Anyone else here planning to retire early?
>Save 50%+ income
>Put it in a S&P 500 index fund
>Retire when you hit $1.0-1.5 million (with a middle class income this will take 10-15 years)
>Can safely withdraw around 3.5% per year ($35k-52.5k) (after accounting for inflation) every year. FOREVER.
>Literally every wagecuck in America is sacrificing the majority of their time to pay you to do whatever the fuck you want
>Never have to work again
>Low stress, healthy life will let you live till 90+
/fire/ general
Yup working towards that too, I'm going through my 401k and trying to figure out how to best structure it in the case the market takes a down turn, but yeah I'm working on paying down my debt, putting money into my Roth IRA and trying to find a new job that pays more so I can put more gas on this fire. I'm just worried about a possible recession and the job market. I still have yet to find a job I like, everything just drains my soul.
i hope you get wiped out faggot
Enjoy wageslaving your entire life
Don't forget that health insurance is $20k a year.
I plan to buy a bunch of LINK and graduate before I graduate college
I have Canadian and EU citizenship, if I ever get sick I can go to Canada or Europe and get healthcare for free
*retire before I graduate college
Damn, jealous. Hope they don't close off that loophole for you as their budgets collapse over the next few decades.
They won't, muh healthcare is a fucking religion in Canada
They would rather have 90% payroll taxes than give up muh healthcare
yet again holy trips prove it's not your income that matters but your assets that produce income. Why aren't you buying dividend stocks anons?
>based gets
>redpilled retirement
>tfw poasting in epic thread
Aren't index funds safer than dividend stocks?
FIRE has gotten really popular with people in their 20's (I'm one of them), but it's a pipe dream for most and I seriously suggest you stop advertising it. To begin with, the circumstances required to grant you the kind of job with pay high enough to save 50%+ of your income is already uncommon among the American populace. Then, you have to be fortunate enough to have a positive networth, rather than negative, AND you have to be willing to make fundamental sacrifices in your life and live a lifestyle the vast majority of people would not.
Once you get past all that, there's the final and most important point about most people, including most people interested in this lifestyle, lacking the discipline needed to pull it off. I have a really good hunch that the next bear market will be so brutal, that a good half of all the people going nuts over FIRE with shit their pants and forget all about it.
Finally and most importantly, once you exclude all those people who won't make it, chances are even less people will be able to do what's needed not for a year or two or three but 1.5-2 decades
because a) stock picking as a retail investor is for brainlets and b) "dividend" stocks aren't any different from stocks that pay out dividends and appreciate0 in share price
>live a lifestyle the vast majority of people would not.
>Debt free
>Parents paid for college
>Software dev
Its the right move for me but I understand your objections user
Forgot to add that I am a boring guy who is frugal regardless and don't like working
>I am a boring guy
It helps a lot to be antisocial when it comes to FIRE. Going out, associating with normies etc. costs lots of money and time.
Why not both? Stocks within an index pays money into itself through DRIP plans are great, plus dividends can help blunt any market downturns, especially if you dollar cost average in.
You have to spend decades walking the line between a modest life and lowering your quality of life, and you will constantly question yourself where you fall. In all likelihood you will have to actively shun most consumerist attitudes, which DOES have an impact on the attitudes towards you from everyone around you, and you will have to deal with it. It's a life without status symbols and surprisingly it starts to bite. The biggest of all which is commonly discussed on FIRE forums is partner selection and the decision to be childfree.
Yes, there may be a unicorn out there, some interesting woman with a large income like yourself who is not interested in having kids, or perhaps only wants one. Fat chance. Reality is roasties and their brood are a cancer that will obliterate any chance you have of achieving financial independence because you live in a society that depends upon you manning up and providing, and working yourself to the bone until you die. Ironically the value of the stocks we depend on for an early retirement will only go up in value if every other good goyim continues in this cycle while we reap the rewards. So like I said stop advertising it.
>Get gf
>Monthly saving instantly drop about 500 dollars
How do I turn my gf into a jew?
your gf IS the jew
So avoid the normie lifestyle and the roast and all should go well then?
Go for the hippy angle.
Eating out? Bad for the environment. New clothes? Made by a kid in a sweatshop. Vacation? Airplane travel contributes to global warming.
jewish women are the worst of all
pay up and prepare your anus, or dump her and either take annual trips to Pattaya, invest in a fleshlight, or both
t. Jew
She already know Idgaf about countries that don't matter, and she is of the "treat yourself" mindset.
It's making me fatter and my wallet thinner. But she also makes more money than me so she treats me often. Her parents are the ultimate jews, making her buy them half a house. But I suppose this is the way of Koreans.
