
Just wanted to let you know that you are all waaaay underestimating how high this will go.

Attached: D1D9BA77-103D-46AD-AC53-114760E9D6AB.jpg (4032x3024, 3.16M)

Other urls found in this thread:,32_KE33,36.htm?jl=2996771967&ctt=1542152899299,40_KE41,43.htm?jl=3019750916&ctt=1542152903404,41_KE42,51.htm?jl=2994148380&ctt=1542152835884

wee woo wee woo this is the larp police, I'm going to need to see some ID and hear about where your information comes from

>sir please leave the lobby or we will call the police

NASA bro here. link is beyond what you can imagine.

Microsoft faggot here. Link is so far beyond what you are all imagining. Right now is the wayyy before the beginning.

McDonald's faggot here. Link is so far beyond what you are all imagining. Right now is the wayyy before the beginning.

Come on Stinky, what are you basing this on?

I also know inside info....

Attached: bog75406589.png (602x1088, 177K)

SpaceX here, you all can't even begin to comprehend what link is going to do

You serve coffee at morgan stanley?

wow you work for a Morgan stanley wealth mangement branch with a bunch of brokers. big fucking deal brainlet.....

link will be used by ayyliums to connect with our smart contracts, you have NO idea on how big it is


Attached: 1532273772000.png (522x729, 236K)

5kk eod


Attached: 1534716164706.jpg (361x281, 6K)

Interdimensional traveler here. OP is correct.

Attached: 00-0879333.jpg (1024x768, 190K)

Start looking into job postings by potential partners.

just spill it out already

lmfao did you really inspect element your phone just to LARP this link FUDders are so desperate

This weenie has been posting all year. He found that fucking phone in storage in his dad's basement.

i want to believe

sequoia, I can smell your cunt

Cmon. Show us

>potential partners
for fuck sake there are hundreds. just tell us you stupid fuck.

Vitalik here.
Sergey pick up the phone man.
I am sorry about that augur tweet.
Didn't really mean it h-heh ya know autism and sheit.
Sergey please.

>job postings by potential partners

"potential" means anyone. Care to be more specific

Checked. I'm gonna need some more breadcrumbs Mr. Larper. Why would the price of Chainlink go that high?

based $2500 EOY

>Double 1s 7 double 3s 8 double 4s
>Posted at 18 18 x02
>Time Traveler Revealed
Please tell me more about this frame of time I live in and what Link will be on January 1st, 2019. I want to believe.

Attached: Help.png (545x530, 234K)

Why all these digits. What does this mean?

Attached: What is going on.jpg (641x530, 53K)

I know that's your desk Michael.

The singularity is slowly approaching, the chaos energy is being accumulated around us and its manifestation into reality are in form of repeating digits

I didn't notice the name in your pic until now

I guarantee I have a bigger dick than you, you fucking micropenis ganges swimmer

Thanks. We will see where this thread goes. Weird stuff.

Attached: Just checking.jpg (250x243, 9K),32_KE33,36.htm?jl=2996771967&ctt=1542152899299,40_KE41,43.htm?jl=3019750916&ctt=1542152903404,41_KE42,51.htm?jl=2994148380&ctt=1542152835884

>At least 1 years of experience developing distributed applications using JavaScript, JSON, Python or Go languages
>JSON or Go languages

Attached: 1518406510306.jpg (530x794, 51K)

looking at all these career pages is bringing back bad memories user, please help

Attached: 1539132965533.jpg (800x800, 56K)

user isn't a time traveller you fucking dink he's an inter dimensional traveller stupid fuck

Bending time to travel through dimensional time..or, maybe some other way to do this other than affecting time??.. seems kinda like a time traveler to me. Thanks for the clarification there user!

linkChads have been getting digits the last couple days, singularity will be soon when US government announces they will be using chainlink for elections after the fraud in Florida this year. Kushner is heavily invested in Link
something similar to here:
LINK will moon when the US government announces a multi-billion dollar purchase of coins and that it will be hosting millions of nodes

Attached: chainlink rocket.jpg (589x2244, 493K)

Morgan. Stanley.

Attached: BD091444-03CD-4BDB-88DC-C84051DEA370.jpg (232x162, 13K)

dont play with my emotions

Attached: 1541965626018.jpg (625x415, 40K)

Larper a few months ago did the same caller ID shill
>Why are you here, state your claim!

Attached: 1532540785514.png (331x132, 40K)

Attached: 1527668977633.png (1082x695, 503K)

I guess we are the only board to actually outsmart the Jews for once.

Attached: 1517280430158.png (1280x928, 64K)

I want to believe otherwise I will kill myself and livestream it

Why not share one potential partner to look at postings for OP?


keked. hope so.

cringe and bluepilled. you're all faggots that make me embarrassed to hold LINK. pathetic.

I'll start tomorrow. I'm a solid software developer and I specialize in long-term infrastructure. Just tell me where to send my CV. I need to get to 100k LINK before the singularity happens.

Attached: angrierlizard.jpg (960x498, 34K)

There it goes again. Checked my fren. Blessed Kek is with you

>Proficiency in Go

Oh lawd it's happening

i see you upgraded timelines user. noice.

Attached: link future.jpg (750x1129, 296K)

that's hot. we should totes meet up somewhere comfy like underneath a bridge and compare notes. what's your skype?

And there have been many more since I posted. Look below your last post even.

This looks interesting
sounds familiar?

Attached: based and redpilled.png (500x560, 298K)

God here. Yes, he is the chosen one. Go all in.

what this dude is hinting at is node operators will be wined and dined by businesses to "persuade" them to stake their linkies on the companies node

JSON is not a language

Friendly reminder 1k usd eoy digits speak.

Attached: 1542120778552.gif (328x248, 1.74M)

Brainlet this good for link?

>Muh whitelabel
All of you that think Chainlink will be used as a (((whitelabel))) are deluded. Why would the financial and technology industries invest funds into a simple json parser and slap a new name on it, when they can have their dev team set one up in under an hour? Chainlink is a failed project. The only thing the Chainlink team did correctly was identify the oracle problem, but their solution is unorthodox and unreliable. If one node goes down, they all go down. Not to mention the flaws that have recently been discovered with GoLang. Chainlink is an insecure, invalidated, and expensive solution to an easy-to-fix problem. Anyone with a background in software development can tell you how easy it would be to create a simple middle ware platform in Java. If a first year CS student can do it, then slave-pay tier Pajeets can do it too. You faggots aren't going to the moon. You're not the crew of Apollo 11. You're the crew of Apollo 13, and you mother fuckers just stirred the tanks.


These LARPs are so shit all the time. Real breadcrumb:

Start going through the sewage tank that connects to Sergey's toilet. Once you've found his Bic Mac riddled shits, whiff and see if you can smell the partnerships.