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Hahaha what a loser.

Don't like it? STIFF full stop.

craig(I HAVE A PHD!)wright

his real name is walter mitty

Sir he had 10 phds

Absolutely based

my god its like Trump squared. We are truly blessed with the greatest timeline.

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What an absolute faggot I hate this man with a passion. He thinks he matters in the cryptosphere and he does not. How could someone be so deluded?

I bet he has a massive dong


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Yet here u are bitching like an antifa warrior kek

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Kek has spoken

>He thinks he matters in the cryptosphere and he does not
Then YOU don't understand BITCOIN. He has the HASHPOWER, so you WILL bend the knee

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>le i am satoshi
>le incel buzzwords

holy fuck bcash is a shit show

Nothing can stop SV now. ABC cucks BTFO

t. s oyboi incel cuck faggot

Also I don't own any bcash but lets be honest here if you don't like this man you're a beta cuck faggot who likes mentally ill traps and the taste of mutilated cock in their mouths.

Kek is on SV side soi boy betas BTFO

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The implied 'go build something'. Delicious.
Don't give a shit if Craig is Satoshi, he is the most fit person to dictate the terms of Bitcoin development.

>He thinks he matters in the cryptosphere and he does not
The absolute delusion of anti-Craig heretics. He's clearly a personality of first importance in crypto.

Based and Craigpilled

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