How do I reach top level jewing?
You're fucked. Your only hope is to get a fat income, and even then it'll all get spent.
Who here is in vangaurd high yeild dividend index?
Was it good to pon all my life savongs on it? Are the yeilds going to keep me paying the bills?
Yeah and at 22 I too was all gung ho about fuck the normies and this and that.
Now I'm 26, still live with my parents, despise women, and the third of a million I have in the bank means I can't even bring myself to give a single solitary fuck at work
Just buy SAFEX you faggots.
The majority of what people spend their disposable income on does not make your life better, happier or more fulfilling
>Leased/financed new cars
>Cable aka the talmudvision
>Houses worth 2-3x their lifetime rental value and the associated insurance, financing, taxes, repairs, maintenance and appliances
>Brand-name clothing
>Short vapid vacations like going to Los Vegas for a long weekend
>Alcohol, cigarette, pot addictions
>High interest debt to finance it all
Here's my life:
>If its a nice day, I bike 5km from a townhouse I rent with one of my friends into work and park it underground. If its bad out I take the bus or a cab/uber
>Work and come home
>Lift weights 3 days a week in my power rack
>Cook myself a restaurant quality meal with YouTube videos in the background
>Play vidya or go on tinder with netflix in the background (need this for netflix and chill, otherwise I would just stream shit from KOBI)
>Occasionally invite braphog single mothers from Tinder over to have sex
>On the weekend I walk 1/2km down the street, buy groceries and cart it back
How would you substantially improve my life with the other half of my income?
Literally doesn't take much to push in 3-5k every year for 10-15 years with a two income household unless you are absolutely inept at budgeting or have your only job options be retail. The hard part is finding a partner who is willing to share the vision and put in 1.5k-2.5k between the two of you and raise your children to not be targeted by financial natural selection. While I can understand most of your points ya can have your cake and eat it too.
Longterm any index fund that broadly samples the market will outperform every other strategy but being a genius investor like buffet
*3-5k every month for every year
I've been doing FIRE, saving 50% of my gross since I graduated college making only 60k. I lived so fucking poor I had roommates and never went out or bought anything new. I am 28 and make ok salary but I save almost 60% of gross income. It amazes me people making half of what I make buying BMWs and shit right now with ridiculous loans. Even my boss who probably makes twice what I make frequently comments about pay days and living paycheck to paycheck, yet buys a new sports car every 6-8 months. I make about 180k and still feel like I'm poor. Everything seems so expensive. Even the monitor I'm using right now has all these fucked up lines on it because my computer is 10 years old and I can't get myself to spend money on a new one. I cook all my meals, even lunches and never buy alcohol, only drink when I can mooch of friends.
I was investing primarily in S&P500 but recently holding cash now now sure about stocks right now. I put a about $20k in bitcoin, thinking about some precious metals, not a lot just as a hedge.
>making 180k per annum
>still living like a couch surfer
Holy fuck user where do you live?
Oh yeah? You know a lot of women making $5k a month? In a country where the median income of an entire household has only just now reached $5k a month?
like I said earlier you're thinking on the scale of a year or two and not a decade or two
>one day you're going to fucking despise the thought of living with some other person and want an apartment to yourself, suddenly your rent doubles
>one day the 9-5 coupled with lifting fatigue/injuries will leave you completely exhausted and unable to stay ahead of chores/cooking/etc., suddenly you find yourself eating out and buying services more
>suddenly nasty slampig shatters your pelvis and now your healthcare costs skyrocket
shit happens
Even basic data entry jobs make around 40-60k per annum you just need to not be inept. Hell, if she only makes 30k per annum I'd be able to supplement with my 90k per annum anyways.
I have worked in offices with normie white girls that are happy making $30k doing data entry. If I marry anyone its going to be one of them because women pretty much never marry down in terms of income
ITT brainlets who need to be going the 4 Hour Work Week route instead of trying to win the retirement lotto.
Yeah but how, most of that book felt like it was just saying "hire some overseas help and automate ______ job" which doesn't help that much.
boston. was paying $580/m in rent. now I pay $1140/m mortgage inc. tax/insurance. barely spend
You nearly doubled yourself in living expenses holy shit, pay your house off first before investing again. That mortgage is going to destroy you long term since you didn't pay right out of the pocket.
Pick literally any simple business model online and outsource it. I did this multiple times. I’m 30 and have never worked. FIRE is a pipe dream and way shittier means of reaching the same freedom.
FIRE is a very good goal for autistic programmers imo
Outsource to where?
