Tfw no social skills

>tfw no social skills
>no friends (no network)
>people with both get ahead in life
>tfw 33 year old khv
>make shit money and live with parents
>The Chad and Stacy popular coworkers i had move into finance jobs like IB, corporate finance or equity research (I'm an accountant at a big4)
>actually have a coworker, terrible with Excel, that had an IB summer internship. But they're outgoing and attractive
What do? How do I get social skills and friends to get a better job. How do I make it?

>tfw life is passing me by

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>33 year old khv
>how do I make it?
You already lost your chance. Life has passed you by. Or rather, that life has. Fate has chosen a different life for you. Use your free time to study your subject of choice. You can enrich the world through your works.

Unironically this, but it's actually the based and redpilled option

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Lindsey Pelas

Go all in Chainlink right fucking now

Yes, OP. Embrace monkhood and strive for enlightenment.

>no social skills
I don't understand this. The only people that have "no social skills" are diagnosed autists and 50 IQ retards.

>tfw 33 year old khv
Clearly what you've been doing for the past 33 years hasn't worked. You're still not too late to make a major change to your life. My advice would be force yourself to network (get a new hobby?) and hit the gym if you don't already.

go fuck a nigger, bitch!

Nothing you can really do. Just hope reincarnation is real and you come back as Chad in the next life.

Don't listen to this faggot It's never too late to change yourself and learn social skills. it's a SKILL for a reason. you have to practice and practice and then practice some more at it. Defeatists fags who say it can't be done are the same ones sitting in their room night after night jacking off lonely and depressed with no motivation to change themselves. You have that spark to change though OP and that is all you need to develop this SKILL. It's a fucking S K I L L man. just like accounting is a skill that you had to learn, so too is socializing.

I'm 23 and heading down the path to becoming OP. How do I stop myself?

just nofap ma nigga

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Stay strong brother. I just quit porn yesterday but these fucking threads are killing me too. We must pull through to realize our true potential as men.

I'm on nofap but nice try. I do now understand how the crime of rape happens however.

Unfortunately your brain has crystallized. You're out of luck :(

I may be autistic

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How do I get a plastic bimbo gf?


I do gym, but cutting now, haven't been in a month (I do cardio though)

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Hit the gym. You're young enough to get jacked in just a few years. The increase in test will improve your life in every way and almost certainly get you laid

Let's fix you OP
Can't be too radical otherwise you wouldn't keep up
> fap once / 3 days
> lift 1/ week
> try to fuck some landwhale at least, you will not overvalue pussy so much
> avoid single mothers, don't fall for the trap

do this for 2 months then come back
or else you are a faggot

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I do the first two tbqh

Don't know how to talk to grills and try to sleep with them though

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gymcelling doesn't work

Talk to them like they're people. Make jokes until one of them finds it funny.

The fuck you are talking about. Gymcelling is one of the first lookmaxing tool.

>I do the first two tbqh

No wonder you're depressed as fuck.

Not fapping is some of the most retarded shit in existence. It relieves stress and releases dopamine.

The whole idea of nofap is made by stupid virgins. Somehow these autismal spergs thought that being extra desperate would help them attract women. L O L. Its like starving ethiopian niggers in hopes of them getting getting hungry enough to create sustainable agriculture.

Don't listen to virgins giving you shit ideas. And how do I know that virgins came up with nofap? Because this whole retarded bullshit assumes that sex can somehow REPLACE fapping. Like lmfao bitch, fapping is at least 3 times better. Fuck your girl at 10pm and then wait for her to fall asleep and jack off at midnight for THE MEANEST orgasms. I love that shit. So yeah, use it or lose it.

Stop master baiting and spending all your time looking at a screen. Human beings are not ment to live life like that. You nee human interaction weather you like it or not. I struggle with the same shit man i know its hard. Find a hobby where you do shit outdoors. Camping with other people maybe car/motorcycle club,rock climbing anything. Just hang out there and someone will say something to you eventually

Enjoy your upcoming erectile dysfunction, faggot
Been in your place, no fap is much better, you shower your gf in cum literally instead of wasting it on porn.

