/smg/ Stock Market General

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Suggested books:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Buy Netlist.

Where is LCI guy. I want to jump on this are we going to the teens?

Buy chainlink

what the fuck is happening with oil? is it the bad orange man again?

Sounds about right. Get in before the patent settlement stuff gets worked out.


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"SHE" bought Fun instead of Link



Fuck off stinker, this is the thread for adults

Fuck off nigger, im bullying RKG

Ugh, just started buying into index funds at the start of this year and nothing has moved. Very disappointing and shitty.

>muh VTSAX
yea, well, this year, I'm up by a whole 1%.

Linkers out NOW!
We don't bother you in your imaginary play money threads.

She did, and she deserves it. I'll be leaving now.


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markets been great lately, reversion isnt cucking any good moves.

why did god allow this to happen

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What should I be looking for in dividend paying stocks?


God doesn't need gopro. He is omnipresent or something.

kys twice

dividend growth, payout ratio, whether or not they cut their dividend, consecutive years of dividend growth, and yield.

It the yield seems too good to be true, it probably is. if you have time, div growth stocks like AAPL, MSFT, ITW, SBUX, CSCO etc are the best bet of increasing your compounding interest over time

P/e is a good start another user made this very helpful chart

Thanks anons

We're fucked, huh?

>flog them, chew them, bog them, jew them

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This is a good chart, but why even bother with most of these dividends? Anything under about 5% doesn't seem like it's worth the trouble.

why in the everloving fuck didn't you buy chainlink
i love you

i will apologize on my own behalf, but i'm genuinely curious as to why RKG would think that LINK is a meme

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dividend growth from a 2% stock can lead to a higher yield on cost than buying a stock with 7% yield that doesn't grow its dividend.

Warren Buffet is getting 62% yield on cost from his KO stock he bought back in the 80s. I'll be 100% by the time he dies.

saudis are trying to break iran by continuing to pump. low oil prices plus swift sanctions means bad things for iran.

Green days ahead boys.

Buy VOO if you're scared.

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yield on cost is a retarded metric that dividend boomers use because they think it makes them sound smart. total return on capital is all that matters and growth is better than dividend

I live in Europe and can't buy Vanguard. How's this as a replacement?

iShares S&P 500 ETF (80%)
iShares Treasury Bond 7-10yr (10%)
iShares US Property Yield ETF (10%)

Unless you need to use your stock principle as a piggybank in times of crisis, go with 100% S&P 500. iShares is a decent alternative.

I think I need to study up on how dividends work a bit more then. I'm mostly in real estate and a cash-on-cash yearly return of 2% is laughable. Even 10% is considered meh. So my metric of what constitutes a good investment is mostly based on how much monthly (or quarterly) income it gives.

This market is fake and gay. Go back into golden bull run soon.

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>implying i don't also have a growth fund

kids these days don't understand the concept of diversifying your investment strategies. if it isn't a biopharma penny stock, they think you'll never make it

Don't compare an index fund to a well managed real estate investment. They're fundamentally different, in that one requires active judgement, and the other is simply a place to park your cash where it can grow way faster than throwing it in a bank.

>Still no cameltoe
Step up your NSFW game.

>Biopharma Penny
If you aren't 100% committed on delisted weed penny stocks, you're a joke

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here we go again

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All three ETFs pay dividends so I don't intend to sell my principle.
Don't you think it would be prudent to hedge against a bear market?

wow oil is in freefall

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Not really. Buying and holding indexes outperforms almost anything. Good rule of thumb is 80% in indexes, 10% on safeish bets (like TSLA), 10% on Dumb shit to play around with while you're bored.

>Don't compare an index fund to a well managed real estate investment.
I know that there are differences and have different purposes. Index funds are basically for equity growth and have next to no cash flow.

But I'm talking about dividends, they seem to be a huge disappointment to me. The point is to use dividends to live off of, but at 1-2%, even a million bucks will only give you

Any leafs in here use Questrade

Oh yeah, dividends are a meme unless they are paired with something that fundamentally outperforms the Index (like defense companies in the last decade).

2% is pretty low. SPYD gives almost 5% and lots of dividend stocks give 7-10% like NLY and BX and GECC.

DRIP's are tax free

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i don't think this is true, DRIP is still cash given then reinvested so its a capital gain and taxed at the percentage of your income (for most people, 15%)

I thought dividends were our friends?

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Indexing is a meme, the top 10 companies make up most of all the revenues. Our entire economy is dependent on apple selling chink phones at this point

Indexes are your frens, Jack Bogle is your savior.

It seems like SPYD is an ETF geared toward income, but even then it looks like they're only throwing off 3.25%. It seems that Vanguard also has an income fund, but it's not much better.

Now your other choices seem more viable, but dumping your cash into a small handful of companies is pretty counter to what everyone preaches about diversification. Surely there's a fund that's geared toward providing income for investors, right? You'd think they'd have a fund that just has the higher dividend producers with, say, an 8% minimum return.

