs and recaps!
Didn’t drunk user mention something about a clue being locking and unlocking?
>sub 900k link vs 1m link
In love with this new fud, can we phase out the "buncha 4channers" one for this?
I work at IBM.
As far as I am aware, we are not providing/offering anything with LINK's functionality.
As a result, there is no white label offering.
Fabric makes use of Catalyst, which (IMO) is less ideal than LINK.
Indeed he did....
my daddy works at IBM and says my LINKIES STAY STINKY
my dad works at Nintendo and he said your post is fake and gay
5 seconds apart, gotta luv our hivemind in action eh?
>Sergey speaking to someone during the hallway meeting after one of the devcons last month
"IOT? Yeah, we've done a lot of work in that area."
Chainlink powered smartcontract executing driverless lambos when?
You nailed it. All three are equally crucial. Like likely hired Adelyn to stay on top of the AI stuff while Sergey and team have the middle ware. They can link in with the most established smart contract and IOT platforms.
Good thread. Bump.
mobi will be using the IOTA oracle
we will see, lots of link partners and frens in their circle, and link is the industry standard for secure trustless middleware. If they don't value being secure and don't mind having a central point of failure like IOTA's oracle then maybe you are right.
check'd, thanks for the contribution