Craig is actually calling the other side onions boy cucks. Welcome to the greatest bitcoin timeline frens.
How can one man be so based?
>a 48 year old man talks this way
Don’t like it?
Fuck you
does csw post on Jow Forums
Holy fuck it's real
Bless me
s o y bois and ethcucks btfo
Super based and Craig pilled
All he does at "nChain" was sit all day and troll social media. He never coded anything or done any work.
And thats a good thing
are you an insider? tell us more
lmao, that is straight up bizarre to see
Truly a perfect job for the person that can have anything he wants.
to use the term 'onions boy' you genuinely have to be one of the most gigantic faggots in existence
and that kids happens when you spend too much on toxic internet platforms
You change the world into your image? Sign me in.
LMFAO this fucking guy.
Wtf I love Craig now?
the leader bcash deserves
tfw Satoshi is an honorary Jow Forumsraeli
>created first proof of work digital currency to free NEETs from the life of wageslavery
stay based