Your anecdote with niggers is completely wrong, moron.
Instead of learning to farm. Western idiots give them with endless supplies of food gibs (porn), so niggers will never feel the need to grow a crop (fuck a women).
No fap version of this would be to let them starve and learn under pressure.

no fap is not for people who jerk off twice a week you dunce. Its for people who have to cum 6 times a day to porn

That's the extroverted ideal. And science does not agree with it.

Some people's amygdalas are more easily stimulated, hence why we are more comfortable at home than in some group setting. There's no need to strain yourself and put on some bullshit pseudo-extroverted facade just to fit into some idea of how life is meant to be lived.

It's your life. Stop stressing over whatever shit you feel like you "should" do with it. Fap and play WoW with your guild all night if you feel like it. Just do whatever feels good.

Only so much you can do to enhance your looks as an ethnic manlet. Gymcelling would bring me from a 2/10 to maybe a 3.

Lmao impotent fag. How old are you? I'm pushing 30 and have no trouble getting it up multiple times a day.

i get what your saying, people are different but did humans evolve in groups or clans, or did they just sit at home in the dark stroking there cocks to porn? Im telling him to talk to the clerk at target not get a gf. Fuck man even sitting next to someone in the movie theater is better then sitting in a room alone

30-year old boomer too. Hard on all night, just couldn't cum naturally. No fap improved the situation significantly. If I kept fapping furiously I would have really ended up an impotentfag.
How about you try and then report back?
No fap > higher test > more winning
Why the fuck do you think fighters are banned from sex week before the match?

You are missing the point here tough.
The reason while you can actually live this "Fap and play WoW with your guild all night if you feel like it. Just do whatever feels good." lifestyle is, because living conditions are so safe and developed in the 1st world. To actually build up to this state, thousands of years of extroverted human group cooperation was needed.

Good luck surving in a case of some natural disaster, food shortage or war scenario. Or if you your flat turns on fire while you forget to put out your joint while sleeping on your keyboard after shitposting and gaming isolated for weeks. Dont you want the fire brigade help you in this case, or do you want to loose your home or even die in your sleep?

ok so

>have to torture myself with long nofap streaks to barely function like a normal person
>autistic, are there even any anti-autism pills? not that i know
>5'5 manlet
>actually Jow Forums but lean and manlet so it doesn't matter
>feel like my brain is deteriorating by the day making me stall at life and college
>so much stress because of real life issues and finance issues, visualize myself failing college everyday because of this, already at the edge of dropping out at my third year

i feel like chainlink is my only hope and even if it doesn't work it could potentially make me do that last big push with hope so i don't fuck up my life with debt and no-career at least

why not getting an ethnic womanlet gf then?
maybe some goblina will do

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how to stop from instanutting
A: it doesn't matter what you do she'll like it she's in it for your money

Nofap is impossible, been trying for 5 years now, the longest I've gone was fucking 40 days.
It is impossible.


Any tips on how to practice? I often go days without talking to people, who do I even talk to and about what?

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not bad bait, but only because you didn't use the word incel

main issue with learning to sociabilize is that if you had always problem with that, even if you learn to sociabilize the gains can fade away and you can go back to zero again

you can expend a full year becoming sociable, but if the next year for X reason you had much less social interactions, you will quickly realize how you will lose your skills with time

SJU is the patricians choice.

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Tried it, didn't see any changes tbqh

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be yourself


Wtf, why not wait till it dumps first. Dont fomo

ethnic womanlets only date 6'2'' +

ask yourself OP, do you really want to change or you're just trying to do it due to peer pressure?
if you're comfortable with who you are, why change?

I would not say I'm comfortable though. Hate where I am in my life tbqh

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Testosterone peaks after 10 days of nofap, but then rapidly goes down to homeostasis. It's good to fap once a week. No more no less.

>tfw tried to become successful to fuck bitches
>tfw am moderately successful, but see women as burdens

What do? I feel like I don't even want to smash anymore. I'm a virgin too at 25.