I must be missing something.

>t. financial brainlet

Wen to cut losses frens?

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Never, unless you're bagholding options or penny stocks that might collapse



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RIP market. Reverse head and shoulders failed.

I didnt hear no bell

no way

What do you nignogs think will happen with AMRS earnings?

>sideways trading on low volume
Bit premature to call anything yet.

road to 15


2 more days before we can make that conclusion. That chart I showed yesterday was a 6 week chart with 1 day candles.



I FUCKING GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What the hell happened? Eps lower than expected?

Yeah. I'm kind of sick to my stomach right now and will probably get wasted tonight.

-.63 a share that's fucking terrible

Never let those PUNK ASS BEARS win. EVER!

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I’m out of this shitty company. Thank God I didn’t have that much in it. I’m mostly in Micron. Think I should sell now or wait for a dead cat bounce?

Micron is also where my other money is that isn't in AMRS. Wish I'd sold that a few months ago when it peaked

QRHC through earnings for me

She is naked underneath.
t. Professional masturbator

Prepare for trouble
And make it quadruple !

Give me a QRD on QRHC.

I'm 25% down this year..

Where’s the bottom? Am I gonna is pay less for gas at the pump?

AMRS bros what do you make out of this? Obviously the EPS miss was yuge, but the underlying numbers don't look too bad. Most of the revenue miss was from loss of Grants and collaborations which is extremely fucky to begin with. Rev/COGS actually improves slightly.

Anyone on the line? Can someone please grill the fucker on exactly how he's booking revenue from his "deals" and wtf was up with his "guidance"?

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So do I buy back in or what? I have a grand of leverage.

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Checked !
10 years ago the price/barrel was up 300%
Gas was less at the pump.
Math sounds bad as fuck.

No idiot. No one knows what the fuck is going on. I certainly can't make sense of these numbers.

I have no idea t b h but I'm not inclined to believe that this reflects on their longer term prospects. I'm just trying to stay cool.

Fuck bros I can’t interpret this market either and y’all are smarter at this shit than me. I’m just keeping my money in Micron and Yamana Gold. I also want to get out of NVIDIA but they’re slow to crawl back to where my average was at.

>ctrl+f my two stocks that went up 20% today
>0 results

heh nothing opersonrtasl losers

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>Micron and Yamana Gold
Bro no don't do this... At least AMRS has a chance of making it, unironically go all in on NVDA below $200 isn't a bad idea though.

I bought initially for long term prospects, which is why I didn't sell at $9 (yes I'm retarded), I unironically believed it was worth mid-teens. But these revenue numbers look just horrible, and I haven't got any idea how they can miss rev this bad from the guidance last q.

I have pretty low averages on them. What’s the issue?

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another day of capitulation
something is brewing
we're due for a recession
i don't think it'll hit until late 2019, maybe early 2020

Yeah I didn't sell at $9 either so you have company in your retardation.

I agree, I can see a lot of sideways wabbling before it finaly gives

guys go all in WEED STOCKS. when the market crashes only a few things will still sell like alcohol/tobacco, pharmaceutical drugs that people always need, WM stock and of course WEED because...

>its cheap
>it provides stress relief for those who are impacted by the financial crisis
>can be used as pain relief/medically
and it will soon be avaialble in Blue Moon beer drinks! BUY WEED STOCKS!!!

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>A company that makes relatively low tech product under intense competitive pressure from Chyna and a gold miner that doesn't have any gold mines
Geez user I wonder.

This q has been absolutely horrid on earnings, every company seems to be revising down outlook. I'm selling all my shit prior to earnings starting from tomorrow.

Too late for AMRS though, luckily I only have a smallish position so I may as well ride this shit to see where it goes.

Let's say I have eight stocks I bought for $7.39 for a total of $59.12. I dont want to lose more than $10.00. I should put a stop loss at $6.14 then?

>do my maths homework for me

If I can't ask questions about stocks here, then what is the point of this general

that's not a stock question it's a maths question.

Or you could do what I did and go 50% VTI, 50% handful of singles I handpicked for dividends or recession padding. Best of both worlds.

Well friends it seems our hero Armin turned out to be a shit in hiding. Lawyers are involved in it now. The stock tanked back to 17 again today. I bailed when it was at 19 so lucky for me I broke even. While I was on the selling train, I sold some more positions, trimmed the excess bloat I didn't need. Ended up with enough profit to achieve the ultimate goal; buying Amazon stock. While it was Cheap (er) at that. Now to round things off next week with buying GE, BHGE, WMT, Microsoft, Fox, and Intel.

Can then just sit back and watch the profit grow and grow over the next 20 - 30 years

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>beat earnings
>beat revenue
>beat forecast
I'm getting kinda tired of this market.

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That's what I did, kinda.
VFORX - Mutual fund w/total market diversification
Then a few stocks.