If Chainlink is going to be $1k EOY

If Chainlink is going to be $1k EOY

Sick Fucks like him are going to be millionaire!

How can anyone of You support this?

Attached: motivation.png (750x136, 41K)

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Sounds good to me desu

That was my post. Who wants to be first mate?

Linkies for based Classis Africanus defence fleet

Aye sir! I'll be your first!

I do!

Crowdfundig and partial ownership?

Ill be your third first mate

I would love to support that.
Someone also needs to film it

If I get rich I will fund a medical research station for Congo.
Then a whole team can work on making Ebola-Chan even more deadly, so she can clean out Africa.

This is bait, right? Although your formatting leads me to believe you should go back.

With enough stinkies you could fund an ngo and buy a real warship.
Call it conservation, the meds over fished.

Attached: shark-week-tv-logo-6A92B33F28-seeklogo.com.png (300x132, 8K)


Dude I am IN

Can I be your first Maid?

Attached: Rem.jpg (1152x720, 96K)

This warms my heart.


If link hits 1k...I’ll buy a Huey and fly air cover for your brother

wtf just sold 100k

>How can anyone of You support this?
Because I too will be a millionaire.

aye sir!
ill be your cabin whore

>not sinking refugee boats and using the stranded refugees for rowers to ram other refugee boats, swapping them constantly hence no need to feed them also no exhaustion factor.

Who wants to smell them though

Dude, count me in

He won't HODL. He will sell when it reaches $10. Then he will FOMO back in at $20, then he will sell again at $50, then he will FOMO back in at 100$, then there will be a small bubble and the price will drop back to 40$ and he will panic sell, then the price will start to climb again and he will FOMO back in at 100$, then he will sell at 200$, then he will FOMO back in at $500, then he will HODL at $1k

You seem to have first hand experience on this.

Yea, I went down that rabbit hole with BTC back in 2013.

I'll create a smartcontract triggered by satellite images of your boat that will deposit 10k link in your address for every boat you sink