I could pay it off but the mortgage is like 3.2%.. my s&p500 index fund has paid like 12%+
Based. I went from wanting to be rich to attract roasties to wanting to be rich so I could never again have to work another day. Ultimate red pill. You’re also right about needing good goys to continue buying McMansions and Tesla’s for this to work. Only worry is the debt bubble induced market volatility this type of cattle mindset results in.
It was originally my goal to just be able to live a neet life and shitpost in luxury but I took up lifting to improve my health. I started to get some mires and flirts so I decided to try tinder and I have had some luck despite being a sperg
Nigger, you're thinking about this wrong.
>save 95%+ of income
>put it into value investments with a margin of safety (lets say you can get 10-12% returns)
>leverage (1.5-2X) with cheap debt/credit that can't be margin called (mortgage, insurance float, heloc, etc..)
>diversify income streams with uncorrelated returns
Congratulations, now you earn 15-24% average on the long term and you will not be broke unless the market crashes 70%+. This is literally what Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, Soros did, and unless you have any better ideas, let me know...
If you do this successfully, you will be a billionaire guaranteed. The hard part is doing enough due diligence to protect yourself against catastrophic losses. For example, Bill Ackman would prob be worth 5-7B+ if he didn't lose 90%+ on VRX and get rekt on HLF, and hes only 52 years old.
FIRE will never catch on for most people. Consumer life style is way too engrained in American culture. The risk is a market collapse, as one is coming eventually. But if you can deal with a 50% draw down you'll be fine on the other side when its pumping out 10% a year again.
With Asian women you can sometimes find a nice frugal one but with white women 99% will spend ALL your money
What? Real estate?
Every boomer in America has 3/4 of their savings tied up in houses and will be trying to sell in 10 years and there will be no buyers
Pay it off. Having not to pay a mortgage every month frees up alot of space, how expensive is your house anyways?
This. Asian gf equally frugal as me. Immune to status symbol bull shit it seems.
Upwork etc
This is generally terrible advice. With a low interest rate you're generally better of always having a mortgage as just about ANYWHERE you put the money will outpace the interest you pay on the house.
You're also tying up a lot of money in an illiquid asset.
There's an opportunity cost to paying off cheap debt. An individual townhouse or condo is also not an investment-grade asset because if you tried to collect rent it likely would not even cover your financing in most hot markets.
I said value investments nigger.
Obviously you won't invest in boomer real estate that yields 3-4% before fees, but in 2009-2011 you could have invested with 10-15% earnings yield with record low mortgage rates.
Right now, the best investments i'm finding are value stocks like Apple, Kraft-Heinz, Alliance Data Systems, Charter Communications, AT&T.
I've also invested money into GPUs, since I get free electricity. I bought 40 GTX 580s for $180 each after taxes and shipping. If I mine $20 with them, which will take approximately 35 days if I overclock them, I'll be able to easily sell them off for $160 each on the used market. The good thing is that the retard who sold them has a 30 day return policy, so I'm literally taking no risk and by the time my return policy runs out, I'll be within a margin of safety assuming there's no disruption in the GPU space and I can offload my GPUs onto gaymers for $160+ a pop. Hell, if there's a shortage I could even profit. Currently, every $180 spent on 1 GPU will yield me $0.60, so I break even in 300 days, with difficulty adjustments it will probably be 500+ days though.
That's true but it solves the feeling of being poor. Having 1.1k siphoned from you every month is an understanably shit feeling. Plus it ultimatelly depends how expensive his house is, anything sub 300k should be payed off anything money better placed somewhere else.
RX 580s**
same, but my net worth is only $180k
So you're making $40 for all this work?
Mining with them and returning them is likely the best financial decision - not reselling
consider paying it off if you have the funds available and are about to have financial hardships. its a lot easier to take away a home that a person owns outright rather than making a deal with mortgage lender.
I don't think you understand, I can get a relatively powerful GPU for $180, and get the cost basis down to ~$152-155 before my return expires. It fetches about $160-170 on the used GPU market, and I have a more desirable model. That means even if mining profits disappear (which they won't because I have free electricity), I'll be able to break even on my cards. So basically, if things go well I'll double or triple my money within a year lets say, and if things don't go too well, I'll still make money...
Right but if you only returned them, you would pocket $180 + the crypto instead of $160-170 + the crypto
FIRE is just NEET for the middle aged.
That's what everyone is aiming for user didn't you check the memo?
hilarious. the lengths you faggots will go to make a dollar.
Yeah that's pretty autistic to me - too much work for so little gain.
$400/mo - It probably works out to working a near minimum wage job on the side in terms of time and effort and payoff.
Have an example to share to give us an idea?